mardi 29 août 2023

Even More?

FB "Removing Spam" From Back in 2019! · Even More? · Quora Too?

This time, after taking the screenshot, I got no chance of appealing, the pop-up window was gone after I finished making the image, and it wasn't coming back, however, I can refer to the post that I shared on - very obviously - a relevant group.

Creation vs. Evolution : Ambiguous Sentence Found
Wednesday 23 Octobre 2019, Hans Georg Lundahl

Is it because FB only showed the pop-up once, or is it because some admin on the cyber clicked the button I didn't intend to click?/HGL

PS, it is not the same that was turned down after review, I checked./HGL

PPS, here is another item:

PPPS - and another:

It gives a link, purportedly to taking measures of proving the account is mine, I'll copy the link and log out of both blog and FB before using it, and see if it is anywhere like legit, or a hacker./HGL

PPPPS - seems it was a hacker, here is where the link led to:

PPPPPS - the account seems to either belong to a hacker or have been hacked, I think the latter:

after lots of scrolling:

Every post after these two was identic, and all of them were from c. 24 h. ago. Too many not to have been automated./HGL

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