New blog on the kid : Citing Mark Shea on the Prejudice of Certain People he Considers as Racist · HGL's F.B. writings : Mark Shea : For Kaepernick AND For Tebow
- Ty Barker
- Admin
- Shared:
- I
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- Not all of them.
I really don't think Mark Shea was against Tebowing.
- I added
- a link to the article On the Dumb Nike Flap
- Ty Barker
- Your comment has been removed because it violates Facebook’s Community Standards.
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- "Nous travaillons sans relâche pour limiter la diffusion de contenu commercial indésirable en vue d’éviter les publicités mensongères, les fraudes et les failles de sécurité qui empêchent les utilisateurs d’interagir et de partager l’esprit tranquille. Nous n’autorisons pas les utilisateurs à utiliser des informations trompeuses ou incorrectes en vue de recueillir des mentions J’aime, des abonnés ou des partages."
It was NOT a commercial.
NOR a fraud.
Your removal of it on that pretense was fraudulent.
- II
- Martin Brown
- I've never even heard of this Tim bloke
- Ty Barker
- Tim Tebow is a Christian who used to play in the NFL. Liberals hated him, because he had a habit of taking a knee to give thanks to God for his success on the field. He wasn't protesting anything, he was simply expressing his faith. The same people who vilified him for expressing his faith by taking a knee to show respect for God are the same people who now lionize Kaepernick for taking a knee to disrespect police officers, the military and America in general.
- Martin Brown
- Ty Barker can we verifiably state "the same people"?
- Ty Barker
- Martin Brown Yes we can.
NewsBusters : Flashback: When Tebow Knelt
By Corinne Weaver | September 25, 2017 12:06 PM EDT
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- "While the NFL outrage poured in on all fronts over the weekend, resulting in mass protests among football players that were heavily encouraged by both the media and liberal celebrities, it’s interesting to note that about six years ago, these same outlets bashed quarterback Tim Tebow for kneeling on the field in prayer."
You have NOT verified "the same people" since "these same outlets" in article refer to some media, which are not exhautsive of the ones who are for Kaepernick.
As I showed with the link to a Catholic blogger which Ty Barker FRAUDULENTLY pretended to remove in "obedience" to FB standards.
Mark Shea was certainly for Kaepernick, as shown by the article, but as certainly, since Catholic, for the right of Tebow to bow.
Unless you can show on Mark Shea's blog that he was not so.
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- Afterthought
- I actually searched it, and found he was FOR Tebow:
Catholic and Enjoying It : What is “Christianism”?
December 13, 2011 By Mark Shea
"Those sorts of things (and similarly politicized stuff) could arguably be called “Christianism”: the conflation of a peculiar political agenda with the gospel. But Sullivan’s reason for seeing the telltale traits of Christianism in Tebow? He prays publicly. He’s overt about his faith. This discomfits Sullivan, whose own Irish Catholic pieties see this as Not the Done Thing. So Tebow is consigned to the circle of the Christianists. What then, is “Christianism”? Whatever a conservative Christian does, says, or thinks that Andrew Sullivan doesn’t like. Mystery solved."
Jewish Writer Labors to Dispel Anti-Semitic Myth…
December 14, 2011 By Mark Shea
…that Jews are smarter than the rest of us; goes into full panic mode about Tim Tebow:
If Tebow wins the Super Bowl, against all odds, it will buoy his faithful, and emboldened faithful can do insane things, like burning mosques, bashing gays and indiscriminately banishing immigrants. While America has become more inclusive since Jerry Falwell’s first political forays, a Tebow triumph could set those efforts back considerably.
What’s particularly delectable about this snobbish rant is that the author, apparently noticing the gales of laughter greeting him in this most Judeophilic nation of Gentiles on planet earth, has gone back and quietly excised this lunatic paranoid remark from his original piece. Unfortunately, he didn’t excise the whole piece.
In other words, Mark Shea, just shown to be for Kaepernick was also FOR Tebow, not against him.
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- 2 More Afterthoughts
- i
- On top of that, your article on Flasback was from September 25, 2017 - well before the Kaepernick affair, as far as I get it.
- ij
- Sorry, I seem to be wrong - in fact the Kaepernick affair was 2016 - and that was under Obama's mandate.
So, he was even protesting things which happened under Obama.
- Ty Barker
- Hans-Georg Lundahl Your link was removed because it said Trump had mocked a reporter for his disability. THAT IS FAKE NEWS.
Hans-Georg Lundahl Don't pick a fight with me Hans. First off, you’re not even an American, which means you’re not familiar enough with the Kaepernick controversy to give an informed opinion. Second, the same networks that eviscerated Tebow are indeed the same networks that are now praising Kaepernick. I never pretended to offer an “exhaustive” list, nor did I need too.
Tell you what Hans, I don’t make a habit of getting involved in the affairs of other countries, so why don’t you do Americans a favor and keep your uninformed opinions about what’s going on in our country to yourself? America is already being ripped apart by fascists like Kaepernick, so we don’t need outside help to make a bad situation worse.
Hans-Georg Lundahl On top of that, your article on Flasback was from September 25, 2017 - well before the Kaepernick affair, as far as I get it.
And thank you for making my point that you’re not informed enough about this controversy to comment. Kaepernick first started protesting in August 14, 2017 and that article I referenced was published on September 25, 2017. Of course if you had taken time to read the article, you would know that the entire reason for the article was to contrast how leftist hypocrites in the media reacted to Tebow with how they reacted to Kaepernick.
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- And if YOU had read my comment, you would have known I took issue with exactly one phrase of yours.
"are the same ones" - stated in a way not limited to leftist media.
Ergo, exactly ONE counterexample is enough to prove you wrong, and I provided one with Mark Shea.
Regardless of how little I could be informed about it in other respects.
"America is already being ripped apart by fascists like Kaepernick,"
That's meddling in Italian business.
Il Duce would be rolling over in his grave if he had overheard you comparing him to Kaepernick - since I just found out Kaepernick donated to a "pro-choice" (pro-death) so called "charity".
In his Italy, abortion with medical assistance was 2 to 5 years prison for both aborting mother and assisting medical personnel. Abortion wiithout that was 1 to 4 years.
I think you would owe Il Duce an apology for calling Kaepernick a fascist.
Ty Barker "Your link was removed because it said Trump had mocked a reporter for his disability. THAT IS FAKE NEWS."
Possible. If so, would you mind explaining the gif.
Also, while this might be fake news, it was a side issue on Mark Shea's rant against those who boycott Nike now.
Ty Barker "I don’t make a habit of getting involved in the affairs of other countries, so why don’t you do Americans a favor and keep your uninformed opinions about what’s going on in our country to yourself?"
You were a bit less eager to say things like that when I campaigned for releasing Kent Hovind, when he was still in prison, or when I supported NoBama.
- Ty Barker
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
Investors : Fake News: Trump Did Not Mock Disabled Reporter And Other Lies From The Left
Hans-Georg Lundahl BTW even though that is a "side issue," if a site is spreading fake news like that about Trump, nothing it says can be trusted. Especially when it comes to defending anti-American communists like Kaepernick.
Hans-Georg Lundahl You were a bit less eager to say things like that when I campaigned for releasing Kent Hovind, when he was still in prison, or when I supported NoBama.
There’s a difference between Christians supporting a fellow Christian who is being persecuted and getting involved in the politics of other countries. I may have opinions about Canada’s Prime Minister or Great Britain’s royal family, but I keep those opinions to myself and I wish people from other countries would show Americans the same courtesy. As a Christian, though, I would have definitely appreciated your prayers and support for Kent Hovind.
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- "The truth is, Trump has often used those same convulsive gestures to mimic the mannerisms of people, including himself, who are rattled and exasperated."
"And here's another point: Why have we seen no images of Kovaleski moving the way Trump is moving? In every video and photograph of Kovaleski we've seen, he is calmly standing still with his right arm held firm against his chest. He's not waving his arms uncontrollably.
"Why would Trump imitate a man who has difficulty moving at least one of his limbs by madly thrashing his own?"
Mark Shea, while not a liberal, is a bit too eager to find fault with Trump, so he could be a sucker for this kind of disinformation.
"if a site is spreading fake news like that about Trump, nothing it says can be trusted."
Mark Shea is a blogger. One man can have an error of judgement without being completely unreliable on all issues.
"There’s a difference between Christians supporting a fellow Christian who is being persecuted and getting involved in the politics of other countries. I may have opinions about Canada’s Prime Minister or Great Britain’s royal family, but I keep those opinions to myself and I wish people from other countries would show Americans the same courtesy. As a Christian, though, I would have definitely appreciated your prayers and support for Kent Hovind."
Well, I did.
Not so much praying, my prayer life is a bit lame, but writing in his favour.
As for Canada's prime minister, I happen to read one Canadian blogger, who called Trudeau a "fascist" and noted that was not quite correct with Mussolini's memory.
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- (starting new thread)
- If you have a real issue with Kaepernick, it should be this one:
LifeNews : Former NFL Player Colin Kaepernick Donates Thousands to Radical Pro-Abortion Group
Opinion Ryan Bomberger Sep 10, 2018 | 9:20AM Washington, DC
- Samuel Rivera
- Is incredible. Individuals like that, (Mr. Kaepernick), are the "heroes or role model" of today's society. Some even wants to compare Mr. Kaepernick and his cause and values, with Mr.Tim Tebow...NO way.
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- I am sorry, but the comparison is over the right to be public, not over each stance each makes.
- Ty Barker
- Hans-Georg Lundahl Actually the point of this thread is that liberals are rank hypocrites. No one is saying a communist like Kaepernick doesn't have the right to make millions of dollars from America's capitalist system and then trash the system that has blessed him so much. We're just saying he, and the liberals who defend him after they eviscerated Tebow, are hypocrites.
- Samuel Rivera
- Hans-Georg Lundahl Mr. Kaepernick action, is like the "pandora box"...will open in minds the "van wagon effect" We do not need to disrespect our nation "soul".... And that is just reality 101. 🤔
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- OK, the point is a bit different from the wording.
Mark Shea is not democrat, he voted third party.
Samuel Rivera - I do not say his choice was necessarily good, but as far as Mark Shea's article is concerned, unlike the donation to some pro-death "charity", he had a point.
X had been charged with a crime he could not possibly have committed. Perhaps bc X was black. This is not quite what police are supposed to be doing. Kaepernick had some point in that.
Btw, the Pandora's box comparison is exactly what a liberal Jew made about Tebow, and what Mark Shea found exasperatingly dumb.
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