mardi 7 janvier 2025

Pre-Tribulation Rapture is NOT Biblical


The problem with this is, it presents a pre-tribulation rapture.

Those left behind will have a few hours or minutes before they die and resurrect before a judge. Those raptured will have a few hours or minutes before they hear a trump and see their brethren and enemies walk up from graves, lining up on two sides of Our Lord.

The Bible no-where says that the rapture is pre-tribulation, or, even if* there is a partial one, that all the Church will be raptured before the Tribulation.

This teaching is pretty toxic, since it leads to conclusions like this one:

It can't be the anti-christ or the mark in Revelation. It's okay to take the chip and follow this man because if it were the mark of the beast we'd all have been raptured by now.

Or someone else pretended the strong delusion foreseen in II Thessalonians is post-rapture. Nope.

[omitting a pc**]
HGL and then i read ur comment, u got it all wrong hun

HGL He is going to take us somewhere: John 14:3

how ne1 can deny the rapture is beyond me


HGL The pre-trib Rapture IS shown in Scripture

The Rapture Generation

HGL "no where"? Prove that.


And if I shall go, and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and will take you to myself; that where I am, you also may be
[John 14:3]

Yes, but it doesn't say this happens before the tribulation.


The absence of the word "Church" from chapter 4 in Apocalypse doesn't prove the Church is actually missing.

The idea that the restrainer is the Church is false. Church is feminine, so, it would be feminine "he katekhousa" but we have masculine "ho katekhon" and indeed a prequel of the final Antichrist started when in Austria and in Russia a heir of the then ho katekhon, of Emperor Claudius, was taken out of the way. The restrainer is the Roman Emperor.

JD, give me all places that talk of the rapture, and I will shown none speak of that being pre-Tribulation.

HGL; It is the Bowls of Wrath that we do not experience. Jesus makes His Harvest from ABOVE the clouds, just before it starts. Rev.14:14-16. Then the Bowls of Wrath are poured upon the earth. The 5th and 6th trumpet events put the false one into power after the 1,260 days Daniel was told about in DAN.12. 30 days later the false one is standing in the holy place claiming to be god. 45 days later BLESSED are they that WAIT and come to the 1,335th day. I figure that is when Jesus makes His Harvest of His crops to the Master's Barn! We will be ONE with Him then and may be assigned to help in our Eternal Bodies during the Bowls of Wrath. This honor have all the saints! Psalm 149:1-9; JOEL 2:1-11

If you check the previous verse in Apocalype 14, namely verse 13, it says:

And I heard a voice from heaven, saying to me: Write: Blessed are the dead, who die in the Lord. From henceforth now, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; for their works follow them
[Apocalypse (Revelation) 14:13]

The Church may not experience the bowls of wrath, but neither did Goshen experience the Ten Plagues of Egypt.

Saints who are already in Heaven, having already died, no doubt participate in punishing the persecutors of those of the Church who are still standing on ground level. This will not be much different for when the Antichrist is on scene than it is already.

HGL; What we are seeing now, and all that has happened in the past is NOTHING compared to what the 7 trumpet events will do. The first 4 are not woes, but the 5th, 6th, and 7th are classified as WOES! Like never before. The 5th and 6th I believe may have something to do with fallen angels/UFO's, demons, etc. They put the false one into power claiming he is god returned to save humanity. Blessed are they that wait and do not take the mark [probably 45 days; Dan.12]. Then the 7th and LAST trumpet sounds, which is classified as the greatest of all WOES, God's Bowls of Wrath! These events will be nothing like any of our recorded history. We may at any time now start seeing the trumpets manifest.

You have not contradicted any of my observations.

* Note
"Third Eagle of the Apocalypse" / William Tapley considers some Protestants of goodwill will be raptured. But they won't be the Church, on his view they would be kind of annexed souls as an outlier to Her, and the Church will continue on Earth to Armageddon. I'm not saying he's right. I'm saying he's not refusing the normal Catholic view on I Cor. 4, he's speaking of Matthew 24:17, housetops or rooftops (he reasons: "if they can't go down, there is only up left", I think "go down" could refer to go down into the house, they are told to wait until the enemy is out of sight, or perhaps take the stairs to the outside and run, at least, definitely, not to go down into the house — it is possible this was already fulfilled with Titus' arrival).

** Note
Not a personal computer, but a personal comment.

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