vendredi 13 mars 2020

Babel - Brain Damage or Divine Creator-Only Intervention?

Kukoleck Adam
shared a link
4 March 2020, 23:06
Irving Finkel | The Ark Before Noah: A Great Adventure
The Oriental Institute | 20.VII.2016

Kukoleck Adam
Guy is a character. Posted because it has to do with Noah's ark etc. Good story teller.

Roger M Pearlman
If related to the 1656 anno-mundi Mabul it is a distorted account, via some brain damaged survivor of the 1996 dispersion from Bavel.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Not brain damaged. A revisionist about real actors, since in denial of the one true God.

Roger M Pearlman
I hold actual brain damage, if we define brain damage to include the effects of sustained exposure to high levels of lead positioning that far exceed the EPA reline.

This would have been going on from the start of when we all (except Abraham, Shem, Ever, Noach..) began baking the lead reinforced bricks, for Migdal Bavel, that could have spanned decades until the 1996 anno-mundi start of the dispersion.

reference the YeC Moshe Emes series and framework for understanding science Volume I.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
why "lead reinforced?

Roger M Pearlman
w/ lead additive increases the load bearing rating by over 50% from what I understand, plus longer durability, think of the lead paint they used to use, that lasted about 4x longer on average, than unleaded paint.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
I was not asking about why one would use it, but what leads you to believe it was used in Babel.

If archaeology, from what area?

If words in Genesis 11 (or elsewhere), which ones?

Roger M Pearlman
I may have seen a program that suggested many years ago.

if so they may have had evidence, such as lead residue at one of the suspected sites for the tower.

and/or I may have got the idea from the lead paint and lead removal from gasoline.

as I do not recall any specific evidence being presented, it is a speculative hypothesis, about how G-d may have done it. (confused the languages).

Roger M Pearlman, is G-d not, God? Or are you referencing some other god? Just curious.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Roger M Pearlman "if so they may have had evidence, such as lead residue at one of the suspected sites for the tower."

I am for my part suspecting that one of their suspected sites is way too late, and clearly post-Babel.

I think they looked at Classic Mesopotamian (from when Sumerian Cuneiform starts) rather than at Neolithic as they should have, and obviously also South-East rather than North-West Mesopotamia, as identifying Shinar with only Sumer rather than with all Mesopotamia.

"it is a speculative hypothesis, about how G-d may have done it."

Lead poinsoning causes depression. It is mercury poisoning that causes symptoms reminiscent of schizophrenia.

And it's the sham diagnosis "schizophrenia" that involves in some cases states where language breaks down.

These are two very different types of brain damage.

Also, we do not see a breakdown of language, as much as a confusion of languages.

If you had had the kind of diversification you could expect from a common language suffering in two strands of the population a language breakdown, you don't get Sumerian and Old Egyptian just centuries after that.

The Evolutionists who think Sumerian and Old Egyptian maybe come from same human proto-language place that one in emergence of Homo erectus a million years ago, emergence of Homo saiens 100 000 to 300 000 years ago or, even later, 50 000 years ago.

That's way more time for diversifying than your scenario leaves. Meaning, we would need a more strictly supernatural explanation of the language confusion. Like God resetting or allowing evil spirits to reset (I would say the former, some Jews would have preferred the latter) the settings in the language competence of the non-Hebrew speakers.

Roger M Pearlman
Hans-Georg Lundahl
OK mercury poisonings could be the agent rather than led.

Most often G-d uses His laws /forces of nature to perform miracles, not that we fully understand those forces/laws.

If those 70 base founding family groups w/ brain damage that lost a % of language capacity moved into isolation from one another than rebuilt their language over the next few generations, why should it have taken more than a hundred years or so, to get from where we all understood each other, to where we had 70 +/- languages? just like w/ in a hundred years we may have gone from a founding animal kind on the ark of Noach to 70 breeds w/in a hundred or so years as the offspring filled different habitats w/ different diets and stresses..

Roger M Pearlman
BA I do not like to spell out the holy name, I prefer to use the title 'Hashem' which means 'The Name' as you never know where someone is going to take it. Certainly not suited in a bathroom.. or garbage dump.. I assume we both worship The One designer/creator, aka G-d of Abraham.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Roger M Pearlman "Most often G-d uses His laws /forces of nature to perform miracles, not that we fully understand those forces/laws."

There is a difference between miracle and providential coincidence.

Among created forces, we have not just those of material objects living or dead as material, but also those of angelic beings.

But when resetting completely the settings of one language competence, we are beyond what I would credit angels with performing even on God's behalf.

"If those 70 base founding family groups w/ brain damage that lost a % of language capacity moved into isolation from one another than rebuilt their language over the next few generations"

A functional language is not built by inheriting a dysfunctional from a braindamaged person - except if he is little damaged and the language is little dysfunctional. The result will be only little different from original before brain damage.

By the time of Babel, the 72 groups would not have been able to maintain cohesion if very brain damaged.

"why should it have taken more than a hundred years or so, to get from where we all understood each other, to where we had 70 +/- languages?"

I think the real result of your scenario would have been things like Scots and Indian English, or less different. Sufficient to block communication? Yes. But not sufficient to actually make Sumerian and Old Egyptian look that different to a linguist. That's a very different thing.

"just like w/ in a hundred years we may have gone from a founding animal kind on the ark of Noach to 70 breeds w/in a hundred or so years as the offspring filled different habitats w/ different diets and stresses.."

Look, hedgehogs come in 16 species, now, and I don't think all of these existed 100 years after the Ark. I also think hedgehogs are very much closer to each other, despite not mating, than hedgehogs are to dogs. Similarily, dialects of English, even if incomprehensible to each other, like Ozark and Kenya English, are to a linguist very much closer than Sumerian to Old Egyptian to Elamite.

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