vendredi 24 octobre 2014

What is a State Without Justice, Except a Big Robber Gang?

Friend, sharing link:
Medical Kidnap : Eight year old Jaxon Taken By Hospital When Parents Ask For Second Opinion
HGL, me
I'd say Munchhausen Syndrom by Proxy is far more common among medical personnel than among rest of population.
That short-haired physician looks like a Communist. And the other guy....despicable. How sad...children becoming test cases for big pharma.
"You live in the United States of America, and in this particular court setting, you’re guilty until proven innocent. He was taken away with no just cause."

People doing these things are not just authority. They are NOT covered by "Let every soul be subject to higher powers: for there is no power but from God: and those that are, are ordained of God."

Douay Rheims Catholic Bible, Epistle of Saint Paul to the Romans, Chapter 13

You see, same chapter also states:

"For princes are not a terror to the good work, but to the evil."

And furthermore:

"Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? Do that which is good: and thou shalt have praise from the same. For he is God' s minister to thee, for good. But if thou do that which is evil, fear: for he beareth not the sword in vain. For he is God' s minister: an avenger to execute wrath upon him that doth evil."

Teen Mothers. From a debate about a link I am not linking to

1) New blog on the kid : "Aborting because not enough mature"? WHAT?, 2) HGL's F.B. writings : Teen Mothers. From a debate about a link I am not linking to

Instead, I start from the point where I reacted.

Future teen mothers. So sad.
Why would future teen mothers be sad?
I think she means the whole predicament is sad, not the morons themselves
The predicament of being a future teen mother is precisely what I was taking about. And I add, why would future teen mothers be morons?
Ha! I think Hans was throwing some sarcasm in there. And I think some adults like to preserve the innocence of all children, that's why maybe this video is pointless to me.
TR, I am not sarcastic.

A teen is not a child.

An unwed teen's innocence should be preserved up to wedding exactly for same reasons as an unwed legal adult's innocence should be preserved up to the wedding.

And with exactly same flexibility - an out of wedlock pregnancy can be remediated by marriage.

Children are of course something else. Cannot make or become pregnant, for one thing.
Do I detect any sarcasm?
Hans, uneducated, skill-less, unemployable teen mothers, mostly single and bound to be repeat offenders in a culture drowning in MTV and other crap are not the idealized family creators you might think they can be. They are morons, either by choice or by consequence.
Lol...I'm not sure if I should re-read your comments until I understand them, or have another cup of coffee.
And while I agree that out of wedlock births can be remedied somewhat by marriage, a 17 year old "man" marrying a 16 year old "woman" is not one likely bound for happiness, success, or good health for all involved.
Youth is at least not bad for genetic health of offspring.

"Mostly single" is precisely what should be remedied as often as possible. If we did it, we would not lag behind Muslim immigrants in making babies so as to keep/conquer or reconquer percentages of resident populations.

"Morons" is a qualification I do not believe in.

Uneducated is less bad than unlikely to be a breadwinner. Now, for the male part this could very easily have been remedied by apprenticeship instead of school. But legislation being as bad as it became last century ...

Attacking teen mothers is at least not the ideal place to seek a remedy in the vicious circles.

T., take a cup of coffee, then reread all comments, I'll try to get one too before I see an answer to mine!

I think you have an idealized understanding of the true realities of out of wedlock teen mothers in the United States. this is not Catholic/Aryan madels having 8 kids by 25 while vater and opa work the family farm. we are talking about uneducated, tv-addicted, urban teens often with zero sense of direction, common sense, or ability to properly raise children. Nutrition, healthy play environments, and solid family structures are not in the conversation. You may think of some braided volkish girl in a dirndl, baby at her breast, but its much more likely to be an overweight, minority, TV watching, junk-food eating, too tight spandex wearing slob with a bumper sticker that says "porn star" on it. Not exactly positive genetic stock.
"I think you have an idealized understanding of the true realities of out of wedlock teen mothers in the United States"

Neither in US nor in Sweden. I am only too well aware of the true realities of teen girls refused to become teen mothers.

"this is not Catholic/Aryan madels having 8 kids by 25 while vater and opa work the family farm."

It COULD be, (either, and I prefer Catholic to Aryan, but do not deny Aryans the right to procreate either, whether Gipsy or Hindoostani) if one did not let "realities" blind one and the rest of society to possibilities.

"we are talking about uneducated,"

I e forced to attend public school.

Btw, I do not say nor have I ever said, nor will I ever say only the educated should have babies or keep their children.

" tv-addicted," "often with zero sense of direction"

I e trying to get some kind of even imagined content in a life already too much deprived of content - by a school irrelevant to them as well as a lack of possibilities for marriage and good conditions of mother hood.


You mean pregnant teens abort all over the country side, like in Red China? I don't believe that!


I e no longer children.

"[zero] common sense or ability to properly raise children."

On certain prejudiced views, like the one of a man I called Grima after his moral similarity. You know, Wormtongue in LotR.

Such men have:

  • implemented school compulsion
  • implemented abortion
  • dug the pit for these girls, basically.

"Nutrition, healthy play environments, and solid family structures are not in the conversation."

Maybe would be if:

  • father getting a work (self-employed or employed, whichever)
  • self getting out of school
  • both getting married to each other
  • both keeping their children

were what they could, watching the surroundings, like "adult world" and "responsible people" consider a realistic option.

"You may think of some braided volkish girl in a dirndl, baby at her breast, but its much more likely to be an overweight, minority, TV watching, junk-food eating, too tight spandex wearing slob with a bumper sticker that says "porn star" on it. Not exactly positive genetic stock."

If you have not got it, I am a Catholic and not a Nazi. Minorities have as much a right to get and keep children as völkische parents.

You are sounding like Talmudic Jewry.

Or, rather, extremely unlovable examples of it.

(Sorry, I did not get a cup of coffee, T., so my answers may be a bit more cantankerous than you would want to read. My bad, will try to get coffee now!)

[Later:] I have had a cup of coffee. Now, to make my own prejudices clear, they are those of Father Brown (Red Moon of Meru):

“Our prejudices seem to cut opposite ways,” said Father Brown. “You excuse his being brown because he is brahminical; and I excuse his being brahminical because he is brown. Frankly, I don’t care for spiritual powers much myself. I’ve got much more sympathy with spiritual weaknesses. But I can’t see why anybody should dislike him merely because he is the same beautiful colour as copper, or coffee, or nut-brown ale, or those jolly peat-streams in the North. But then,” he added, looking across at the lady and screwing up his eyes, “I suppose I’m prejudiced in favour of anything that’s called brown.”

Or, since Z. brought up heredity, also Father Brown and now Doom of the Darnaways:

‘The word is murder,’ he said, ‘and the freedom it brings is as fresh as the flowers of spring. No; I do not mean I have murdered anybody. But the fact that anybody can be murdered is itself good news, after the evil dreams you have been living in. Don’t you understand? In that dream of yours everything that happened to you came from inside you; the Doom of the Darnaways was stored up in the Darnaways; it unfolded itself like a horrible flower. There was no escape even by happy accident; it was all inevitable; whether it was Vine and his old wives’ tales, or Barnet and his new-fangled heredity. But this man who died was not the victim of a magic curse or an inherited madness. He was murdered; and for us that murder is simply an accident; yes, requiescat in pace: but a happy accident. It is a ray of daylight, because it comes from outside.’

I am quite in agreement with you that the lives of many a teen mother is in ruins, but I do not think it be due to her genes.

I think it is due to something coming to her from the outside.

lundi 20 octobre 2014

Beatifying to Go to Perdition?

Status in a Catholic FB Group:

Pope Francis \ Homilies : At closing Mass for the Synod Pope Francis beatifies Paul VI

My comment:

If he had beatified Fr Bryan Houghton or Abbé de Nantes or Cardinal Ottaviani or Mgr Lefèbvre, I would have been less worried about his "going to perdition" ... if you can call a cold near certainty a worry.

Check BERGOGLIO sum of letters in ASCII Code values. A=65, Z=90 (and there is one famous man internationally and one famous man now bearing that name, he still bears it as he still has an Argentinian citizenship, and his father cannot have handed it on due to the ASCII Code value in Satanistic attempts to fulfil the prophecy, since ASCII Code wasn't around till much later).

Ensuing exchange of words:

God bless these two holy men. xx
I mentioned four, which two are you talking about?

When abbé de Nantes considered Paul VI highly suspect of heresy, he felt he could trust God's providence if appealing to the apparent highest judge on earth - Paul VI. So he brought accusations against Paul VI before Paul VI. And Paul VI called, not Vatican Swiss Guard, but Italian policemen to cross the border and invade the sovereign Vatican state and evict abbé de Nantes. I have this story about Abbé de Nantes from HH Pope Michael. I do not think he made it up, nor that people denying he is pope should even dream of accusing him of that. And I do not think such manners befit someone who can be called "beatus" in the Catholic Church.

samedi 18 octobre 2014

Dialogue with Robb Thurston, who is an adherent of Pope Michael

På Svenska og på Dansk på Antimodernism : 1) Om antikristna akademiker... the prequel, 2) Om antikristna akademiker

Robb Thurston
If you want me to translate that by Google, this is a fabulous way to force me. You know English, it is now the Lingua Franca, and I will use it. Please join me in English or tolerate Google. The ball is in your court!!
Hans Georg Lundahl
No, ask MR to translate it, he can, I hope, and google can't. Or someone else of my Swedish pals, like on my other profile. Or even here. EÅ, EL, DMcI, any of you willing to translate this from Swedish to English - after asking the Morlock "Johan Strauss" (is that his real name?) if he agrees to have it translated?

To clarify - this is not a monologue, but a debate between me and the lead singer of a band called Morlocks who seem to be all of them Discordians.

[from other profile:] HW, EH, Yvonne Maria Werner PhD, Ulf Ansgar Silfverling (PhD?), MU, Stephan Borgehammar PhD (Theol.?), anyone of you care to translate from Swedish to English, after asking permission of the Morlock J. Strauss, of course? Robb Thurston seems to have an interest in the content.
Robb Thurston
Please attempt to write English, standard High School level. I am not going to joust with Scandinavian languages and their authors. You are positing to The pope of the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Roman Church, David Bawden aka Michael I. Otherwise your posts are a waste of our time. English is lingua franca now, please use it or we shall not be able to do otherwise than to get Google to translate, putatively, Frisian, Icelandic, Platt Deutsch, Schweitzer Deutsch, Danish, Old Gothic or other languages you choose. PLEASE WRITE SIMPLE English. Thanks.
Hans Georg Lundahl
Robb Thurston, I am as far as I know and hope a free man and not YOUR slave, nor His Holiness'. If he wants to know what I write in other languages than English or Latin (hoping he knows Latin better than I caught him knowing it a few years ago), he can ask a person to translate, and NOT a machine. God knows how to translate, angels too, and men. Google doesn't.

I am posting to ALL of my friends, NOT just to you or to His Holiness.

I sincerely hope he is NOT approving your idiotic and frankly barbarous and sectarian behaviour.
Robb Thurston
Please quantify this, I need to know which canon I transgress. Advise.

That is, quantify: " idiotic and frankly barbarous and sectarian behaviour." Thanks.
Hans Georg Lundahl
"You are positing to The pope of the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Roman Church, David Bawden aka Michael I. Otherwise your posts are a waste of our time."

I am as said posting to ALL of my friends, and to suppose otherwise on your part (or, God forbid, that of His Holiness) is a barbarous and sectarian presumption.

Btw, it is "posting", and not "positing".
Robb Thurston
Are all of your friends members of the One Holy Catholic and Apostolic Chuurch headed by Pope Michael I, aka David Bawden, or a sundry collecting of Scandinavians? Advise.
Hans Georg Lundahl
A sundry collection of Scandinavians, and most of us Catholics. In some of the obediences available. Sede, Ratzinger fan club and Bergoglio accepters, but some are not even Catholic. Does that satisfy your curiosity?
Robb Thurston
Nothing will satisfy me except a plenary movement of society in general towards this scripture: "Ἐπιτιμήσαι σοι ,Κύριος ". Please comply and denigrate Satan. This wil;l save your soul and the world, nothing else. FIGHT AGAINST EVIL.

Get your sundry collective of Scandinavians to assault Satan, please.
Hans Georg Lundahl
Most of us are already doing it in some way. Even if it is not minutely controlled by His Holiness or yourself. None is pro-abortion (excepting one school comrade not here mentioned). Etc.

Stephan Borgehammar has written - in English - a book called How the Holy Cross was Found. He may have done more for the faith in Scandinavia at least than HH.

That said, we are laymen, we have what is caled a life to live. We are not supposed to fight under orders like monks.