dimanche 7 novembre 2021

Shaun Doyle's and My (Rare) Interaction

Shaun Doyle
10th August (2021)
Religion and spirituality isn't fundamentally about what works for you. It never was, and it never will be. It's about what's true or false. Real or fake. Whether God exists or not isn't dependent on what works for you. Whether Muhammad was a true prophet or not doesn't depend on what works for you.

If your religion or spirituality is about what works for you, you've fundamentally missed the point of religion and spirituality. Even if you feel it works for you, it can still be false.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
There are levels where spirituality is about what works for you, like chosing the celibate or married life, though. Obviously this is way beyond the fundamental question of what is truth (but one argument for Catholicism is, it usually leaves celibate or marriage up to you, corresponding to the 100-fold/60-fold and 30-fold fruit of a certain parable).

Note, my celibate is not about what works for me, it is about what was foisted on me. In a non-definitive, and yet non-ending way.

Shaun Doyle
Hans-Georg Lundahl I'm clearly talking about what religion/spirituality somebody chooses, not optional spiritual practices within a religion/spirituality.

Besides, all Christian traditions leave the choice of marriage or celibacy up to the individual. But, contra Catholicism, most strands of Protestantism are both freer and in line with Scripture for more people, since we don't refuse marriage to clergy (1 Tim. 4:3). Indeed, Paul says 'presbyteroi' should be 'one woman men' (1 Tim. 3:2; Titus 1:6). Whatever the precise implications of that phrase (some say elders should ALWAYS be married, but Paul almost certainly didn't mean to exclude himself from possibly being an elder), Paul clearly allowed married men to be clergy.

Blocked combox
Shaun Doyle a limité qui peut commenter cette publication.

Tried other account
Shaun Doyle limited who can comment on this post.

So, the following cannot be written back to Shaun Doyle in context. First some Apologetics, for Catholicism:

  • Pope Michael has restored married clergy in the Latin rite (it has been abolished c. AD 1000 by Pope Gregory IX), and the first priest he ordained is a married one, father Francis Dominic;
  • For those not accepting David Bawden's emergency conclave and the outcome at which he became Pope Michael, Eastern Rite Catholics never lost that, since their conditions for reuniting with the Pope were very often to not become involved in the Gregorian Reform;
  • I am thankful Shaun Doyle sees - as some Protestants do not see - that St. Paul recommending celibacy and living it did not intend (or at the very least sees he did not necessarily intend) to make "elders" always married (the reference to his own life need not be correct, since he could have considered himself an episkopos rather than a presbyteros, for one);
  • "one woman men" is intended as a maximum - under Eastern Rite or under Pope Michael (I presume), a man married once to a woman who is also married to her first man may become priest, but a man remarried after widowhood or married to a widow can't;
  • the reference to Scripture in Church discipline is moot - does Shaun Doyle think every woman entering a Church needs to have her head covered (1 Corinthians 11:10) or every woman, man or child who is in the Church (rather than still outside the community of believers) needs to abstain from black pudding (Acts 15:20)? In a similar way as headscarves and abstinence from black pudding are over the Church universal now optional but still obliging in local Churches where the tradition was kept up (view of St. Thomas Aquinas) - the Church was free to change other disciplinary rules mentioned in the Bible, like freedom for married men to be priests and by now has done so twice in the Latin Church, restricting in the time of Gregory IX and rstoring the freedom in the time of Pope Michael and leaving Eastern Rite Catholics outside the changes, and now more in line with the Latin rite of Pope Michael than with that of "Pope Francis"

Since I hadn't counted on his blocking further communication, at least on this topic, I'll say what I had intended to say if he had challenged me on the reference to my own situation.

In Catholic Church law (at least 1983, perhaps 1917 too), a marriage is licit only if the couple has a place to live. A house will do. An apartment in a larger house will do. A gypsy living van will do. A tent will not do. It will not provide the privacy a couple needs to pay the marital debt. This doesn't necessarily mean a couple isn't validly married if they manage to get around this, I think they are and need to search out places of privacy (even if it were in the wild), but it makes it harder to get married if you live in the street.

There are two categories of apolegetics communities that have, so far, boycotted my work. CMI, AiG, and a few more, are seemingly saying they can't use my Young Earth Creationist apologetics as long as I am Catholic (if they think "Pope Francis" has a stance which would put my conscience in internal conflict, let them observe whom I called Pope and capable of changing Church discipline and whom I didn't call so, and yes, Pope Michael is Young Earth Creationist and Geocentric, Palmarian claimants from Clemente Domínguez y Gómez (whom I no longer call "Pope Gregory XVII") to Joseph Odermatt (whom I do not call "Pope Peter III") are Young Earth Creationists with the specification of accepting Masoretic / Vulgate chronology and rejecting literal six days in favour of a one moment creation, basically believing with obligation, what St. Augustine (who didn't use the Vulgate timeline) believed as the better interpretation, but leaving the other option free. I left them after hearing they consider the universe has (at least) 8 dimensions and then they are probably not Geocentric either. But back when I was Palmarian, my Catholicism was also not in any objective conflict with Young Earth Creationism.

The other one are Catholics like Trent Horn, Matt Fradd, Jimmy Aikin, Mark P. Shea, Peter Kreeft, they do great work on the Catholic and general Christian apologetics side (I saw a bad thing by Trent the other day, on evidences for Jesus he would not use, the one where he finally said the right thing was TF), but boycott me because I am Young Earth Creationis and Geocentric and accept Pope Michael.

Both teams seem fine with using C. S. Lewis, though, while he was mostly (up to relatively late, that is) not Young Earth Creationist and in The Problem of Pain directly contradicted that position, and while he was also not even on his death bed in at least visible communion with the Church of Rome (unless there is a covered up story not yet published).

I am actually most shocked by the de facto boycott (not a boycott in principle, though) by Pope Michael on the ground I need to learn to work. I do work, I write./HGL

mercredi 6 octobre 2021

Somewhat Sectarian Style, Semel

HGL'S F.B. WRITINGS: Somewhat Sectarian Style, Semel · Somewhat Sectarian Style, bis · Correspondence of Hans Georg Lundahl: No Answer from Dr. Liebi, So Far? · Stefan Claesemann tries to take it in private with me · Creation vs. Evolution : Let's Carbon Test Stefan Claesemann's Chronology · Correcting the Test

Stefan Clasemann

The Fragments of the Latin version from the 6th-century Book of Jubilees discovered in the old monastery library in Bobbio, Italy identifies the new King who arose after Joseph’s death and didn’t know Joseph:

“After having defeated the Egyptian King, the King of Canaan makes the plan to oppress the Israelites and executes his plan.”
Jubilees 46,14

The 6th-century original Latin critical sentence is:

"Et cogitauit rex Chanaam cogitationem pessimam ut adfligeret eos." Jubilees 46,14 Ambrosiana C 73 46:12-48:5

Together with the rediscovered original unfalsified Strict Bible Chronology (Dr. Roger Liebi) the Book of Jubilees identifies 1729 BC as the year of a Canaanite arising in enmity as new and foreign ruler over Egypt and enslaving Israel.

That this new strange foreign king is no one else than the first Canaanite Hyksos called Salitis/SakirHar/Sharek is confirmed by the Bible itself because Exodus1:8 is translated literally:

"There a ‘hadas malak’ = RULER OF FOREIGN LANDS = HYKSOS
who did not know of Joseph,

‘qum’ = ROSE UP IN ENMITY AGAINST Egypt .. and spoke to his people:

'Look, of the people of the children of Israel is many and more than us. Well on we want to dampen them with cunning, that of their will not become so many’”

"hadas" means generally new but it can also be translated as FOREIGN. In Yeremiah31:31 Hesekiel11:19 and Psalm33:3 it means primarily different, unknown, strange. In Deutoronomy32:17 "hadas" even means an unknown, strange and FOREIGN religion. Yesaya7:17 uses the same Hebrew word "malak" for a certain Ruler of Foreign Lands: The Ruler of Assur!

The Book of Jubilees Chapter 46 Verse 6 reveals an earlier attempt of the Canaanites of Assur in 1750 BC to invade Egypt:

"Because Makamaron (Makamaron in latin, Memkeron in ethiopian, Magron in SeferHaj1238), the King of Canaan, when he inhabited/occupied the land Assur, fought in the valley with the King of Egypt. And he killed him there and chased after the Egyptians until he reached the Gate of Ermon (Heropolis). And he was not able to enter because a second new king was King for Egypt and he was stronger than him ..

Assur/Ashur as the location of origin of the Canaanite 'Hyksos' Pharaohs is confirmed by Egyptologist Manfred Bietak's excavated evidence: Based particularly on temple architecture, Bietak argues for religious practices of the Hyksos at Avaris defining the "spiritual home" of the Hyksos as "in northernmost Syria and northern Mesopotamia" which matches the region Assur.

"qum": Deutoronomy22:26 Psalm3:2 Psalm68:2 Isaiah14:22 Isaiah28:21 and Amos7:9 all use "qum" as 'rising up in emnity against' somebody.


The Bible even demands to translate "hadas malak" as Ruler of Foreign Lands or Hyksos and "qum" as rising up as enemy against.

Background explanations are provable on www.IsraelinEgypt.com/Hyksos

Here comes the question for the experts in this group:

If these both cites will literally be confirmed by not yet but in future identified Qumran Fragments of Exodus 1:8 and Jubilees 46,14 it couldn’t be ignored anymore - even not by Leading antibiblical Archeoligists - that two ancient sources of 200 BC confirm the Canaanites as ruler in the Egypt of the Second Intermediate Period having enslaved Israel 1729 BC.

Are there still as many unidentified Qumran fragments left that I can hope for the chance that this possibly will happen in the next decades? How are the chances?

Hans-Georg Lundahl
// Strict Bible Chronology (Dr. Roger Liebi) the Book of Jubilees identifies 1729 BC as the year of a Canaanite arising in enmity as new and foreign ruler over Egypt and enslaving Israel. //

I reckon with a short stay in Egypt proper, 215 years, and that the Exodus was in 1510 BC (Roman martyrology for 25th December). This puts Jacob's moving to Egypt into the year 1725 BC.

Does Dr. Roger Liebi prefer George Syncellus over the Roman martyrology?

Stefan Clasemann
Auteur / Admin
Hans-Georg Lundahl I invite You to study his chronology on www.IsraelinEgypt.com/Chronology (for deeper interest links are integrated) It’s not about prefering anything, it’s about detecting bible falsifications regarding its figures & maths and following without any compromises the Word of God regarding its full amount of included time data without manipulating or ignoring one single number.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
I am sorry, but that is the agenda for ANY Biblical chronology, and I was asking which one you prefer among existing ones. I know Ussher (Jewish calendar chronology has a "reduced Ussher" due to shorting the "intertestamental period), Roman martyrology (from Historia scholastica, from St. Jerome) and George Syncellus.

Or is his one another new take? Dr. Roger Liebi's?

Stefan Clasemann
Auteur / Admin
Yes. All known Chronologies ignore or change biblical time figures (eg. by parallelizing reign times). Dr. Liebi is Europe’s most respected OT Translator (Schlachter2000) and proves that this is unnecessary and inadmissable. The complete amount of the entire amount of biblical time figures does work out fine and matches all essential archeological evidence (eg. Jericho).

Simply check the maths. And it’s proved by over 100 exemplars of archeological evidence discovered and elaborated in my work on www.IsraelinEgypt.com

The Word of God tells You to "prove all things and hold fast that which is good." 1Thess5:21

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Could you instead of linking to the global extent of your work link to and mention one Biblical time figure where Roman martyrology goes wrong and how this is corrected by Dr. Liebi?

"The complete amount of the entire amount of biblical time figures does work out fine and matches all essential archeological evidence (eg. Jericho)."

You might be referring to the carbon 14 dating 1550 BC, by Kenyon?

Stefan Clasemann
Auteur / Admin
I‘m sorry Hans-Georg but this is not a debating forum for different chronologies. If You reject to study and prove Dr. Liebi‘s first and only unfalsified rediscovered strictly biblical chronology You can try to debate with HIM while rejecting to study it beforehand.

Stefan Clasemann
Auteur / Admin
With ME You can only discuss my over 100 discovered archeological evidence exemplars proving this Strict Bible Chronology being the right one but only AFTER you’ve studied and proved all evidence in my work

Stefan Clasemann
Auteur / Admin
because Your debate attempts only bore & bother the ones in this group who HAVE studied the chronology and the complete amount of confirming & proving evidence in my work, thanks for understanding this.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
In other words, the carbon dates of archaeology are to you:

  • relevant for the chronology
  • and to be taken as given by archaeologists?

For instance, no reinterpreting 1550 BC in carbon to 1470 BC in real time, or things like that, allowed?

Btw, I'd be happy to take a debate with Dr. Liebi on it if you have his contact info.

No contact info
was given. I have tried to contact Dr. Liebi by separately looking him up. He was not in the group when I looked today. A freemason was, so I left the group and unfriended Clasemann.

Informations concernant la suppression de votre commentaire
Vous pourrez voir ces informations jusqu’au 19 oct. 2021.
Hans-Georg Lundahl
1 octobre, 14:33
// Strict Bible Chronology (Dr. Roger Liebi) the Book of Jubilees identifies 1729 BC as the year of a Canaanite arising in enmity as new and foreign ruler over Egypt and enslaving Israel. //

I reckon with a short stay in Egypt proper, 215 years, and that the Exodus was in 1510 BC (Roman martyrology for 25th December). This puts Jacob's moving to Egypt into the year 1725 BC.

Does Dr. Roger Liebi prefer George Syncellus over the Roman martyrology?

Règles du groupe non respectées
1Only topic - Israel in Egypt - related input
only topic - ancient literal or archeological evidence of Israel in Egypt - related input, questions or answers please, thankyou Voir moins

If he places such a weight on chronological questions, I can't see how my point on the chronology of Israel's Exodus is NOT related to Israel in Egypt. It can be added I am at present neither contesting nor confirming the main point, Chanaanites being Hyksos invaders and oppressors.

He pretended I was perfectly free to contact Dr. Liebi, but provided no help for doing so./HGL

Somewhat Sectarian Style, bis

HGL'S F.B. WRITINGS: Somewhat Sectarian Style, Semel · Somewhat Sectarian Style, bis · Correspondence of Hans Georg Lundahl: No Answer from Dr. Liebi, So Far? · Stefan Claesemann tries to take it in private with me · Creation vs. Evolution : Let's Carbon Test Stefan Claesemann's Chronology · Correcting the Test

Stefan Clasemann
1606 BC (Bible) (Graf: '1530-1516'BC) (Helck: '1516-1505'BC)

Ten Plagues: Southern Pharaoh Ahmose I initiates in his 11th to 22nd reign year a Storm Stele documenting an environmental disaster with the biblical Plagues, Storms, destroyed Temples, and Darkness.

2014: Nadine Moeller and Robert Ritter identified the Storm Stela text as the description of the Egyptian impacts of the massive volcano Explosion of Santorini and recommend correcting the reign time of Ahmose I ('1531 BC') closer to the Santorini Eruption 1620-1600 (9).

This leads to eliminating c. 75 non-existing years in the Second Intermediate Period of Egyptian History the so-called "dark period of uncertain speculative estimates" in egyptology.


Another exciting archaeological example of biblical evidence is the Storm Stele introduced in the documentary of Simcha Jacobovici on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HM7njJuarrg. The Storm Stele of Ahmose I is seen as an eye-witness report and clear archaeological confirmation of the Santorini Eruption by Radio Carbon Experts who date the Santorini Eruption in the time around the biblical year of the Ten Plagues 1606 BC. This leads to the recommendation of Moeller and Ritter in 2014 to redate the time of Ahmoses I reign into this time which proves what also the Bible does prove in this work - that about 75 years of the Second Intermediate Period are highly speculative wrong time estimations and a misleading creation of non-existing time in Egyptian history (see Table Chronology in Chapter Chronology and Footnotes 2-6). The Storm Stela describes a great storm striking Egypt during this time, destroying tombs, temples and Pyramids in the Theban region and the work of restoration ordered by the king. It tells about evidenced Santorini Eruption effects like unnatural rain, unnatural loud noises, thunder lightning, a great storm and Egypt enveloped in darkness. „God“ manifested his power is an unusual Egyptian formulation, obviously not meaning one of the many Egyptian deities, which are always concretely identified by their name if not used a general plural for them.


Bible: God passed judgement on the Gods of Egypt
Storm Stela: "Then His Majesty said 'How these (events) surpass the power of the great god and the wills of the divinities .. the God manifested his power."
Bible: YHWH says I will destroy all their gods
Storm Stela: A huge storm is destroying tombs, temples and Pyramids The statues of the Gods of Egypt were toppled to the ground
Geologists: Results of Santorini Earthquake Storm and Volcanic hail
Bible: Egypt was struck by a hail made up of fire and ice mingled together
Storm Stela: A great unique storm, unnatural rain, unnatural loud noises, thunder lightning
Geologists: Vulcanic hail rain would be a mixture of ice and burning ash
Ypuwer Papyrus: mentions raining fire and ice according to Simcha Jacobivici
Bible: A three days darkness "you can touch" comes over the land
Storm Stela: A great darkness of (not readable) days comes over the land with no one able to light the torch anywhere.
Geologists: The Santorini Volcanic Eruption Ash Cloud creates a darkness "you can touch"
Picture: Ahmose‘s Storm Stela

Hans-Georg Lundahl
"The radiocarbon date range for the start of his reign is 1570–1544 BC, the mean point of which is 1557 BC."

From wiki of Ahmose I.

As this carbon date coincides with the carbon date for Jericho's relevant abandonment, 1550 BC, as per Kenyon, it makes sense if the real date coincides with the real date for Jericho's taking, namely 1470 BC. In other words, that the carbon 14 level back then was 99.037 pmC, giving an added 80 years.

My objection on the other topic can be rephrased : how do you propose to prove either Biblically or historically that it really was in 1550 BC that he died?

Hans-Georg Lundahl
As to Santorini eruption carbon dated to 1606, see this:

1521 B. Chr.
98.184 pmC, so dated as 1671 B. Chr.
1498 B. Chr.
98.555 pmC, so dated as 1618 B. Chr.

In other words a carbon date 1606 BC is close enough to carbon dates I would predict for 1510 BC.

Care to guess?
Both my comments were taken away before next login.

mardi 7 septembre 2021

FB Abuses the Concept of Spam

Aujourd’hui, à 15:11
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Hans-Georg Lundahl
14 octobre 2020
6500 ya = 4500 BC. I presume this is carbon years:

2108 B. Chr.
0.730966 pmC/100, so dated as 4708 B. Chr.
2086 B. Chr.
0.743062 pmC/100, so dated as 4536 B. Chr.
2064 B. Chr.
0.754934 pmC/100, so dated as 4364 B. Chr.

In other words, safely or nearly so, between 2108 and 2064 BC, somewhere around 2086 BC.

Just before the birth of Abraham.


"Guess what my ancestors did?"

You mean ancestors before a certain Joseph?

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Given that they have a reduced team about this, I am not likely to get my thing through, and it's extra bad that they made it a priority to persecute my comment./HGL

PS, oh look, what is happening on the other account?

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Hans-Georg Lundahl
January 14 2020
Two "Magic Wand" quotes

Still ongoing, 26.III.2022:

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group status!
If Tolkien is successfully canonized, what do you think would be his patronage ?

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Counter-Biblical alternative realities ...

samedi 4 septembre 2021

Debating CMI's video with Roger M Pearlman

HGL'S F.B. WRITINGS: Debating CMI's video with Roger M Pearlman · Creation vs. Evolution: Carbon 14 Speeds for Diverse Creationist Scenarios · Ice Age Maximum, 500 After the Flood? · Flood to Genesis 14, Roman Martyrology's Chronology, Two Scenarios (Technical) · What Am I Doing with "How Much Faster" Calculations?

Hans-Georg Lundahl
How many here disagree with CMI, and consider Neanderthals were pre-Flood men?
For context:

Neanderthals & Cavemen?
5th of Aug 2021 | Creation Ministries International

Roger M Pearlman
we (Pearlman YeC series) agree they are post global flood 'Mabul', as the caves they are associated with formed due to that epoch. The ice ages setting in cause and effect due to the Mabul.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
  • 1) no real indication I know of that Neanderthals were in ice age
  • 2) I think caves could also have formed in creation week, as land got up, and that in some cases caves could have formed around manmade structures made by Neanderthals (not when they made hashtags in cave ...)

Roger M Pearlman
either way i suspect many of those prior to the global flood were a lot more like Neanderthal in features than modern man, due to longevity, greater size (mass)..

Hans-Georg Lundahl
We have Neanderthals and modern man coliving in carbon dated 45 000 to 40 000 BP in Europe.

Neanderthals are different from Cro-Magnons in genes, not just in gene expression due to longevity.

I take Neanderthals to be pre-Flood, because:

  • no time for them to develop separate features after Flood and then disappear before 40 000 BP in carbon dates
  • some Neanderthals, from dental calculus, were vegetarians, and some ate both woolly rhino and men (like before the Flood vegetarian diet was standard for just men, and cannibalism seems to be one candidate for what sins drew down God's anger - especially if marginal cannibalism in some rough living people was one of the milder sins, with even worse ones in Henoch in Nod)
  • the parts of the genome surviving in us exclude both mitochondriae and Y-chromosomes, suggesting passing through a bottle-neck with only métis - on board the Ark, for instance.

Also, hashtags suggest that Neanderthals were capable of symbolic expression, but no cave paintings from them suggests, any paintings they may have made got washed out by the Flood, not so with carving for instance a hashtag.

Answered twice
by Roger M Pearlman, leading me to two threads, a and b


Roger M Pearlman
Yes, key would be if they are from, or before, 'genetic bottleneck Adam', aka Noach''

was there enough genetic material to test for that and have Neanderthal been tested for that?

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Roger M Pearlman It has been tested that the Y chromosomes are deviant from "modern" man, that is from post-Flood man.


Roger M Pearlman
In the 350 years from the 1656 Mabul global flood till the founding of Egypt just after the passing of Noach, the population went from 8 to x. 70 main family groups that began to disperse from Bavel at the approx end of The ice ages in 1996 when Abraham 48 +1948 =1996

x =50 k?

Keep in mind 'founder effect' that allowed rapid speciation and adaptation early off the ark.

Also how longevity can be a factor in features.

if 5% of modern human genetic info is linked to Neanderthal, Neanderthal may be from one of the 3 daughters in law of Noach, or a grandson like Cain.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Roger M Pearlman "In the 350 years from the 1656 Mabul global flood till the founding of Egypt just after the passing of Noach,"

I agree only that there was a global Flood and that Noah died 350 years after it. Egypt was founded way later, Babel was begun after passing of Noah and ended at birth of Peleg 401 after Flood (or little before that), while Egypt's founder Narmer and Abraham lived about half a millennium later even than that.

"the population went from 8 to x. 70 main family groups that began to disperse from Bavel at the approx end of The ice ages in 1996 when Abraham 48 +1948 =1996"

The ice age ended c. 350 after Flood, at Younger Dryas, just before Babel. But this was more than 650 years before Abraham was born.

"x =50 k?"

It could have been way more than that.

Google Creation vs. Evolution and "Holy Koolaid Pretended Flood to Sodom Chronology Excludes a Sodom or Gomorrah of Half a Million People" (FB has inserted an automatised spam mark for the blog!)

"Keep in mind 'founder effect' that allowed rapid speciation and adaptation early off the ark."

The founder effect would have had more time to differentiate Neanderthals and Denisovans the 2242 years before the Flood.

Especially as they are, at most recent carbon dated 40 000 BP (there are Neanderthal culture indicators in a Cave in Gibraltar more recent, but without the actual physical remains of Neanderthal people there), and 350 after Flood we have a carbon date of 9600 BC (earliest layers of Göbekli Tepe).

"Also how longevity can be a factor in features."

Now, the fact is, Neanderthals and Denisovans have distinctions in genes, as tested by Svante Pääbo.

"if 5% of modern human genetic info is linked to Neanderthal, Neanderthal may be from one of the 3 daughters in law of Noach, or a grandson like Cain."

What do you mean like a "grandson like Cain"?

If 60 % of Neanderthal genes survive, and in each human who is not African gives about 4 % of his genome, pure Neanderthals may have been ancestral TO a daughter in law of Noah.

Roger M Pearlman And one more thing ... Neanderthals and Denisovans both disappeared after same carbon year, 40 000 BP, so presumably after same actual year too - why the big extinction, if not the Flood?

Both were present in very large areas.

Roger M Pearlman
Hans-Georg Lundahl while i have not researched the Neanderthal issue, and would need to know exactly how defined and how much empirical examples (remains.. test results) i am sure we disagree on the timing of Abraham and the founding of Egypt, I have z 1657 founding of Gobekli Tepe at the start of The ice ages. 40k YA consensus is toward the end of the Ice ages and early Abraham.

So assuming they have the relative dating correct Neanderthal till at least the approx. birth f Abraham.

Ur founded about 200 years after The Mabul, and almost 100 years pre Abraham.

Abraham studied 20 years under/with Noach.

The start of the dispersion from Bavel was 1996.

Sodom founded that very year.

Noach passed on 2006.

Mizrayim was a good deal older than Abraham.

Sodom destroyed in 2047, well after Abraham visited Egypt in 2024.

we can respectfully agree to disagree.

I did not have time to fairly study your comments enough to know exactly what else we can agree on, once i take them all into account.

I am working on the SPIRAL YeC cosmology model, good week, rm

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Roger M Pearlman "Mizrayim was a good deal older than Abraham."

As disagreeing respectfully, I'd say he was long dead before Abraham was born, and he was NOT the first pharao.

"Sodom destroyed in 2047, well after Abraham visited Egypt in 2024."

You put Abraham's defense of Sodom when, Genesis 14? I put it c. 19 years before he was visited by three angels, since 20 years before birth of Isaac. But there is a leeway from anywhere between voyage to Egypt, when he was 75 to birth of Ishmael, when he was 86.

"1657 founding of Gobekli Tepe at the start of The ice ages. 40k YA consensus is toward the end of the Ice ages and early Abraham."

Respectfully, you have a carbon dating problem.

40 000 BP is sometimes carbon dated, and presumes an original pmC value of little above 1 pmC.

Göbekli Tepe is carbon dated, from charcoals lower and higher than the levels of stamped earth buildings. It's earliest date is 9600 BC, presuming an original value of little above 40 pmC, it's latest one is 8600 BC, presuming an original value of a little below 50 pmC.

Your best argument would be that 40 000 BP would be towards the end of the whole range of dates for ice ages, but the problem is, those not carbon dated don't squeeze in on the same scale.

"i have not researched the Neanderthal issue"

Thank you for the candour. Best wishes for your week too!

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Roger M Pearlman Wait, is this your position?

"40k YA consensus is toward the end of the Ice ages and early Abraham."

It doesn't much matter if you put the life of Abraham in your or in my chronology, but the fact is, between his birth and Genesis 14, there is between 75 and 86 years.

Now, Genesis 14 mainly involves Sodom, but also Asason Tamar, aka En Geddi.

For the Mesopotamian attack on Amorrheans of En Geddi, we do have a carbon date, since reed mats from evacuation of En Geddi with temple treasures carbon date to 3500 BC. On my view, that is minus the date 1935 BC, so 1565 extra years.

Extra years going down from 35 000 to 1565 correspond to carbon 14 proportions in atmosphere going up from 1.45 pmC to 82.753 pmC.

In c. 80 years. In 80 years, the normal decay rate is down to 99.037 % of previous level, and therefore the replacement rate is 0.963 pmC.

82.753 - 1.45 (I don't even bother to bring this down to 99.037 % of itself) is a replacement rate of 81.303 pmC in 80 years or 84.427 times as quick production of C14 as now is normal.

My highest ratio is of 10 - 11 times as quick. It has a bearing on how much radiation hit earth and therefore if one could survive it or not.

samedi 17 juillet 2021

Drew Gasaway Tried to Demonise Young Earth Creationism

Drew Gasaway
a partagé une vidéo en direct.
Sermon:Scripture is Revelation, not Genesis!

It is tragic that we think of origins instead of looking at the ends of things and the ever coming new and everlasting wineskins (living ones). We go to the wines that went beyond their prime period instead. We stop living trying to lean on dead fundamentals that over the millennia become fictions or alternate realities of even what was.

Sorry Chicken little the actual end is not near but the new is just getting started. We are lambs but he is a roaring lion who completed all the prior prophecy saying, "it is finished." What was written is a result of what was unsealed when he was raised because it is about life, not death.

We have died in the world, not to it, and don't live because we can't see God as living, the faith as living, the church as living, and the application of scripture as living. We're supposed to believe the church can't die and that we will live forever but we don't act like it, talk like or think like it. This subversion trying to hinder the future is a web of foolish conspiracies (controversies [a genesis mindset], genealogies, and quarrels).

These grifts for influence and money only separate fools from their money giving it to Judas in stripped lamb pelts at his money table at your temple that sits upfront by where the other table is. It has kept you from living and your church from fully living in the community, however, and wherever that may be.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
I am very sorry that you imagine you can contrast Apocalypse with Genesis. Arguably Voluspa is Odin's pagan version of both and he arguably was a Hebrew (like part of Talmudic references to Yeshu).

Both Apocalypse 11 and Genesis 11 are history, difference, the one is history that has happened and we can expect to find traces of (Göbekli Tepe) and the other is history which has not yet happened but which even so we are certain of because God testified to it to St. John on Patmos.

If there is a real Judas, it is you, but you could also be a useful idiot to someone who cares less about theology than you.

Drew Gasaway
Hans-Georg Lundahl it is pretty obvious. If you had in a beginning in Bereishit and a new beginning in apokalyptein. You had the trinity being revealed for the incarnation or formation of life in the very first verses just as John shows.

Then 7 days and 7 covenants follow. You have 7 seals in the Revelation. The 7th day is the everlasting covenant. You then have Eve coming out of his side the Chava or life-giver. Then you have a tree or a cross for the Eucharist.

When they lose the cross and its fruit another man or new Adam has another life-giver the theotokos who crushes the snake's head on Golgotha or skull (Genesis 3:15. You have the Summerian hydra or Leviathan spoken of also in Psalm 74:14 (heads) and Isaiah 27 being slain. It is our sins in our life when we follow the adversary or HaSatan. There is much more.

I am sorry but this is just Catholic theology 101.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Drew Gasaway Your Catholic theology 101 should be updated to Catholic theology 102 - the allegoric sense does not cancel the literal one (except for the kashrut).

As for Leviathan in psalms ...

[13] Thou by thy strength didst make the sea firm: thou didst crush the heads of the dragons in the waters. [14] Thou hast broken the heads of the dragon: thou hast given him to be meat for the people of the Ethiopians.

Wait, while verse 13 fits very neatly with Flood geology, 14 looks like a two headed creature or King David making a reference to Satan (whose apparent heads on earth are obviously very many)

Note, while 13 confirms Flood geology, I am not the least denying that King David spoke about the Exodus, comparing Egyptian charioteers to dragons, and forward about baptism, comparing sins and demons washed away and chased away by baptism to dragons.

As you mentioned Genesis 3:15 ...

Fr George Leo Haydock to Genesis 3.

// Concerning the transactions of these early times, parents would no doubt be careful to instruct their children, by word of mouth, before any of the Scriptures were written; and Moses might derive much information from the same source, as a very few persons formed the chain of tradition, when they lived so many hundred years. Adam would converse with Mathusalem, who knew Sem, as the latter lived in the days of Abram. Isaac, Joseph, and Amram, the father of Moses, were contemporaries: so that seven persons might keep up the memory of things which had happened 2500 years before. But to entitle these accounts to absolute authority, the inspiration of God intervenes; and thus we are convinced, that no word of sacred writers can be questioned. H. //

Genesis 3, Haydock comment

If we have c. 1 million years from Adam to Moses, supposing Adam was a Homo erectus and modern dating of these is correct, there is no chance the tradition would have arrived untampered to Moses.

If on the other hand Adam was c. 5000 BC (between 5500 and 4004, most probably 5200) at his creation, there is sth like 2513 or 3689 years from Genesis 3 to Exodus event, and earlier parts of these covered by very longlived generations, and therefore the historical accuracy is not highly doubtful apart from divine inspiration.

However, if Homo erectus lived a million years before Adam or Neanderthals 50000 years before him, you have a scenario like Ku Klux Klan, he wasn't the first man, just the first Jew or White ... which racialist theories the Catholic Church has very seriously condemned.

Or if you like to go with a possibility theoretically opened by Pius XII, Adam having non-human ancestors, the Catholic scholasticism, both Thomist and Scotist uses evidence of thought and language to prove man is God's image, and we do have evidence of thought and language from both Neanderthals and Homo erectus. Evidence which he was not aware of but which most YEC now are very well aware of.

How many options do you have left for defending old earth now? Non-historic Genesis 3? Human non-Adamites and racism? Speaking creatures not created in God's image? What's next on your palette?

Drew Gasaway
Hans-Georg Lundahl I would ask you which council states your opinion? Otherwise, this is just some priests' subjective view.

Hans-Georg Lundahl

Plus Vatican, 1869 to 1870.

Plus your question is lopsided, since you forget that your view is not that of any council - including if you presume "Vatican II" to be one.

Plus, there is a very clear difference between "not dogma of a Council" and "just NN's subjective view".

Plus, given Haydock's view, it solves the historic reliability of Genesis 3 but contradicting it, you have a conundrum which I lined out and you have not bothered to try to solve.

I will repeat it for you in case you missed it.

How many options do you have left for defending old earth now? Non-historic Genesis 3? Human non-Adamites and racism? Speaking creatures not created in God's image? What's next on your palette?

I don't think he gave a straight answer to that one.

jeudi 15 juillet 2021

How Sly is the Pope?


Ah, yeah, the pope would never lie, right?

JB, Look, the level of fakes necessary to make Church Father after Church Father seem Catholic, including very early ones, is a level of fraud incompatible with trusting the New Testament either.

JB, Plus, suppose a Protestant were given a faked catechism to lure him in, how would that avoid risking those already Catholic getting a "more Protestant" doctrine by reading that catechism?

If I when converting was told "we don't adore Mary, but we venerate Her, more than other Saints" in a catechism, where would the Popes go to, to make those already Catholic actually adore Her? Especially as, there is a sect in Poland, where Catholics were in fact trying to make Her a fourth person of the Trinity or Incarnation of the Holy Ghost (forgot which) and who were condemned for that.

Very sly way to hide adoring Mary, but less sly when coming to make Catholics adore Her - if that had been the goal.

HGL, I hate all deception, no matter where it may be found. Check out this fraud:

I think making a fake meme or faking a "would" is fairly easy.

Where exactly do YOU think Gilbert Joseph was taken in by lies about what Catholic teaching is, pronouned by Popes?

How easy would THAT fake have really been?

vendredi 25 juin 2021

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It can be noted, this is exactly the blog on which I do general Christian Apologetics, and on which my previous to today's post was a defense of Holy Trinity.

It can also be noted, the FB team in France includes a Muslim of fairly rigorist type. If you add together rigorist attitudes against Christianity and an allowance for Taqqiyya in relation to other religions, you can get why such a man would want to stamp this blog as spam./HGL


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It just so happens that the French team includes a Muslim. And I don't mean the suave type./HGL

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A normal non-aligned, secular, in such a team would not consider Christian apologetics as a fraudulent or lying link.

When it comes to pop up, it is the mode of publication on FB which makes the link clicked pop up.

I do not pretend to be a known trade mark.

I do not cheat - but certain rabid Muslims might not get this when it comes to someone defending Holy Trinity.

My site certainly has already been published by a suspect account, namely my own, which has a few times over been "suspect", but that kind of procedure simply means "we silence whom we want to silence" - step one, make my account suspect, step two, stop me from publishing my own links because my account has been suspect, and probably step three, make my account suspect again, because I just tried to publish a link falling under this rule/HGL

Oh, when it comes to pop-ups, if it's pop-ups in a session of someone seeing the link, it is easy to hack a session with pop-ups so someone can pretend to have detected that my site spreads them./HGL

jeudi 29 avril 2021

Four Corners and Firmament

From the group Catholic Cosmology and Geocentrism. Starting with my status on St. George's Day.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
April 23 2021
This has really nothing to do with Geocentrism per se, but with a very recurrent strawman. Like "are you flat earth too".

Now, one version of the strawman would be, "if you are geocentric bc of the Bible, you'd have to be flat earth bc of the Bible".

Now, one of the arguments about Bible being flat earth are two "four corners" passages in Apocalypse (7 and 20).

Now, the answer would be fairly obvious to someone having any familiarity with tsit-tsit. The things Pharisees were too long, but probably in the right place, the four corners of their clothing.

Clothes do not lie flat on the ground when you wear them, and they still have four corners. Ergo, the four corners are corners of something on an earth which very well may be (and according to Magellan, Elcano and some more is, I'd nearly forgot Mike Horn here too) a globe.

Since there is no actual argument from the Bible to Flat Earth, the arguments from the Bible to Geocentrism stand.


Mil Sneler
Four corners would denote square earth, because circle doesn’t have corners

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Mil Sneler Or square or rectangular something else, like continents.


The Flat Earth “movement” is a hoax intended to confuse the ignorant and discredit geocentrism by association.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
GB Possible.

Not all of them, though.


Have you read Genesis? Lol. Lots of Firmament and Flat Earth in just the first chapter. I’m not a FE proponent, but there is undeniable scripture support for FE.

Mil Sneler
BRC Do you have any examples?

Mil Sneler basically most of the first chapter is contrary to anything but a FE model- but this ones pretty good. And God said: Let there be a firmament made amidst the waters: and let it divide the waters from the waters. Genesis 1:6 -

Alex Naszados
What Does the Bible Teach about The Flat Earth? | Robert Sungenis Live - Jan. 13, 2021
14.I.2021 | The Frontline TV

Mil Sneler
BRC Why is that verse flat earth? I don’t see it. I understand it as creating dry land or what we would say continents.

Mil Sneler Ok. How about this then. And God made a firmament, and divided the waters that were under the firmament, from those that were above the firmament, and it was so. Genesis 1:7 -

Mil Sneler
BRC Explain how is this talking about flat earth? Seems like there’s water above the ground and below the ground?

Mil Sneler the firmament is 100% not land. Thank you. God also said: Let the waters that are under the heaven, be gathered together into one place: and let the dry land appear. And it was so done. And God called the dry land, Earth; and the gathering together of the waters, he called Seas. And God saw that it was good. Genesis 1:9-10 -

Mil Sneler
BRC So what is firmament and how does it feature in flat earth? God created a man and he called him Adam.

Alex Naszados
Robert Sungenis' book on this includes an entire chapter on the firmament, along with his exhaustive biblical exegesis. You can get the PDF for only $10:

Dr. Robert Sungenis Theologian, Catholic Apologist, Scripture Scholar

BRC Here the Haydock biblical commentary on what firmament means:
«Ver. 6. A firmament. By this name is here understood the whole space between the earth and the highest stars. The lower part of which divideth the waters that are upon the earth, from those that are above in the clouds. Ch. — The Heb. ‘Rokia’ is translated ‘stereoma,’ ‘solidity’ by the Sept., and ‘expansion’ by most of the moderns. The heavens are often represented as a tent spread out, Psalm. ciii. 3. C.
Ver. 7. Above the firmament and stars, according to some of the Fathers; or these waters were vapours and clouds arising from the earth, and really divided from the lower waters contained in the sea. C.»

Mil Sneler
GB So nobody knows what firmament is? So many ideas about it. Which one is correct?

Alex Naszados
One of the most interesting and informative chapters of Dr Sungenis' book (which I link above) is the chapter on the firmament. He addresses literally all of the available commentaries and has the advantage of a full knowledge of the original Greek.
If cost is an issue, you can get the PDF for only $10.
Here is a small sample from the chapter in question (the whole chapter is 65 pages):
<<Since Genesis does not say the firmament is a dome above a flat earth, then what is it? This is actually easier to answer than it has been purported to be. We read in Genesis 1:6-9 that:
1. the firmament is synonymous with the heavens (Gn 1:8: “and God called the firmament heaven”);
2. that the sun, moon and stars are placed “in” the firmament; and
3. that birds fly “in” the firmament.
The only way for these three criteria to be fulfilled is to understand the firmament is simply the constitution of space. We look up and see that the heavens are filled with a lot of space. We see the celestial bodies reside in that space. Lower, towards the earth, we see the birds flying in the same space. There is nothing but space. As it stands, we do not see birds flying “in” a dome and we do not see celestial bodies “in” a dome. If one wants to use “dome” as the translation for the Hebrew raqiya, he can only say that birds and stars exist underneath a dome, but they are not, as the text of Genesis 1 specifies, “in” the raqiya (a very important point we will address later).
If one then argues that the raqiya also includes all the spatial area from the surface of the Earth to the outside layer of a dome a few thousand miles above the Earth, he has created two opposing definitions for the raqiya: (1) the raqiya is a hard and thin semispherical dome a few thousand miles above the Earth, yet (2) the raqiya is also the few thousand miles of space between Earth and the dome. This is a contradiction, and when there is a contradiction then at least one of the two premises are wrong. Either the raqiya is space or it is a dome, but it cannot be both.>>

Mil Sneler
Alex Naszados I have looked bunch of translations of where the birds are flying in relation to this firmament, some fly below the face of the firmament, some fly in the firmament, some fly under the firmament.

Alex Naszados I think firmament must be everything above the earth. Sky , space, heavens.

Alex Naszados
Mil Sneler Just like there are three heavens (sky, space and the Empyrean). So then it would be correct to say the birds fly in and under at the same time.

Mil Sneler
Alex Naszados I checked some other languages and firmament is translated in those as air space or expanse of space.

Alex Naszados We know the birds fly through the sky and we know there is water in the sky.

Mil Sneler not sure. Flat Earth people assert that it’s a dome.

Mil Sneler
BRC I don’t know why it has to be dome?

Mil Sneler me either.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
BRC "Firmament and Flat Earth"
Firmament, yes: http://drbo.org/chapter/01001.htm
[6] And God said: Let there be a firmament made amidst the waters: and let it divide the waters from the waters. [7] And God made a firmament, and divided the waters that were under the firmament, from those that were above the firmament, and it was so. [8] And God called the firmament, Heaven; and the evening and morning were the second day.
Flat Earth, didn't see any ...

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Mil Sneler Haydock comment:
"By this name is here understood the whole space between the earth and the highest stars. The lower part of which divideth the waters that are upon the earth, from those that are above in the clouds. Ch." = Challoner.
Not a flat earther.
Now, it so happens, I would agree on where the firmament is, and while I think aether is everywhere in all of the universe between atomic nuclei and as locus for both light and vectors, I also believe that the part between earth and fix stars including their level, but below the Empyraean heaven where God's throne is, in Heavenly Jerusalem, is "solidified" in so far as it turns _together,_ one full circle around earth every 23 hours, 56 minutes, 4 seconds. Lower heavenly bodies than the fix stars, like Sun, Moon and other planets are moved by angels backward through their (sometimes shifting since sunrelated) levels of the firmament, meaning they take longer each day and make some period longer than they day.

mardi 16 mars 2021

Multiverse - senseless, just erroneous, or possible under circumstances?

Alex Naszados
shared a link.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
The concept actually does make sense, since bishop Tempier condemned the thesis that God could not create multiple words.

Rick DeLano
Bishop Tempier has not the faintest idea of what the multiverse is, and neither, apparently, do you, Hans-Georg Lundahl

Mil Sneler
Hans-Georg Lundahl Why not?

Hans-Georg Lundahl
  • 1) I suppose that "multiverse" (modern sense) means that any given universe splits in two as soon as there is any actual binary choice, like one universe where I am now writing this and one where I didn't log in;
  • 2) If God could handle any given number of universes, He could obviously handle this too.

I don't mean He would, I don't mean He does, but I do mean that while the concept is superbly superfluous, it is not something like circles not being round.

Rick DeLano
It also means that Jesus Christ did not go to the cross in an infinity of worlds.

It would have been better if you had remained ignorant,

Hans-Georg Lundahl
It is certainly false, but it is not senseless. There is a distinction between the two, you know.

The sentence is also ambiguous - there are infinite worlds of which it is true that Christ did not go to the cross in each of them (and also an infinity where He did) and ours is not one of them OR for each world what happened in it determines what is true for all worlds, so "an infinity of worlds in which Christ did not go to the cross in our world" would be very definitely false.

Rick DeLano
Every word you typed above is both false, and senseless.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
I do not see the point of this animosity. If it is supposed to be about orthodoxy, first of all, I don't think you have any kind of doctrinal decision that the multiverse is impossible to God. It might be said you could have one against it being fact, in the decisions against Giordano Bruno.

In fact, with God as creator, God can chose between all the different universes in the multiverse, which He prefers to give actual reality to, leaving some of the others to poets and thinkers and most of a complete infinity to non-actualisation.

Without God, a multiverse would be an answer about freedom, as opposed to determinism, but will not serve the atheists as they like. A multiverse will not allow big bang cosmogeny, will not allow abiogenesis, will not allow apes evolving into men (even if it were otherwise remotely possible) to invent language.

None of the worlds would string together a sequence of events in which chemicals gave rise to life or in which creatures descended from apes and inheriting their way of communication would, if human, invent language.

But with God, there is a possibility of someone making an active choice between possible universes as He creates one, and the multiverse becomes, if considered as actual, superfluous.

However, if considered as only potential, an infinity of unrealised universes, it is obliging to the infinite knowledge of God, since what there is to know about the actual universe we live in is finite.

Do you receive your sacraments on FSSPX precincts? I used to be FSSPX, but they have now both seemed too keen on compromising with Evolutionism here in Paris, putting YEC down to Kent Hovind, and been too eager to show off orthodoxy by hasty condemnations without considering what is being said, at least if I am to go by how they have dealt with my writings.

Rick DeLano
To conflate the potential with the actual is the very essence of the multiverse error.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
In the case of a Theist, there is a God to make a choice.

For an atheist, this is not so, and it would seem to be an error preferrable to determinism within the one universe.

Rick DeLano
It is so whether the atheist believes it or not.

It is an error to conflate the potential with the actual whether one [is] an atheist or not.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
However, as God can create as many worlds as He likes, we cannot consider an actual multiverse for instance a contradiction in terms, unless you mean it to include things a good God could not allow.

We can consider it in fact a non-fact, but it is not senseless.

Rick DeLano
It is both a non-fact (it is a falsehood), and it is senseless, in that it consists precisely in the conflation of the potential with the actual.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Error and senselessness are not the same.

This conflation has worse results when it conflates potential, actual AND necessary and therefore actual and necessary, in the more classic version of Atheism.

We are not likely to see any more centuries, but if we did, multiverse would be the kind of bag end from which Atheists might start to slowly recover.

Multiverse at least admits that things in this world are not necessary single results of factors going back to the beginning of time.

Rick DeLano
The multiverse is a senseless error.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
How do you distinguish that from saying "that the first cause cannot make many worlds"?

As this is sentence 34 condemned by Bishop Tempier of Paris (where we have only had Archbishops since 1622) on Laetare Sunday early 1277 (later 1276, as they divided years).

Think about it to tomorrow!

Rick DeLano
I have many more important things to think about than the senseless error of the multiverse.

Rick DeLano Hans-Georg Lundahl I’m not a deep thinker and at all well versed in any of this. Sometimes I read quickly through a thread wishing I knew what certain terms meant.

I s add les us wish I could add something and I’ll add my commoner maintenance mechanic grease-monkey 2 cents: for me the idea of multiple universes would be impossible for God because it seems almost “deceptive”.

It would shake my Faith.

My understanding is that it isn’t just “life on other planets”, it’s a or some “whole other separate universes”. I know this isn’t based on any philosophical equation. Maybe too « emotional ».

Off topic...

Hans, have you always lived in France? I tried my vocation with the Dominicans of Avrillé, at La Haye aux Bonshommes in 1988/89. One of the best years of my life. J’aime la langue française. I learned and have kept with me soooo many great French Catholic hymns. The new recordings videos by the military chaplain group « Les Padres » are inspiring beyond comprehension. I hope they become as traditional as possible. Have you seen their videos ?

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Multiverse is indeed something other than humanities starting elsewhere on the globe or life on other planets.

Let me break it down.

This specific item says "every time a binary choice is possible, the universe splits in two, one for each option". Schrödinger's cat died in one universe and survived in the other.

Not just an infinity of universes in which God did not walk to Calvary and another infinity in which He did, but even same amount to three times as frequent infinite universes in which Adam didn't sin in the first place.

I am not here to argue it could very well as far as we know be factual, I think indeed the best options are, it isn't. More like God overviews a purely potential multiverse and from an infinity of universes chose to create ours. But the idea does not come from the Christian side, but from atheists.

Here is the point : they are starting to see how immense certain odds are against such and such a thing just emerging by chance.

Their solution (or one of them, but the one we here discuss) : multiverse. We do not live in the likeliest universe or one of medium probability, we live in a highly unlikely one compared to most others.

Now, this is an error and it will also not help their strivings. However, would it be only an error, or would it be also senseless?

It's not senseless to say God created a heliocentric world and made it look geocentric, our opponents are saying that, even if that involves some degree of deception on God's part, and it is even not senseless to say He created a parallel universe which is in fact geocentric but looks heliocentric. We know from Urban VIII God could, and this does not apply to senseless propositions.

In claiming the error is senseless, one is actually claiming it is worse than the classical atheist error of one strictly predestined universe, and that one the only one and therefore the one we live in. It may involve senselessness as overall philosophy, since if the man thinking this is right, his thoughts are predestined by initial conditions at Big Bang, but the idea as such is wrong, it is not senseless, one proof that it has sense is, I can deduce from it "if it is true, it is unknowable".

The multiverse would also involve an "if it is true, it is unknowable" part, but as said that does not make it a senseless proposition. If it were, it would be false that God could make any number of universes, and proposition 34 of those condemned by Stephen Tempier would be true.

Also, it leaves some more freedom.

If our behaviour is strictly univocally predetermined by initial conditions at Big Bang, as atheists used to say, when Rick DeLano came across my material it was predetermined he would not use it but prefer leaving me in poverty, though I am arguably a better scholastic than he is.

But if every binary choice splits the universe in two, it's a curious and not a necessary fact that we live in the one where he didn't and in which I remained in poverty.

This means, the idea of a multiverse is if not compatible with Christianity as it originally stands (God would not allow certain universes, since these would be against His goodness and truthfulness), at least a sign of recovery, atheism is abandoning determinism. Or, this strand of atheism is.

What's their next move? Considering miracles? Becoming Christians?

CW "have you always lived in France?"

No, I am in France since 2005.

Note well, while I love the liturgy of Le Barroux, I left the idea of a monastic vocation behind in 2000. This means, the question of my livelihood is not superfluous and it is irksome that some are like cornering the market for geocentrism and pushing my writings out of it, on several false pretenses, like here pretending I am defending the supposely senseless error of multiverse.

Even if it were just a question of apologetics facing atheists, leaving me out, understanding an error (if multiverse is such) is a better position for arguing against it or against its supposed benefits for the main erroneous position over pretending to find it impossible to understand (as senseless actually means).

Rick DeLano
The multiverse is senseless- that is, it is impossible to understand- because there is no explanation (not even an attempt at an explanation) for how the universe splits itself off into copies every time a quantum system comes into contact with- what?

They cannot say what.

Or why coming into contact with what they do not specify splits the universe.

It is a senseless proposition.

Hans-Georg Lundahl. I am astonished to learn that you apparently harbor some sort of claim against me involving a deprivation of your rightful "place"; a "cornering of the market for geocentrism"; a "pushing of (your) writings out of it".

These accusations are so ridiculous, so unfounded, so unjust that they would amount to calumniation..

Except they are not sensible enough to rise to that level.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
"there is no explanation (not even an attempt at an explanation) for how the universe splits itself off into copies every time a quantum system comes into contact with"

A binary choice.

"Or why coming into contact with what they do not specify splits the universe."

If they don't have any fair proposal, I as a Christian do, which is why it is not a senseless proposal.

These accusation are baseless?

I recall a time when you clearly didn't want any use for my insight on parallax being moot with geocentrism, and here is a record of it:

HGL'S F.B. WRITINGS : Internet Trouble and Pontifical Malfaisance, plus a Trap in Discussion

You believe parallax, you believe stellar sizes in main series correspond to the size of the sun, how many light years or thousands of light years away do you propose that heaven is?

Plus it leaves you with an unsolved Distant Starlight Problem, adding up to denial of Mark 10:6 and universe being created if not at same moment at least very little before the first married couple.

Plus it involves denying angelic movers that are Biblically as well as scholastically well motivated, and pretending this makes sense because scholastic philosophy is *a n o t h e r* field than natural science, rather than as is the fact actually back then and de jure to this day involving natural science.

Not a good start for someone who is making it his business to combat modern errors, and especially not if he's also (I think there was one token link on your blog magisterial fundies as exception) clearly not promoting when he could someone who was into geocentrism before him but who is less known.

By the way, chronology, I am into geocentrism since 24.VIII.2001, I think that is a bit earlier than you were, and it definitely is earlier than I recall Sungenis was, by two years or so, since I recall reading he is in the business since 2003.

Just before you ask what my qualifications are in scholastic philosophy and so, no, I don't pretend to have been to seminary, but I read a lot St. Thomas Aquinas back in the 90's. You are aware, back then there were Trads who were willing to promote St. Thomas Aquinas ...

By the way, I also involved an allegation about FSSPX (and sorry if you do not adher to them, in that case it was a mix up bc of Fatima Center or something), and to people reading French there is now a little documentation on how things went when people so friendly when giving 2, 5, 10, 20, at some Easters 50 € were suddenly very much less enthusiastic when it came to helping me to actually live of my trade of writing in a more stable and dignified manner:

Correspondence de / of / van Hans Georg Lundahl : À SSPX News

There was another post with my interactions with the claimed King of Araucania which disappeared ... HGL'S F.B. WRITINGS rather than Correspondence de / of / van Hans Georg Lundahl, I'd say.*

Rick DeLano

Having lied that I persecuted you, you substitute evidence that I disagreed with you.

As to the second charge, I enthusiastically plead guilty.

Since you- what astonishing dishonesty!- reiterate the first, I bid you farewell.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
There is a disagreement for the sake of devalorising. Making that point is not dishonest.

Oh, if you think Heaven is more than 2.5 mega light years away, take care God doesn't send you there instead of one light day up!

* Two exchanges are missing : one with BTL where he directed me to the King of Araucania (a title going back to Orélie Antoine de Tounens, who actually helped Indians fight the post-colonial Spaniards trying to wipe them out, unlike the present one), and one with that person himself. SAR le Prince Stanislas d'Araucanie et de Patagonie. Either I put both on a single post on this blog or one with BTL, possibly on correspondence blog and one with Prince Stanislas. No, I did not myself take them away. Hacked, I think, since, if blogger had removed after abuse rport, I would have been notified.

mercredi 17 février 2021

What Creationism Believes about Evolutionists (and vice versa)

There's a certain amount of irony in claiming that the mere perception of what de facto *is* a conspiracy theory.

Don't forget Hans-Georg, a basic premise of Creationism us that large numbers of scientists are coordinating to try and undermine Creationism by publishing papers full of lies (and not letting Creationists publish simply because they're Creationists, speaking at seminars, in interviews and in documentaries, and setting and maintaining museum displays.

How one cannot consider that a conspiracy theory is beyond me.

"a basic premise of Creationism us that large numbers of scientists are coordinating to try and undermine Creationism by publishing papers full of lies"

No, it's not.

We do NOT think it is necessarily a question of dishonesty, more like incompetence. If you ask me.

"and not letting Creationists publish simply because they're Creationists"

That part is fairly well shown up by facts (unless it's extended to not letting them publish anything unconnected with creationism either).

While BC was wrong on how I perceive Evolution believers, I think he speaks for himself on how Evolution believers, of a certain type, perceive Young Earth Creationists.

JH thereon precisely totally ignores what I just said:

Hans-Georg Lundahl creationism, in particular YEC is animated by subjective absolutes that cannot be mitigated by objective evidence, FACTS. The loyslity oaths the creationist groups demand solidify them as religious, and not scientific groups, then they complain they are not included? They are religious institutions, therefore as such are included . Claiming "persecution"- is inane

Hans-Georg Lundahl the INDEPENDENT scientific methodologies be they paleontology, botney, geology, etc. are all in a secret cabal , meeting together to get creationists, " Soviet style" -? Such a allacious analogy is too inane to respond to .

Hans-Georg Lundahl
"the INDEPENDENT scientific methodologies be they paleontology, botney, geology, etc. are all in a secret cabal , meeting together to get creationists, " Soviet style" -?"

Sorry, your links* were not to palaeontologists, botanists, geologists, but to shrinks.

I very much did not pretend that the bona fide scientists (as opposed to shrinks) were in a cabal.

But neither do I pretend they are all strictly outside one. Since 80 or 90 something, shrinks have gone into discounselling debates on palaeontology, botany and geology related to Creation / Evolution, and some have turned to shrinks instead of turning to their best evidences, that is NOT being strictly outside the cabal either.

The other rant is precisely hypocritic, since the paleontologists, botanists and geologists and a few more very often do have subjective absolutes that cannot be mitigated by objective facts

As I said, incompetence, not cabal. Or conspiracy.

* On to Panda's Thumb and two to The Conversation.