lundi 20 février 2017

Debating with Antonio Antranik on Aether

1) Debating with Antonio Antranik on Aether · 1b) Appendix on Aether · 2) With Antonio Antranik on Scope of Biblical Inerrance and Patristic Collective Infallibility · 3) More on Biblical Inerrance - Featuring Apocalypse

under another thread.

Antonio Antranik
Why don't you just take a rocket trip up into outer space and gaze down at the earth and report what you see, whether the earth is revolving around the sun or the other way around?

Alex Naszados
Because you can only see relative motion. There is no way to determine if the observer is at rest or moving relative to one or both of the bodies. For example, if the universe is revolving around Earth (and the Sun with it), an observer within that space would feel he is observing a spinning Earth.

Antonio Antranik
All you need to do is go up to a fixed location half way between the earth and the sun and where the stars don't revolve around your spaceship and your position is fixed relative to all the stars 360° in all planes and just observe what the sun and the earth do. If the sun changes its position and ends up on the other side of the earth in 12 hours. Simple.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Unless your fixed location is moving with the same aether which is also moving the Sun Westward, as God turns the Universe around us.

Antonio Antranik
If such objects that far away had that much angular velocity they would fly off far away to the point where they would not be seen anymore.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Angular velocity is calculated in relation to aether not empty space, could that be a solution?

Antonio Antranik
Wrong. It would be observed in relation to the earth. 360°/24hrs = 15°/hr

Hans-Georg Lundahl
It is observed as universe rotating around us.

Antonio Antranik
That's exactly what I said, for you mathematically illiterate morons.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
I think you got me wrong.

Angular velocity of objects would be that of 15°/h, except that it is aether which has that angular velocity and the objects are next to still in relation to this aether.

We do see the universe revolving around us by 15°/h, and we also know there is no physical strain on the objects from that (as well as geostationary satellites functioning), ergo, there is an aether moving westward.

How is that mathematically illiterate?

Antonio Antranik
Ether? Have you ever seen ether? Have you touched it with your hands? Have you breathed it in?

Hans-Georg Lundahl
I have just concluded it from two observations:

  • we see objects moving spatially:
  • we know they are not moving physically in relation to whatever is physically relevant at that speed:

ERGO there is aether.

Antonio Antranik
hahahaha you concluded it. Well I concluded that you are as stupid as those who believe in evolutionism.

Antonio Antranik
Without obtaining the necessary evidence you make conclusions. Rash judgement by any other name.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
At least I differ from them in not believing evolutionism.

I differ from you in taking Joshua 10:12-13 as Church Fathers took it.

Pay special attention to verse 12, please!

Hans-Georg Lundahl
I don't know what you mean by "necessary evidence", I am using the available data to their best.

Stefan Schwarz
How would you know if you are staying still Antonio Antranik?

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Stefan Schwarz - I presume he would conclude it from absence of aether and from objects otherwise flying apart?

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