vendredi 1 décembre 2023

The Concept of Spam is Abused as Reason for Arbitrary Censorship

On June 18th, back in 2019, I wrote this article, and then shared it on FB, probably giving the link as a birthday present, same or one of the following days:

Creation vs. Evolution : "Edessa in Mesopotamia"

On December 1st, 2023, more than four full years later, some person on FB does this:

The allegation is, I tried to gain likes or video views or followers in a misleading way.

If literally the only thing I posted was the link itself, or perhaps before that the words "some reading? here:" — how can that be misleading ? I have stated nothing about the text except where it is to be found, leaving the reader entirely free to like or dislike it as he prefers, to share or not share it.

Obviously, someone, more properly someoneS, have found even that misleading. Their version of a truthful and honest Hans Georg Lundahl is a Hans Georg Lundahl who doesn't try to share what they don't want him to share. Or simply shares nothing at all, because they don't want me to be a writer.

Please note, the criminal offense against freedom of speech has been ongoing manually.

The links I posted are being eliminated one by one, therefore manually. And no, it's not the one having the wall eliminating my comment, FB itself is claiming "WE removed your comment."

A few months ago, I heard of FB France having a security team who were diehard Muslims (was it of the Qatari extraction, which has some influence in France? I don't recall).

Muslims have tried to put me into weakened positions or to admit not feeling very well or so, so they could eliminate freedoms for me in the guise of "helping" me, helping "poor" me ... meanwhile I am poor in another sense, namely if not directly broke at least deprived from income by their crimes.

But also by the treason of Christians who accuse me of being a Muslim or an agent provocateur or whatever.

Their main evidence for me being a pawn of possibly perverted élites is, I am getting help, juridically against direct captivity into psychiatry, policing against vandalism of my property, while I'm away, materially as to food and clothing items, pretty much from people close to the enforcers of law and order and therefore government and socio-economic élites. The reason I need this help in the first place is that such Christians, the most likely people to re-publish my blogs on paper, have drawn conclusions from a de facto protégé situation I did not chose. And therefore they have sided with the Muslim censors of FB against me.

I think some of the Muslims on FB, certainly some elsewhere, started months ago, soon a year. What happened? Muslims have lost children in Eastern Turkey, near Edessa in Mesopotamia here mentioned. Muslims have lost children in Morocco. Muslims have recently been losing children, are perhaps still losing children, through the inhuman agression on Gaza prior to the ceasefire.

For whereas they would not believe any thing before by reason of the enchantments, then first upon the destruction of the firstborn, they acknowledged the people to be of God.
Wisdom 18:13

But even in France, a very anticlerical country, Christians, specifically Catholic Christians, could have helped me. I could have been enjoying well deserved incomes from my writing, but the ones addicted to recent changes in discipline specifically on Biblical exegesis, among the Catholic population (not saying "in the Catholic Church"), have preferred to side with those Muslims, or even to egg them on to their ill deeds./HGL

PS, 10.XII.2023 (and I tried to appeal)

10 déc. 2023
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Hans-Georg Lundahl
16 oct. 2018
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