jeudi 29 novembre 2018

If a FB Debate Goes On after it's Published in Several Subthreads ...

I deal with it like this, first going to the notification and responding, then copying and tidying and THEN, I look for where to insert it.

My response to TDG's comment on Church not being supposed to be a government was easy, that was last subthread, but the other one this morning was more interesting and involved a response to the moderator Michel Snoeck (also a blogger of Wise Old Goat).

First I look at the page to finding last words in my previous comment (yes, I usually have the last words in each subthread when I publish the arguments myself, since, if I have time to publish someone's response to it, I have time to answer it too, and often it's needed).

I knew from Michel Snoeck's words that it was the subthread where I had "demeaned" his competence in history by referring to his referring to Kurt Baschwitz in a previous exchange. So, I scrolled down to where Kurt Baschwitz is mentioned and see it is just before the start of subthread VIII.

Then I go to edit and look for start of subthread VIII:

And when I have saved the edit, the space before subthread VIII includes the new material:

You are all saying thank you for the lesson in applied html? My pleasure! Enjoy!/HGL

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