HGL'S F.B. WRITINGS: Radiocarbon and Tree Rings with Ken Wolgemuth · Correspondence of Hans Georg Lundahl: With Ken Wolgemuth on Carbon Dating and its Calibration
- A
- Ken Wolgemuth
- Status a, 6.IX.2023
- Fred Mcnabb, To wrap up the tree ring segment for radiocarbon dating, I will show examples of the calibration curve. This first one is from 1950 to 2k, meaning 2,000 years BP, before present. Notice there are about 1,500 C-14 measurements for this segment along of the calibration curve. The for 2k to 4k there are over 200 points. Then the 3rd, shows the Biblical Archaeology examples.
[omitting pictures]
- I
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- Let me highlight a thing.
Notice there are about 1,500 C-14 measurements for this segment along of the calibration curve. The for 2k to 4k there are over 200 points.
Am I correct in reading this as ... 50 BC to 1950 AD has 7.5 times as many measurements as 2050 BC to 50 BC?
- II
- Ken Wolgemuth
- Auteur
- And this is the IntCal13 calibration curve for 12k to 14k, with 276 data points of C-14 measured in German Oak species. The result is that the radiocarbon age is 13,500 ± 60 calendar years before 1950. On the calibration curve, and error value will be different along the curve because of the variability of the production of carbon-14 in the upper atmosphere. This 14,000 years BP is the extent of tree rings as a continuous cross-dating from living trees.
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- Ken Wolgemuth I actually checked on the German site for tree ring studies.
You said:
"a continuous cross-dating from living trees."
From my check:
There are at least different series, that only partly overlap.
The only series that extends into the present, directly, not via other series, began 2000 years ago.
For the 276 points where carbon dates and tree rings meet, you seem to presume the samples were primarily tree ring dated and only when that was finished and well secure on its own side, the carbon dates were attached to verify the calibration of carbon.
But in fact, each of these samples was primarily assigned to its place in time because of carbon dates. THEN checked with similar samples and THEN assigned its place in tree rings.
Let's take the raw carbon date of Perry Mastadon, 9 700 BC, that's very close on the 9600 BC when Göbekli Tepe began. So, with Göbekli Tepe being Babel, beginning just after the death of Noah, this would be from the final years of Noah's earthly life. I do take Flood and Babel as more secure points of calibration, even if way further between them, than tree rings.
- B
- Ken Wolgemuth
- Status b, 26 Aug 01:08
- I have a rather simple question. This group has the title of Radiometric Dating. Is there anyone here who wants to understand about how radiocarbon dating is done? Here is an example from Biblical archaeology.
[omitting pictures]
- Under which I answered
- I and II, the first of which quotes him on a part of the thread with someone else's answer, and the second of which quotes another of his own threads.
- I
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- "So far I have not encountered anyone in the YEC community who understands what geochemists are doing to obtain a radiocarbin dating age in calendar years age."
- 1) check remaining carbon 14 content and interpret roughly as the raw carbon date
- 2) see at what point or points the raw carbon date fits into a calibration curve
- 3) to obtain a calibration curve in the first place, get samples of an age known independently of radiocarbon (e g tree rings or historically)
- 4) this will result typically in wiggles on the calibration curve, i e more than one calendar year can fit one raw date, example, Hallstatt plateau, obtained in the Cambridge calibration by tree ring dating, a sample from 750 to 450 will typically have a raw date of c. 550 BC (or 2500 years ago, 2500 BP).
If I got anything in above wrong, I'd be happy to stand corrected.
- II
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- From another thread.
"And not a single PhD in this tribe ever even shows or mentions the calibration curve developed by the radiocarbon research community to convert lab data of C-14 into calendar years."
I am not a PhD. But I know of the calibration curve well enough to be aware of the Hallstadt plateau, and I think the calibration is probably correct for the last 3000 years out of the 6000 given in the Cambridge calibration (Minze Stuiver and her colleague whose name escapes me).
I have commented on it on a blog that Facebook is illegally and dishonestly blocking as an attempt to get fake likes on my part, same blog from which I took certain tables going back beyond the Trojan War and back to the Flood.
- Affez Tlemsanix
- Hans-Georg Lundahl The PhD pride is ridiculous.
It's like they despise those without PhD's because they went to school for so many years, spent so much money on education, and are trying to preserve their status-quo that they enjoy so much.
Heck, all these doctors with MD's and PhD's were the ones who bought into the OxyContin scam of the 90's and 2000's, because of Purdue Pharma's claim and FDA's approval of the drug as "safe and non-addictive." These MD's and PhD's doled out millions of OxyContin prescriptions, directly resulting in 400,000 deaths during the opioid crisis spanning for more than a decade.
On the other hand, it is increasingly prohibitive for a Creationist to earn a PhD from a well-accredited university, unless the Creationist remains mum and submits to some of their ridiculous old-age theories regarding numerous scientific fields. Only a few actually have PhD's, but most of them earned their PhD's before converting.
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- Affez Tlemsanix I'd agree pretty much with the assessment of Academic culture, however, I'm from another field (Latin and a few more language and literature subjects) and I went away from what could have been a PhD project in 1992 - 1993.
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