mardi 24 décembre 2019

A Western Rite ROCOR Disagrees with My Writing and Defends Putin

Aristibule C Adams
21 décembre, 07:19
"The laws of every society reflect its culture and morals. Ours bear the imprint of liberalism and its hyper-individualist focus. In such a setting, even the most spirited efforts to preserve traditions must fall by the wayside of an ugly, vacuous culture of narcissistic indulgence. Libertarians say that it’s the responsibility of parents, not the state, to protect children from accessing porn, but in a declining and ugly culture, parents can only shelter their children from the world for so long, and even that is no formula for a healthy or happy life.

Libertarians may privately sympathize with the conservative desire for cultural renewal, but in practice their fear of public power makes such a renewal impossible. If conservatives are not willing to embrace political solutions to public problems, then the Left will gladly fill the void. Would conservatives rather live in a culture that reflects their understanding of the good, or as aliens within an enemy regime that regards them with hostility and suspicion?"

American Greatness : If the Right Doesn’t Stand Against Porn, What Will It Stand For?
Matthew Boose - December 19th, 2019

Hans-Georg Lundahl
I can live with a government banning porn, if it also bans abortions.

Putin might want to "ban porn" in order to get a cyberwall and then use that cyberwall in order to block other things as well, which shouldn't be blocked. He's had nearly 20 years and hasn't banned abortions.

The one law that banned promoting information on abortion also banned promoting homoeopathic or herbal cures ...

G. K.
This is a good point; how far do we trust the ones in charge, and if we trust the one we have now, what about the next one? Any information banned must be very narrowly and carefully defined. For example, people have been prosecuted in the US for "child porn" that involved no photos of children at all, or clothed photos that were intended for a high school yearbook that one over-zealous prosecutor wanting to insure reelection decided were 'too risque.' There is far too much danger in giving government free reign over information. I grew up during the Cold War, which was the age of lies on both sides, and, unlike now with the internet, virtually no citizen in either the US or USSR could get any information beyond what the government and media chose to tell them, and it was always the same well before that, through war after war.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
In Russia a historian was charged with "pedophilia" after refusing to correct the idea Cheka or UGP whatever killed some guys to Finns doing it during Continuation War.

Aristibule C Adams
It banned witchcraft and occultism.*

Again, he's not a dictator. He has to get the votes in parliament. A lot of damage was done in the Soviet and the Clintons suzerainty years. He's got the Church in his side in the Pro-Life side. Their outlook on ending that looks better. Us, not so much.

*[Later on it seems he confuses what the law is I am talking about, I am talking about one involving medical practises, he is talking of one involving religious ones./HGL]

Hans-Georg Lundahl
That law?

He didn't ban abortion and herbal medicine is not witchcraft.

"Their outlook on ending that looks better."

Indeed? After 20 years of saying one can't end abortion?

He has to gets votes in parliament? So did Mussolini ... under whom abortion was a criminal offense.

Seriously, he accepts heading a party which does not vote for banning abortion, says something about him, and it is not good.

Have you read what Mark Shea says about US Americans who still think Trump will end abortion?

Aristibule C Adams
Putin has no power to ban anything. Parliament makes the laws. And yes, that law was directed towards witches.

No, I don't read Mark Shea. No one should read him.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Whether the law was in intention directed to witches or not, the actual terms are such that herbal medicine even without witchcraft is targetted, if we are even speaking of the same law.

The one I speak of bans giving publically available information on abortion facilities and on herbal medicine.

Those terms may have some "sentimental" connexion with banning witchcraft, but banning Tea Tree Oil as treatment for scabies is not targetting witchcraft but a very licit medical practise, though other pharmacopy than modern treatments, and banning information on abortion but not abortion itself is not targetting the witches enough.

As for "no one should read Mark Shea" I disagree, he has some very valid points to make in defending Catholic Mariology, it's a pity he's modernist on a few issues, including in believing Old Age and some kind of Theistic Evolution.

So far he has been right and pro-lifers of the movement nearly only wrong about Trump being pro-life. Exception, the Alabama law which according to terms bans all abortions after week 5 or 6, which is much better than Russia did so far (perhaps other state laws have concurred).

The Russian law I speak of by banning information on abortion also bans (I suppose) pro-life tracts (except those discretely enough distributed by Orthos), and makes getting an abortion a privilege depending on the right connexions or the badwill of the doctor. At the same time, the banning of information on herbal medicine boosts modern synthetic phramacopy, which on top of that has in Russia had some scandals of very bad products.

And the uses of pharmacopy which constitute witchcraft (maleficium), like abortion, contraception, pushing an excitement of sexual type, inhibiting an excitement of sexual type, and making someone more pliable to orders from others (psychiatric pharmacopy) have not the least been targetted by the terms of that law, as long as the pharmacopy is modern and scientific.

Where do the Church Fathers say a witch is not a witch if the witch uses a certain type of lab?

Aristibule C Adams
The Pro-Life position of the Russian Orthodox Church is quite open, not 'discrete'.

I suppose you can imbibe at the fount of CIA propaganda - but it's diabolical (divisive) in origin.

Not sure who you're preaching to against Trump here. The only men I've voted for for President of the USA are Pat Buchanan and Ron Paul, and Bo Gritz (once). Gritz was a mistake - the other two are pro-Life.

I think of lot of your muddle and confusion would be solved if you could reconcile with the Orthodox clergy that you've thrown a fit at. Following the Devil's politics isn't going to get you far. Mark Shea you could do better without. You could do better without the whole self-promoting self-anointed Internet Apologist Blogger scene.

[My point was Mark Shea's point is better applied on Putin than on Trump. But his voting pro-life, fine./HGL]

Hans-Georg Lundahl
"The Pro-Life position of the Russian Orthodox Church is quite open, not 'discrete'."

  • 1) Can they very openly distribute a pro-life tract outside the Church?
  • 2) Can someone else, independently of them?

"if you could reconcile with the Orthodox clergy that you've thrown a fit at."

Are you drunk?

  • 1) I haven't thrown a fit at anyone, I have expressed just indignation.
  • 2) I am Roman Catholic.

"You could do better without the whole self-promoting self-anointed Internet Apologist Blogger scene."

NEITHER blogger NOR apologist is an anointed order of the sacrament of orders. St Justin was an apologist and he was a layman.

If the Orthodox do not agree with laymen taking initiatives to defend the faith, so much worse for them.

Plus this:

"I suppose you can imbibe at the fount of CIA propaganda - but it's diabolical (divisive) in origin."

  • 1) Divisive and diabolical are not the same.
  • 2) Nothing I said comes from the CIA.

Aristibule C Adams
Let's see - you *were* Orthodox or claim so - and have a litany of complaints to express about what you were directed to do by Orthodox clergy. You follow Pope Michael of Kansas, the Conclavist. But you do read Mark Shea.

It's all over the place - and none of it matters here. This is the wall of a Russian Orthodox priest of the Western rite. No KGB stuff. No CIA stuff. No Mossad stuff. No MI6 stuff.

You're not going to be repeating the lies here about the Russian church persecuting anyone, or being pro-abortion. So, Russia is still a modern republic working its way out of a messed up past. Bearing False Witness is still a violation of the Ten Commandments - doing so about clergy is even worse, or trying to lie to a priest's face.

Yes, a lot that you say are things that the CIA has first promoted in its instruments abroad to cause division among Orthodox, among Christians in general, and to politically contain Christians within the US (especially Orthodox.) You're shilling their story line on Russia word for word.

W. H.
Hans-Georg Lundahl Shea confuses intrinsic evils with non intrinsic evils and the Church's dogma with statements from the USCCB. He's wrong and it's dangerous to teach what he's teaching.

Aristibule C Adams
Diabolos literally means 'divides in twain'. That's what the diaboloical does: divides man from God and man alike.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Divisive means sth else.

My Pope has not banned reading Mark Shea. Nor recommen[d]ed all he writes (obviously not the pro-evolution stuff).

Diabolos means accuser. You are accusing me of repeating lies, so, you are playing a diabolos in the Greek sense. You are also accusing me of getting them from intelligence services. Again. However, diabolos also has a second meaning, namely calumniator and as both your accusations were calumnious, you are again playing diabolos in the Greek sense.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
W. H. I agree Mark Shea is confused on some things.

[I should have added that as a layman, he is not "teaching" and as a writer, not bishop, he can be read by people not agreeing with all of him. For instance, I think Aristobule may have quoted CSL somewhere, without agreeing with his evolutionism.]

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Aristibule C Adams one more:

"Let's see - you *were* Orthodox or claim so"

I was Neohimerite with Palaeohimerite leanings, hoping that way to hold one hand to both guys like you and one to guys like SSPX - it failed.

Aristibule C Adams "on Russia's laws against occult groups and dangerous cults"

You seem not to be getting what law I am talking of. [Indeed.]

It didn't mention occult groups as far as I can remember. [Or probably at all, since he's talking of one law and I of another.]

As for dangerous cults, Putin can use his old KGB criteria on what it applies to. [Note, now I am commenting on the law Aristobule mentioned.]

"I don't care what your Pope has said to you - he has no authority here."

Noting your schismatic intention publically expressed.

Aristibule C Adams
Well, you can stop right there then. I really don't care. You were asked Orthodox priests there, and they gave you spiritual direction - and you are in disobedience to those instructions. I'm not hearing it. You can go do your obedience, but pushing your vagante craziness here gets tiresome.

Putin doesn't use an old KGB criteria. If we're not forgetting - Putin fought the KGB in the early 1990s. He was of the Pro-Western party through then up to his election. His own party isn't all that different than the American Democrats before their present lunacy. His party's conservative turn is *so far* from KGB / Soviet / Bolshevism as for any claim to any present action of Russia, Putin, or the Church there to being 'KGB' is beyond ridiculous. Go do that craziness somewhere else.

Son - you're the schismatic. There is no pope elected by his mom and a couple of other people at the kitchen table.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
I am not your son, as you are schismatic you do not exercise authority over me.

There is a minimum quota of voters for a valid election within a conclave, there is no minimum of voters overall.

Kitchen table or not is an adiaphoron. In Rome there were house churches, which is where the majority of cardinals' hats come from, up to Constantine.

By the way, your little half-idol Putin has considered house churches as "dangerous sects".

Women involved - they are involved in shouting "axios" to your bishops too.

None of your arguments hold, neither does your rebellion against the pope, neither does your so called authority.

If the man you consider as Patriarch of all Russia is a Christian, why hasn't he excommunicated politicians who refuse to vote for banning abortion?

A few years ago, he called that "Christian sharia".

And the priority for that was with Constantine and Theodosius. Constantine did not wait for banning non-Christian religions (except Judaism with less publicity) before banning abortion. But first Constantine banned abortion, and second Theodosius banned Pagan temples. Even he did not ban pagan "house churches".

Aristibule C Adams
No replies for you!

Then the following is not for that Schismatic priest. It's for all of my actual readers.

He claimed Putin is not using old KGB criteria. Proof? He fought KGB.

Well, not all the time. In 1989, he blocked a crowd (with an authority which could have been saintly or demonic, I don't know, but back then he could have been still in a state of grace) of Germans who wanted to storm KGB offices in Berlin and find out who KGB had collaborated with.

Well, how about false flag? When KGB is under attack, would he have openly defended them? Or could he better defend them by pretending to fight them?

But whether or not his discarding of KGB loyalties was sincere, which maybe it was, it does not mean he need to have changed all the ways of thinking he learned from them back then.

Describing either an Evangelical Sect or criticism against himself as coming from CIA is precisely the kind of thing KGB was doing back then. Invoking consensus and opposing being "divisive" (in the colloquial sense, which as said is different from the one defended by Aristobule) is an old KGB criterium. Describing Evangelicals as dangerous sects is also the old KGB stuff. Or, if not KGB, then Russian psychiatry, politicised, and not opposed by the KGB - but arguably shared by lots of KGB-ers as well.

I was not new born in 1989 or 1990./HGL

One more : he is reconstructing what happened between me and priests, whether Orthodox between 2006 and early 2009 or SSPX from 2009 to when I ceased attending St. Nicolas. I was not given any explicit pastoral instruction to cease writing. I have obeyed the instructions I got explicitly.

If either of them should pretend to now give me an instruction not to write, I would count neither as an authority.

Pope Michael has also not given any instruction to cease writing, though he may have been put under pressure to do so. If he were to give such an instruction, I would at first charitably suppose it comes from pressure put on him. His observations on what is book market mores right now are not facts of moral theology and need not be obeyed if he were trying to push it as an order./HGL


That schismatic unfriended and blocked (or at least blocked) me over my asking on his wall if he agreed with Soviet agression against Poland being defended by Putin because Poles were Antisemites.

I actually asked him if he believed mail dot com was misciting him on this news link:

mail dot com : Putin rebuffs Western criticism of 1939 Stalin-Hitler pact

PS to above:

mail dot com : Polish PM accuses Putin of lying about outbreak of WWII

Epilogue 2:

Since Aristobule mentioned another law than the one I was speaking of (and it is possible I had the news from him), and that other law involved a ban on occultism, I checked:

It seems, unlike under Franco, freemasonry is still perfectly legal in Russia. So, small witches can be caught if practising witchcraft in a small coven of 13, but big warlocks can remain scot free, if practising witchcraft in lodges under this grandlodge./HGL

Epilogue 3:

In 2018, the highest number of abortions per 1000 live births was Bulgaria, 380. Of those over 300, I think Sweden was the lowest or one of the lowest. Russia was one of the higher ones, as there was no European country with more than 400.

statista : Number of abortion procedures performed in European countries in 2018*

The page opened up correctly once, then when I tried to reaccess, it needs a paid subscription./HGL

PS, there may even be a way of getting it for free .../HGL

lundi 16 décembre 2019

El tiempo de Génesis 5 y 11 no es incalculable

Carlos Salazar es moderador o administrador del grupo defiende tu fe catolica y evangelica.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
13 décembre, 22:23
Por ciertos - nosotros católicos creemos la Vírgen sin pecados por causa de Génesis 3:15.

Me gustaría saber que los otros católicos aquí también creen un tiempo bien limitado y definido entre Adán y Abrahán ... como lo precisan los cabildos 5 y 11 ...

Carlos Salazar

Hans-Georg Lundahl
LXX, entre la creación de Adán y el Diluvio, 2242 años.

Según una versión de LXX sin el secundo Cainán, 942 años entre el Diluvio y el nacimiento de Abrahán.

3184 años después la creación y el nacimiento de Abrahán, quien vió Egipto faraónico ... no hay problemas por creer Génesis 3 bien preservado, ya que es breve, fácil a memorizar, y ya que la gente vivieron muy longo.

Bueno, hay también ciertos católicos (no los de aquí, espero) que no creen solo 3184 años entre creación y Abrahán.

Carlos Salazar
Hans-Georg Lundahl @ COMPLICADO NO LO CREES?


Hans-Georg Lundahl
Peró, con Génesis 5 y 11 hay questión del tiempo de los hombres ... no de la eternidad de Diós.

Y el tiempo de los hombres no es incalculable.

dimanche 8 décembre 2019

Karl Keating Disclaims Responsibility for Paris Archdiocese Having a Prejudice on YEC = Protestant, Claims he Never Said So

Spot the Moral Monster + Other Stuff · Karl Keating Disclaims Responsibility for Paris Archdiocese Having a Prejudice on YEC = Protestant, Claims he Never Said So

Summary : Karl Keating used Fundamentalist about very virulent Anti-Catholics, but involves the Chicago Statement which is shared by people not so, and he didn't claim Fundamentalist in this sense equals YEC or all YEC are Fundamentalists in this sense. He has not so far suggested that some people might be using the word a bit differently than he, and therefore that his words were inherently likely to give the said very unfortunate impression. When it comes to licitness of YEC within Catholicism, he places it, not on magisterium like Trent (which makes it obligatory, since none of the Church Fathers were Old Earthers, and several disagreed with longer timelines suggested by Pagans), nor is he satisfied that YEC was academically defended in the 19th C. bby Catholics and their faith is still relevant, even if technical solutions on more recent problems could be taken from Protestants. Oh, no. A Catholic must in defending YEC go on Catholic only expertise, and this one for academic intellectual property reasons cannot cite Protestant experts without actually naming them and their works. And somehow, some modern Catholics have no problem citing C. S. Lewis on the nature of damnation, while some other ones for strictly technical problems require the solutions to be presented by Catholics only - but this somehow doesn't apply against Atheists giving their solutions on why GC is supposed to be millions and over a billion years old./HGL

YeeHAH! Cowboy steak: bone-in, high-fat rib eye. Angus. Seared then broiled under a gas flame on a cast iron grill pan. Marinade is Fines Herbes, onion and garlic powders, iodized sea salt, olive oil and then red wine added after sitting a bit. 7 minutes first side, 5 minutes second side. With a side of shredded cauliflower, salt, and a touch of cream and butter.

some. Mostly praise of the cooking, well deserved, according to looks of it.

Karl Keating
Sounds wonderful, except for the execrable cauliflower, which should have remained classified as an inedible weed.

some (including but not limited to banter).

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Karl Keating - you need education on two issues.

  • 1) Cauliflower is good if you add cream, butter or olive oil (haven't tried the latter, but presume so);
  • 2) You have Catholic YEC and Flood Geologists to read up on.

Which ones? I have a little list ...

Creation vs. Evolution : Protestants Not Citing Catholic Predecessors (Short Note)

Karl Keating
Hans-Georg Lundahl Your comment prompted me to look at my book shelves. I have at least 19 books defending young-Earth creationism. I think all are by Protestants, but maybe one or two are by Catholics.

I collected these books because I'm planning to write one or two books on the subject, but I don't expect to start until at least the middle of next year--and likely later. (I have several other books that must take precedence.)

You not only are a YECist but a geocentrist. As you know, several years ago I wrote a book against geocentrism. If I get around to writing the books about YEC, they will be in refutation of it, not in support of it.

I say I might write one or two books. If I write two, one will be strictly on Grand Canyon, and the other will be a global look at YEC. I have considerable first-hand familiarity with Grand Canyon. I have hiked there many times. I will be backpacking there twice this year, in March (doing the New Hance Trail/Grandview Trail loop) and in October (doing a rim-to-rim).

Hans-Georg Lundahl
You have written one book, often cited in France, in which YEC is presented (at least some superficial readers got the impression, including a former Dominican of Paris, now laicised) like an outgrowth of the more conservative group of Calvinists in US at a certain time.

I have some fatigue at being suspected, due to your sloppy research in history of ideas, as a Protestant or as someone confused who doesn't know if he's Protestant or Catholic.

As to GC, I'm willing to discuss that anther time, first you look up Bosizio, Trissl, Veit, please, and give me my honour as a Catholic back!

Karl Keating
Hans-Georg Lundahl I didn't suggest you were Protestant. Don't pretend I did.

To date I have NOT written a book about YEC. At most I have mentioned the topic in passing elsewhere.

The only books I can find by Bosizio and Trissle are from the nineteenth century. (I can't find anything by Veit.) Aren't there any recent books by Catholics who defend YEC? The YEC argument has grown in sophistication over the last century and a half, and I see little reason to bother with books that no longer have much relevance.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Karl Keating "I didn't suggest you were Protestant."

No, I didn't say you did.

"Don't pretend I did."

I didn't pretend you did.

I do however recall a book by Jacques Arnould mentioned you. I cannot swear it was a book he mentioned. And it was about ten years ago that I read his work, part of it, or nine.

It concluded that Calvinists had divided on the matter. So that YEC starts out from a Calvinist schism.

"The only books I can find by Bosizio and Trissle [sic] are from the nineteenth century. (I can't find anything by Veit.)"

Veit is also 19th C.

It so happens, the arguments back then are still relevant.

This guy was a monsignore:

His view on the flooding of Pyrenees was, this is a purely scientific question (he was cited in article Déluge in Dictionnaire Apologétique de la Foi catholique) and if scientists conclude there is no solution, he is very willing to say God multiplied the waters, like afterwards he multiplied the breads.

Now, note : to him, whether the area now Pyrenees can have been entirely flooded or not is a scientific question : ergo - he would have no qualms about taking a scientific hint from Tas Walker, despite him being Protestant - since the HOW about the universal flooding was a scientific question, and only the THAT was a theologic one.

The same article also mentioned (around 1880 - 1890's) that the advocates for a universal Flood were lots fewer then than "twenty years ago" - meaning it was after all the traditional position among Catholics.

The two books by Catholics you found, were they Baltimore Catechisms and Haydock Bible?

You know how Haydock accounted for our knowing of the Genesis 3 events?

// Concerning the transactions of these early times, parents would no doubt be careful to instruct their children, by word of mouth, before any of the Scriptures were written; and Moses might derive much information from the same source, as a very few persons formed the chain of tradition, when they lived so many hundred years. Adam would converse with Mathusalem, who knew Sem, as the latter lived in the days of Abram. Isaac, Joseph, and Amram, the father of Moses, were contemporaries: so that seven persons might keep up the memory of things which had happened 2500 years before. But to entitle these accounts to absolute authority, the inspiration of God intervenes; and thus we are convinced, that no word of sacred writers can be questioned. H. //

E-Catholic 2000 : Haydock : Genesis 3

Hans-Georg Lundahl
It is one of these two books, where I recall your being cited:

Amazon : Les Créationnistes (Français) Relié – 31 janvier 1996
de Jacques Arnould (Auteur)éationnistes-Jacques-Arnould/dp/2204053236

FNAC : Dieu versus Darwin
Jacques Arnould (Auteur) Les créationnistes vont-ils triompher de la science ? Paru en janvier 2007 Essai (broché)

Sure you mentioned nothing on the subject in this book?

Catholicism and Fundamentalism: The Attack on "Romanism" by "Bible Christians" Paperback – March 1, 1988
by Karl Keating (Author)

Karl Keating
Hans-Georg Lundahl (1) I didn't discuss YEC in C&F. (2) I don't give much weight to Haydock's opinions. (3) You haven't been able to provide me with modern pro-YEC Catholic book titles, so maybe there aren't any.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
"(1) I didn't discuss YEC in C&F."

In that case, Jacques Arnould seems to have got the impression YEC was implied in "fandamentalist". [sic]

"(2) I don't give much weight to Haydock's opinions."

Too bad for you, doesn't change they are more standard Catholic (over the centuries) than yours.

"(3) You haven't been able to provide me with modern pro-YEC Catholic book titles, so maybe there aren't any."

I'll give one of my own : Neanderthals, Göbekli Tepe and what about Carbon 14. It's a homemade essay collection printed in perhaps 15 copies so far.

Now, the problem is, some seem to have got in their mind (perhaps through Jacques Arnould misunderstanding your use of the word Fundamentalist, which to many over here simply means Biblical literal inerrantist) that "fundamentalism" (in their view equal to things like Young Earth Creationism, literal Exodus from Egypt etc) arose as a split within US Calvinism around the time of Civil War or perhaps a bit earlier.

I think I have sufficiently documented that this is NOT the case.

I do not know exactly why you are so insistent on modern editions that are YEC from Catholics, if it is bc of technical problems not yet known to people (like human cave art with associated carbon dates of 20 000 BC) or if it is because you think the magisterium works according to most modern printed books.

If it's the latter, I disagree. If it's the former, the technical solutions are very much non-theological (except for the theologeme of literal inerrantism) and you should have no more qualms about taking technical hints from Tas Walker or Jonathan Sarfati than you apparently have about taking such from heretics like Cuvier, Lyell, Darwin and a few more. The last of these also in the end apostate.

I think Pope Michael may have a few old titles reprinted, at least he has one for papal decrees about Geocentrism.

And if your point is, "Pope Francis" doesn't endorse this reprinting, that's my point too about his not being a real Catholic, since not in the real continuity with the tradition of the Church.

Karl Keating I can add there is a part of a book which actually is:

// A new book “Saint Patrick After The Ancient Narrations” by Rev. Philip Lynch C.S.Sp. has just been published by his nephew James Lynch. //

A few decades of pages in this book were also dedicated to Rev. Philip Lynch's view of the Deluge.

Technically not very good, I would say, but certainly Roman Catholic and certainly published after 2000.

mardi 3 décembre 2019

Baptists Considering RCC Guilty of Lincoln Assassination and of being Harlot - Answered

27 novembre, 12:20
Why weren't they tied before well the official government investigation into the Lincoln assassination that the pope had him killed and when we broke off relations with the Vatican you should have returned the fire.

By Steven R. Weisman, Special To the New York Times Jan. 11, 1984

Under Reagan :-(


Hans-Georg Lundahl
"the official government investigation into the Lincoln assassination that the pope had him killed"

What official investigation?

Matt SIngleton
John Wilkes booth's "Team" were all parts of the "Surrat school" A Jesuit institution in D.C.

Conspirators used an escape route went to Canada and then said to Italy on their way to the Vatican. They were arrested by the Italian police.

Their was a large investigation of Lincoln's assassination.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
The best you can do is, Mary Surratt was a Catholic and she was hanged as part of the conspiracy.

I'm not sure about the exact numbers of Catholics in 1865 (when I converted in 1988 it was about 1 billion, half of all Christians), but it would have been a bit too unwieldy for Pope Pius IX to have directed all Catholics in all their doings.

As the farm of her late husband had had a fire through a runaway slave, back in 1851, she may have had lots of motives for supporting the Dixie side other than religious conviction.

And, here is the clou, the "Italian police" who arrested John Surrat Jr was in fact *Pontifical* Police:

// Surratt would later serve for a time in the Ninth Company of the Pontifical Zouaves, in the Papal States, under the name John Watson.[4][5]

An old friend, Henri Beaumont de Sainte-Marie, recognized Surratt and notified papal officials and the US minister in Rome, Rufus King.[6]

On November 7, 1866, Surratt was arrested and sent to the Velletri prison. He escaped and lived with the supporters of Garibaldi, who gave him safe passage. Surratt traveled to the Kingdom of Italy and posed as a Canadian citizen named Walters. He booked passage to Alexandria, Egypt, but was arrested there by US officials on November 23, 1866, still in his Pontifical Zouaves uniform.[7] He returned to the US on the USS Swatara to the Washington Navy Yard in early 1867. //

John Surratt - Wikipedia

That Pionono had diplomatically recognised the Confederacy doesn't mean he was a friend of cutthroat methods post-bellum.

From what I read it appeared the Vatican guard let him get away. Apparently the Pope was on the side of the confederacy. To the extent that when the Irish in the northern army found out they left, deserted en masse

Matt SIngleton
KA It is said that "The Knights of the golden circle" were conspiring with Hispanic slaveholding catholic nations mexico, cuba etc. to form a slave holding alliance. The south originally desired to make the Midwest territories like Kansas major agricultural centers.

Just like WWII the Jesuits were hedging their bets on both sides. They probably preferred if the nation would have collapsed entirely being of protestant origins.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
"Apparently the Pope was on the side of the confederacy."

While it lasted. When John Surratt came over, it was already finished.

"From what I read it appeared the Vatican guard let him get away."

He was a Vatican guard, a Papal Zouave, under a false name.

He was still arrested by police in the Papal States. And extradicted by it to US.

@ Matt SIngleton "Hispanic slaveholding catholic nations mexico, cuba etc."

Mexico was not a slave holding nation, Cuba was a rarity among Hispanic states in that respect.

The slaves in Texas were introduced with slave holding Calvinist settlers, in defiance of the agreement with Mexican president and Texas secceeded from Mexico partly over wanting to keep its slaves.

"Just like WWII the Jesuits were hedging their bets on both sides."

The Pope during the War recognised both US and Confederacy, with state limits as their frontier. This doesn't mean all Catholics were required to agree with this political statement.

"They probably preferred if the nation would have collapsed entirely being of protestant origins."

That is not how Catholicism (including Inquisition) deals with Heretical Roots Populations.

It is only heresies spreading within Catholic populations that were targetted. And for people born in Anabaptist sects, the Inquisition disclaimed jurisdiction, since not recognising the baptisms not intending to cause but only to testify regeneration.

An unbaptised fake "believer baptised" pagan is as much outside Inquisition's jurisdiction as an unbaptised Jew.


Do we need close ties,with the whore of Revelation? And the ultra socialist /jesuit pope? The one square mile,not a nation state, but a ponsy scheme.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
"not a nation state,"


"but a ponsy scheme."

Would you mind being precise as to what unites the Vatican with the schemes of Charles Ponzi?

"Do we need close ties,with the whore of Revelation?"

Well, how do you identify it?

"By comparing Scriptude with scripture".

CHurch/states have not been the lover of liberty or the gospel.

Not with him personally, but they do accrue wealth to the top of their pyramid, from some of the poorest people on earth, and live like royalty. The Catholic church, after 75 years of my family giving more than the 10% tithe called for in the old testament, couldnt get any help at all when my homicide detective father died on the job at 40 years old, not even a loan for food money for 10 days, until mom got his death benefit insurance. Yey 2 weeks later, they knocked on our door for block collection and expected the usual $50 my parents gave at least twice a year. Same priest that threw my mother out of the rectory , empty handed, wanted money to "help the parishes needy. " That my friend is The definitiin of a ponsey scheme. Take it for what it is!!,

revelation, Daniel, Ezekiel are good places,to start. Btw, when GOD speaks of whores/harlots in prophecy ,it is dealing with idolatrous religious practices.

And the folk lore and unbiblical tenets of catholicism fit that descriptiin in so many ways. I can enumerate many of them from off the top of my head, if you'd like

Hans-Georg Lundahl
What about revelation and Isaiah?

Isaiah told Israelites in advance to get out of a Babylon that had been in power for less than one century, when they got out.

Apocalypse very closely echoes the words of Isaiah and Jeremiah, and that means the end times whore needs to have been in power for only as much.

Any power (if itself) that has been around for most of 2000 years cannot be the harlot.

"folk lore" - as in OT Judaism and Primitive Christianity didn't have any?

"unbiblical tenets" - tenets not directly in the Bible (on your assessment after looking briefly) or tenets you suppose contradict it?

Harlots have been around a long time . Babylon is mother of them.around before them

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Neo-Babylonic Empire had been around for 90 years and been keeping Jews captive for 70 years when Isaiah's and Jeremiah's proto-"get out of her" was applicable.

While many harlots have been around, they have usually not been longlived (goes for the literal ones you cross in the street too, they don't have the longest lifespans usually).

Ah I get ya now. You are looking at this from the standpoint of amillenialism. That tribulation is past. That leaves about 1/4 of the Bible out of context or without its matchmeet. Nothing personal.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
No, I am counting "Church Age" = "Millennium".

Satan was bound on Good Friday. He's being released now.

Apocalypse 19 with prequels are a parallel to last verses in Apocalypse 20 which gives a broad panorama, like Genesis 1 gives a broad panorama and its ending verses have a parallel in Genesis 2.

The point is and remains : neither Antichrist nor Harlot will have a continuous long rule over many generations.

Apocalypse 18:[2] And he cried out with a strong voice, saying: Babylon the great is fallen, is fallen; and is become the habitation of devils, and the hold of every unclean spirit, and the hold of every unclean and hateful bird: [3] Because all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication; and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her; and the merchants of the earth have been made rich by the power of her delicacies. [4] And I heard another voice from heaven, saying: Go out from her, my people; that you be not partakers of her sins, and that you receive not of her plagues.


Jeremiah 51:[44] And I will visit against Bel in Babylon, and I will bring forth out of his mouth that which he had swallowed down: and the nations shall no more flow together to him, for the wall also of Babylon shall fall. [45] Go out of the midst of her, my people: that every man may save his life from the fierce wrath of the Lord.

Babylon had not been ruling long in the day of when Babylon was taken by Cyrus, and end times harlot will not have been ruling long when she falls.