lundi 19 février 2024

Table I to II Perhaps Doubled Beginning (Upper / Lower Limits) ?

HGL'S F.B. WRITINGS: Table I to II Perhaps Doubled Beginning (Upper / Lower Limits) ? · Creation vs. Evolution: Convergence of Uneven pmC?

David K. Muncie
Principal contributeur
Quadragesima L.D. 18.II.2024
C14 is only found in organic remains or in the atmosphere.

How about NO.

C14 has been measured in volcanic gases.

Hideki Yoshikawa1,2 • Hiromichi Nakahara3 • Mineo Imamura4 • Kouichi Kobayashi5,6 • Takashi Nakanishi1

ABSTRACT. Radioactive nuclides such as radiocarbon can be good tracers for investigating the circulation of underground carbon and water. Volcanic gas can be sampled reliably for 14C analysis and prepared for analysis by accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS). In this paper, we establish a method for the measurement of 14C in volcanic gas, and measure the amounts of 14C in various volcanic gases. Samples of fumarolic gas from some Japanese volcanoes were found to contain 0.5 to 4.2 pMC, while those from White Island in New Zealand contained 2.6 pMC. Dissolved gas from Lake Nyos, Cameroon, contained 0.4 to 4.8 pMC. The data indicate a mixing process between surface carbon and deep carbon.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
From this quote:

// Samples of fumarolic gas from some Japanese volcanoes were found to contain 0.5 to 4.2 pMC, while those from White Island in New Zealand contained 2.6 pMC. Dissolved gas from Lake Nyos, Cameroon, contained 0.4 to 4.8 pMC. The data indicate a mixing process between surface carbon and deep carbon. //

1) It's first immediate application is : it is obviously that we have a new known case of the reservoir effect. We already knew of marine reservoir effect, carbonate reservoir effect, now there is also volcanic reservoir effect.
2) Next we have the question whence the pmC content comes.
a) it could be produced by radioactive processes in the volcano, so, anything that has an unexpectedly high pmC content could have the extra from neutron contamination by the volcano, or by admixture contamination from the air;
b) or it could be that all of this is variation reflects the variation of the original pmC content at the time of the Flood. I'll check the implication for that in a moment.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
My analysis:

4980 years since the Flood
0.5^(498/573) = 0.5474845100674124

0.4 pmC = x1 * 0.5474845100674124
4.8 pmC = x2 * 0.5474845100674124

x1 = 0.4/0.5474845100674124 = 0.7306142779286075839 pmC
x2 = 4.8/0.5474845100674124 = 8.7673713351432910067 pmC

Carbon date range for the Flood:

x1 => 40 700 extra years + 4980 = 45680 BP
x2 => 20 100 extra years + 4980 = 25080 BP

So, if we take this as coming from the Flood, we get:
a) pmC varied between at least 0.73 pmC and 8.767 pmC
b) carbon dates from exactly the Flood would vary between at least 25 080 BP and 45 680 BP
c) which is consistent with my attempt at unifying it at 39 000 BP, which would instead then be one of the possible dates (that of Campi Flegrei)
d) which is also pretty consistent with the CMI ballpark 20 000 BP to 50 000 BP.

David K. Muncie
Hans-Georg Lundahl I don’t quite follow you but that’s ok.

Hans-Georg Lundahl

IF the Flood was 5000 years ago, IF the levels mentioned are levels at the time of the Flood and then decaying, THEN the levels at the time of the Flood are compatible with:

  • both the CMI ballpark of Flood 20 000 to 50 000 years ago
  • and my own Flood date at 39 000 years ago, except it was less uniquely true for all Flood fossils.

samedi 10 février 2024

Ken Wolgemuth Understood the Argument

Creation vs. Evolution: Why is Carbon Dating More Important than Potassium Argon? · Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere: Argon, Carbon, Magnetic Field · HGL'S F.B. WRITINGS: Ken Wolgemuth Understood the Argument · If Ken Wolgemuth Avoids Answering Me Directly, What Does That Say of Him? Update : he did some answering · He did some answering, though, to others ... · Ken Wolgemuth part IV

James Young
20 January 05:26 AM
No matter how many words the OEC world throws at this, it will remain an embarrassment for them.

These test that were done have successfully debunked the claim that radiometer dated is accurate .

Ken Wolgemuth
Principal contributor
James Young,
You seem to think that these types of results discredit all radiometric dating. These methods of age dating igneous rocks have been around for 70 years, with increasing accuracy in successive decades. For several decades, young earth creationists have compiled tables of results that are false, because the criteria necessary to obtain credible ages are violated. Since you lack an education in geology and geochemistry, you don't know the method has not been applied properly. IMO, you want to hear of false results, because you've already joined the religious/science sect of YECism. As a geochemist, I see through the smoke and mirrors in a few minutes.

The sad issue is that unbelieving scientists observe this dishonesty, and Christianity is discredited. In this case, the YECs are a stumbling block, not because of Jesus, but because of your brazen abuse of his profession.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Ken Wolgemuth "These methods of age dating igneous rocks" .... seem to be sensitive to cold water.

Like a volcano on Hawaii, part of which went down into the water, nearby "1 million years old" and further out (in deeper and colder water) "2 million years old".

According to the Bible, a specific year in the life of Noah was very wet.

Ken Wolgemuth
Principal contributeur
Hans-Georg Lundahl, Those are evidence that for this lava that chilled so quickly and it retained non-radiogenic Ar-40. The timer had never been set to zero, so no radiometric dating age is possible. Reporting one as an age is fake science.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
The point is, this happened during the Deluge too.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
The guys who did the dates were not claiming the lava was 2 million years old out in the sea.

They gave the date it would have in order to show this sometimes happens.

That's not fake science even if it's non-standard procedure.

vendredi 9 février 2024

C S L meme actually correct quotation

Confirming C.S. Lewis Quotations
"I didn't go to religion to make me happy. I always knew a bottle of Port would do that."

Marla Swoffer
I wish the picture wasn't of him smoking - kinda detracts from the sentiment ☺️

Ron Cuellar
The smoking likely undermined his health. Some of us have one or more habits that undermine our own health.

Mine often is eating too many Kettle Chips after work.

Marla Swoffer
I only mentioned it because it was coupled with that particular quote.

My health foible is not exercising.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Considering he died of kidney failure, I suppose three beers in penitential seasons and more outside them and some overlove of English cuisine and of great pots of tea had more to do with it than pipes or - as here - cigarettes.

Marla Swoffer
...or it could have been the bottle of port he refers to in the quote, lol. My concern wasn't the health part, but of seeking the happiness he refers to through what can lead to a dependence on substances rather than relying on the Lord to give the joy that transcends fleeting pleasures. That's why I said the pic kind of undermines the quote.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
I don't think he shared the concern about "dependances", even if he had a binge drinking brother.

His point was anyway, Christianity is supposed to lead you to eternal happiness, it is not the best recipe for temporal one.

Context provided by the group owner:

William O'Flaherty
Principal contributor
Yes, it IS Lewis; from the article ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS ON CHRISTIANITY. It is found in God in the Dock essay collection.

Here is the complete Q&A:

Question 11.

Which of the religions of the world gives to its followers the greatest happiness?

Lewis: Which of the religions of the world gives to its followers the greatest happiness? While it lasts, the religion of worshipping oneself is the best.

I have an elderly acquaintance of about eighty, who has lived a life of unbroken selfishness and self-admiration from the earliest years, and is, more or less, I regret to say, one of the happiest men I know. From the moral point of view it is very difficult! I am not approaching the question from that angle. As you perhaps know, I haven't always been a Christian. I didn't go to religion to make me happy. I always knew a bottle of Port would do that. If you want a religion to make you feel really comfortable, I certainly don't recommend Christianity. I am certain there must be a patent American article on the market which will suit you far better, but I can't give any advice on it.