lundi 25 mars 2019
Could not Post to Page Wall
Is AI a Threat to Man? · Still Censored (for Fast Typing?) · Well, I was after all ... · Zuckerberg's Vandalism Continues · Yes, as Said ... · Blockade Over After All? · Or Maybe Not? · Could not Post to Page Wall · OK, Not Over · Still Not Over · FB Censors Links
I was sending them this by message, since I could not post it on their wall:
Great Bishop of Geneva! : The Gates of Hell have not, HAVE NOT prevailed against the Church
In response to their post:
Bethel Baptist Church : The Perpetuity of the Church
jeudi 21 mars 2019
Or Maybe Not?
Is AI a Threat to Man? · Still Censored (for Fast Typing?) · Well, I was after all ... · Zuckerberg's Vandalism Continues · Yes, as Said ... · Blockade Over After All? · Or Maybe Not? · Could not Post to Page Wall · OK, Not Over · Still Not Over · FB Censors Links
Where is the "publish" button?
Btw, what I tried to publish to Mary Schweitzer's fan page was this post:
Creation vs. Evolution : What Bill Ludlow Fails to Understand
Since I cite her work in it, I think giving her an opportunity to see it would be very fair, and very far from just spamming her.
Whatever Mark Zuckerberg may feel, and whatever anyone else may feel who might otherwise be behind this kind of thing.
Hans Georg Lundahl
Nanterre UL
St Benedict
samedi 16 mars 2019
Blockade Over After All?
Is AI a Threat to Man? · Still Censored (for Fast Typing?) · Well, I was after all ... · Zuckerberg's Vandalism Continues · Yes, as Said ... · Blockade Over After All? · Or Maybe Not? · Could not Post to Page Wall · OK, Not Over · Still Not Over · FB Censors Links
Would be delightful, if true.
I managed to post two comments under same status without getting the "temporarily blocked" notice.
Or, wait a minute?
Tried to post this to the wall of a friend I was unfriending as farewell. Got above notice, here is the link:
Pope St. Pius V Claimed to be God (Say Anti-Catholics)
November 29, 2017 by Dave Armstrong
jeudi 14 mars 2019
Yes, as Said ...
Is AI a Threat to Man? · Still Censored (for Fast Typing?) · Well, I was after all ... · Zuckerberg's Vandalism Continues · Yes, as Said ... · Blockade Over After All? · Or Maybe Not? · Could not Post to Page Wall · OK, Not Over · Still Not Over · FB Censors Links
A clear "AI" unpleasantness:
Coming as a bolt from blue sky after this:
Obviously, my answer to Pope Michael and my answer to the friend I was quoting are different answers to two different people and therefore I was not unnecessarily posting several comments after each other instead of making them one./HGL
Update, while trying the following response:
"2. Why was Peter not an infallible guide in faith and morals: "But when Cephas was come to Antioch, I withstood him to the face, because he was to be blamed." --Galatians 2:11?"
How can you be sure Cephas here mentioned is St Peter?
Clement the Stromatist thought he was someone else, and he counts as a Church Father, so you do not have a complete Patristic consensus on it being St Peter.
This happened:
So, the blockade went on one more day .../HGL
samedi 9 mars 2019
Zuckerberg's Vandalism Continues
Is AI a Threat to Man? · Still Censored (for Fast Typing?) · Well, I was after all ... · Zuckerberg's Vandalism Continues · Yes, as Said ... · Blockade Over After All? · Or Maybe Not? · Could not Post to Page Wall · OK, Not Over · Still Not Over · FB Censors Links
I was trying to respond to Craig Crawford.
I was giving the following answer and pretyping it on a notepad before posting:
"So this was no ordinary obscure birth, but all of Judaea was abuzz. Obviously the miraculous birth of the Christ did not go without notice, and was not forgotten, especially by His mother the Theotokos! The knowledge of the date of Chirst's birth was preserved and passed down by the Church."
I agree, but the date is still from tradition, not directly from the Bible.
St, Ambrose; "Zacharias seems here to be designated High Priest, because into the second tabernacle went the High Priest alone once every year, not without blood, which he offered for himself and the sins of the people."
Note, seems. It does not stand in the text itself, and St Ambrose basically admits that.
"Here it is in your native tongue:"
French is not that. I was bilingual in Swedish and German from smallest childhood, or perhaps German starting one year later, learnt English from age 9 (or a few months before) and French from age 13.
I find it disruptive during Lent to have to deal with English speakers who presume my English is deficient because I have some quirks of usage they would not make, and then also presume my French is better, while French in their turn presumes my French is deficient and one volunteered to speak to me in German instead. While my German really is deficient by now, somewhat, since I have not spoken it since 11 years and 6 months except on very few occasions or short durations.
"Here is an excerpt from a machine translation from the French."
Beware of machine translations.
Do you have the text in English at all?
"And by where will we be ensured of this time? by the divine Writings, by consulting the Evangile saint who says that Zacharie was in the Holy of Holies, when the angel announced the happy news to him, and the birth of Jean predicts to him."
In the text Douay Rheims offers, it does not say "holy of holies" in so many words.
Exodus 26:34 has "holy of holies", in LXX it says ἐν τῷ ἁγίῳ τῶν ἁγίων.
In St Luke (edition Nestle Aland 28) we find ὤφθη δὲ αὐτῷ ἄγγελος κυρίου ἑστὼς ἐκ δεξιῶν τοῦ θυσιαστηρίου τοῦ θυμιάματος, but we do not find ἐν τῷ ἁγίῳ τῶν ἁγίων.
I am not saying St John Chrysostom need have been wrong, it could be he had another text and it could be he had access to sacerdotal (cohanic) tradition that the altar of incense was inside the holy of holies. This is however not saying he could deduce this from the text as such itself, without such information - unless of course there is a passage in the Torah stating so, which I am unaware of, or stating incense was only used on Day of Atonement.
I am not a Jew, I have not been circumcised, nor made a Bar Mitsva, it could be I missed a passage in the law which implies this about the text we have in St Luke.
If the liturgic text you use in Greek liturgy says ἐν τῷ ἁγίῳ τῶν ἁγίων that is another matter. If all the fathers (which is a few more than the ones you cited, but even so) read that, that would normally be the correct text.
Then this happened:
Was there anything I would have added after the above comment, if I hadn't been blocked? Yes. But that would at the length of comments and at the speed of internet debates not have been avoided anyway if I had typed each word individually in the combox. In some debates, there is always sth to add.
Added after trying in vain to post above as an answer:
"When Zacharie made its function of priest in front of God in the row of his family, the fate decided, according to payments' of priesthood, that it would enter the temple of the Lord for y (178) to offer the perfumes. All the multitude of the people was outside, making his prayer per hour that the perfumes were offered. (Luc, I, 5,10.) You, my brothers recall, the passage which says: That no man is not in the gate vault of testimony, when the pontiff enters the Holy of Holies in order to request, until it left there. (Lév. I, 17.)"
It so happens, Leviticus I 17 refers to a holocaust of an animal victim, while Luke I clearly refers to a sacrifice of incense.
"[17] And he shall break the pinions thereof, and shall not cut, nor divide it with a knife, and shall burn it upon the altar, putting fire under the wood. It is a holocaust and oblation of most sweet savour to the Lord."
"[9] According to the custom of the priestly office, it was his lot to offer incense, going into the temple of the Lord. [10] And all the multitude of the people was praying without, at the hour of incense. [11] And there appeared to him an angel of the Lord, standing on the right side of the altar of incense."
A holocaust and an incense offering are two different things.
vendredi 8 mars 2019
Well, I was after all ...
Is AI a Threat to Man? · Still Censored (for Fast Typing?) · Well, I was after all ... · Zuckerberg's Vandalism Continues · Yes, as Said ... · Blockade Over After All? · Or Maybe Not? · Could not Post to Page Wall · OK, Not Over · Still Not Over · FB Censors Links
This happened when I tried to wish Blessed Lent to a friend:
Still Censored (for Fast Typing?)
Is AI a Threat to Man? · Still Censored (for Fast Typing?) · Well, I was after all ... · Zuckerberg's Vandalism Continues · Yes, as Said ... · Blockade Over After All? · Or Maybe Not? · Could not Post to Page Wall · OK, Not Over · Still Not Over · FB Censors Links
FB today:
Or, perhaps not quite the case, it showed ...
- Silvia Elizabeth Palacios
- There is a G-D in Heaven Watching and taking note.
- Diego Miranda
- Nah, there's no god.
- Silvia Elizabeth Palacios
- The Holy ONE Of Israel!
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- Who might not appreciate Zionism ...
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- Who might not appreciate Zionism ...
The first publication showed only after I had pushed "try again" ...
mardi 5 mars 2019
Is AI a Threat to Man?
Is AI a Threat to Man? · Still Censored (for Fast Typing?) · Well, I was after all ... · Zuckerberg's Vandalism Continues · Yes, as Said ... · Blockade Over After All? · Or Maybe Not? · Could not Post to Page Wall · OK, Not Over · Still Not Over · FB Censors Links
Yes, by its stupidity!
My comment, which is visible, was on the point, since the meme I commented under showed a parodic "Sola Scriptura" guy who concluded from Koalas not being mentioned in the Bible that "Australia is Unbiblical".
Nevertheless, I was blocked, for having commented too fast, or because some other comments previous to that had been made too fast.
If it was this one, I was typing fast.
If it was some previous ones, I prepared the comment on a notepad, in some length, with good both taking time to write exactly what I wanted to say and overview over what I was saying (better than on the combox space provided on facebook) and then copy pasted it into the combox and quickly published comment.
Either way, some evil mind has determined that spam and hasty comments can be reduced by a software that determines whether one spent enough time on editing a comment before one published it.
Such a block could theoretically have some function with teens. I am fifty, and not the only FB user my age, and such things are not likely to actually make us change habits, nor should one change good habits like typing fast or editing long comments on notepads before publishing in combox, it is only useful to add irritation to some users.
If it is not just the awful bottomless stupidity of trusting a software to determine how much time a man should spend on a comment before publishing it, what is it?
Hans Georg Lundahl
Nanterre UL
St. Phocas, Martyr
at Antioch
Antiochiae natalis sancti Phocae Martyris, qui, post multas, quas pro nomine Redemptoris passus est, injurias, qualiter de antiquo illo serpente triumphaverit, hodie quoque populis eo miraculo declaratur, quod, si quispiam a serpente morsus fuerit, hic, ut januam Basilicae Martyris credens attigerit, confestim, evacuata veneni virtute, sanatur.
I had no problems commenting under a few other ones, though not on persons' walls, so far, so, I begin to wonder whether it was that friend (?) who had used a blocking device for that feature?
Because, on same wall, this:
Update II:
Same under the wall of Tom Trinko, the writer of Conversations about the obvious:
Here the text of my comment is not visible, I show it here, from notepad:
Bibles certainly did exist then, if only virtually, since the scrolls were too cumbrous to have all Tanakh on one.
The Church certainly did have basically the same Bible as Biblia Hebraica, except mostly LXX version.
Saying "the Church started out without a Bible" is claiming Catholics are Albigensians (without OT).
However, what is true is She started out without a complete Bible and we have one such because the Church (in Apostolic times) very literally added to the Bible.
A better approach against Sola Scriptura is, OT in many cases proves Our Lord only via a specific OT exegesis which Christ taught the apostles and which only in very small part was written down in NT, as in Matthew early chapters.
As I noted here:
However, a bit earlier I had no problem commenting, also on Tom Trinko's page:
So, either both the other guy and Tom Trinko manually blocked me, or there is some monkey business over at my internet provider.
Update III:
Now it is involving also my dialogue with Craig Crawford:
Update IV, some days later:
The underlined words "en allant trop vite" mean "typing too fast" basically./HGL
dimanche 3 mars 2019
On marital age
- MC
- shared
MTV needs to stop doing TV shows like 16 & Pregnant & start doing shows like 18 & Graduate & 21 and successful
- 16 and pregnant is not a problem - if there is a husband, 16 or otherwise, who can be a breadwinner.
- MC
- Hans do you have any daughters friend.....this is a seminal change in perspective.
- KK
- trash
- I have neither sons nor daughters, people who have been so concerned about my sometime interest in girls under 18 have contributed to prolonging my celibacy.
But considering "16 and pregnant" a type of problem a husband can't overcome as problem has highly contributed to the culture of abortion, contraception, and pre-marital sex we are all sad about (insofar as we are decent).
"Each episode follows a period in the life of a teenager as she navigates the bumpy terrain of adolescence, growing pains, rebellion and coming of age -- all while dealing with being pregnant."
In absence of husbands capable of properly providing for these teens, perhaps getting attention from that show is one way of dealing with that situation.
Considering some of what I saw on the preview of certain episodes : NOT at all positive that it is a very good one.
Two relationships between parents broken down.
- MT
- W.T.F.
- MC
- MT exactly!!!!
- Hans-Georg Lundahl Being 16 and pregnant, and mentioning a husband who is 16? a problem. Both are children trying to raise children. Do these pregnancies occur?...yes, and they need support and more often than not the mother and father do not stay together. If in fact the father is q much older adult, it is rape, regardless of the legal age law. We do not live in biblical times.
Hans-Georg Lundahl Your “sometime interest in girls under 18?” I’d be gravely concerned too. Why that in itself has anything to do with your celibacy is scary.
Hans-Georg Lundahl Are you saying that show is one way to bring the attention of older men to provide for them? If so, all that is doing is taking advantage of their circumstances and in some cases desperation if they don’t have adequate support from their parents unless I misunderstood what you meant.
- ZPD "Both are children "
When you are able, under anatomically normal conditions, not prcocious puberty, to make babies, you are no longer a child.
"Your “sometime interest in girls under 18?” I’d be gravely concerned too. Why that in itself has anything to do with your celibacy is scary."
You mean it's scary how much power women with your Communist indoctrination have been able to exercise by slander?
"Are you saying that show is one way to bring the attention of older men to provide for them?"
Older men or age peers.
Both is OK.
"If so, all that is doing is taking advantage of their circumstances and in some cases desperation if they don’t have adequate support from their parents unless I misunderstood what you meant."
Or from the boyfriend?
Who, under your modern conditions (I live in them too, but I don't solidarise with them!) are impeded from being breadwinners.
Not bc they are children, but bc people like you agree with each other to treat them like that.
- Hans-Georg Lundahl First I don’t agree, some 12 year olds can have babies. Being able to get pregnant as a “child” doesn’t make her a woman any more than a “boy’s” ability to make a female pregnant makes him a man. That is ludicrous.
Some cultures force young girls to marry men 3 or more times their age. Disgusting.
“Communist indoctrination”?
Sir, children are children, plain a simple, having barely lived a life to know who they are let alone what they want and what love is. If a much older man has the attraction for “children” that is nothing more than a pedophile and if a man has interest to be with even a woman who can be his daughter or younger, that is for sexual gratification and generally her acceptance of him is for financial gain and stability. Both unhealthy motivations.
Hey, I have an idea, teach the young to respect their bodies and at the time of adult maturity choose a partner who they can live their life with and not most likely end up being a nurse or an early widow, raising kids without a father.
- "First I don’t agree, some 12 year olds can have babies."
About half [of them], this means a girl of 12 is not a child.
"Being able to get pregnant as a “child” doesn’t make her a woman any more than a “boy’s” ability to make a female pregnant makes him a man. That is ludicrous."
Biology defining age limits and gender is ludicrous, right?
How LGBTQ are you about the other item?
"Some cultures force young girls to marry men 3 or more times their age. Disgusting."
Forced marriage is disgusting regardless the age relation.
Some girls do, some girls don't find marrying a 3 times older man disgusting, the personal choice should be respected.
FURTHER, you are focussing on the case of the husband and breadwinner being older.
I mentioned both cases.
- Hans-Georg Lundahl And again your statement that your sometimes interest in “”””” girls”””” under 18 ( when you are 68) has contributed to your celibacy only indicates a twisted view and is surprising if you are a Christ follower and even without that have an decent morals.
If my daughter at 18 or even older was being pursued by a man at 68, he’d know me very well and he wouldn’t like what I had to say to him. It’s perverted on all counts.
- "Sir, children are children, plain a simple, having barely lived a life to know who they are let alone what they want and what love is."
Maam, there are definitely girls and boys you call children, whose hormones shout the opposite to them, till they go wrong. Some do suicide, some sodomy, some murder, and Klebold combined murder and suicide.
He would perhaps have done better if given an opportunity to be a breadwinner, therefore also a husband and father before going to Columbine High that year.
"And again your statement that your sometimes interest in “”””” girls”””” under 18 ( when you are 68) has contributed to your celibacy"
You are reading with hysteric incoherence.
I am 50, I was born 1968.
The girl I am into now is not under 18 (as far as she told me).
The time I was into a girl under 15 I was under 30.
People like you have been tracking me for 20 years to make me submit to your idiotic prejudice before stopping to protect ADULT girls against me.
"It’s perverted on all counts."
I wonder who invented that one? When?
"If a much older man has the attraction for “children” that is nothing more than a pedophile and if a man has interest to be with even a woman who can be his daughter or younger, that is for sexual gratification and generally her acceptance of him is for financial gain and stability. Both unhealthy motivations"
Neither is, within proper limits, an unhealthy motivation.
Your consideration is Puritan, it is forbidding to marry, because you heed doctrines of evil spirits. You are proving we live in the last days.
"Hey, I have an idea, teach the young to respect their bodies and at the time of adult maturity choose a partner who they can live their life with and not most likely end up being a nurse or an early widow, raising kids without a father."
Early widows with children often have no trouble getting stepfathers for them.
Besides, you have insulted more than one good family by your observation, certainly the parents of St Francis of Sales, possibly the Holy Family (according to the version of St. Joseph being an elderly widower), fairly certainly as well the ancestry of king David (reread the book of Ruth) and God knows how many more.
- Hans-Georg Lundahl Man, in your world 1/2 the population of “children” would be having sex just because they have reached the age of puberty and you forget all of the evil in the world which bombards males with sexual images and temptation and the pressure on young girls to believe they need to be sexy by wearing immodest clothing in or see to be attractive. If that’s not all worldly thinking and driven my the flesh alone I don’t know what is.
How LGBTQ am I about the other item? No idea what you’re talking about. I am called by God to love all people but recognize sin against God.
- PLUS, as I think you live in Illinois, I think you should think some on where it leads to say a pregnant 13 year old is "a child":
"1/2 the population of “children” would be having sex just because they have reached the age of puberty and you forget all of the evil in the world which bombards males with sexual images and temptation and the pressure on young girls to believe they need to be sexy by wearing immodest clothing in or see to be attractive."
YET another reason to not make marriage inaccessible for young adults.
PLUS I also oppose the kind of juridic or de facto school obligations which expose young students to temptations they would not have in their home's culture.
"I am called by God to love all people but recognize sin against God."
Yes, and it is sin against our Creator to call a man a woman, a woman a man, or an adult a child (as you do).
Or vice versa, as real child molesters do.
- I correct my calculation of your age but it’s here not there. 30 interested in a 15 year old girl? There is a good reason why people have been tracking you.
Yes, there is definitely elements of perversion in your mind and perversion is real, not some made up idea and you’re right, I do believe “girls” could definitely use protection against you as you sound more like a predator?
What do you think causes you from the age of 30 and even now, want to be with girls or young women and not be interested in women closer to your age?
Without a doubt we don’t agree are MANY levels except that I do believe we are in the last of days and may the Lord have mercy on us.
I also know that abortion is murder but I do not know the statistics of the numbers of abortions that have taken place where the mother is under the age of 18. The fact we have abortions is not because of ages, but because we live in a fallen world.
Do really believe allowing “children” to get married is going to improve ANYTHING? It would only add to the financial strain of raising a family with limited earning capabilities, most likely also increase divorce rates.
Physical maturity and emotional maturely are entirely 2 different things but I am going to discontinue conversing with you as you weren’t even able to answer my simple question regarding your long term age preference.
Perhaps you are unable to look at the truth.
And God chose to bless many in the Bible even when they were sinning but their sin was not without consequences and God’s purposes were within His knowledge of what would bring glory to His Kingdom.
Bless all the children who have to grow up in a sinful world and the adults who are held more accountable for their decisions.
- "30 interested in a 15 year old girl? There is a good reason why people have been tracking you."
"Yes, there is definitely elements of perversion in your mind and perversion is real, not some made up idea and you’re right, I do believe “girls” could definitely use protection against you as you sound more like a predator?"
You know, you are again sounding like believing doctrines of evil spirits. Forbidding marriage. Are you enforcing veganism too?
No, bc the devil can put one part of it here, another part of it there and then if both get mainsrteam, it coalesces.
"What do you think causes you from the age of 30 and even now, want to be with girls or young women and not be interested in women closer to your age?"
Not in women my age? Climacterium.
That bars childbearing.
"Do really believe allowing “children” to get married is going to improve ANYTHING? It would only add to the financial strain of raising a family with limited earning capabilities, most likely also increase divorce rates."
I don't believe in predictions.
Girls are aborting NOW because they are being told "you are a child, you are too young to be a mother, you are too young to marry". Girls were NOT aborting before, when most countries 18 was not the age limit. (First state : Italy, next one for girls : Soviet Union).
"Physical maturity and emotional maturely are entirely 2 different things"
That is accusing our creator of being our tempter, when modern society is.
[Plus it's LGBTQ : it's saying biology is defined by psychology.]
- Hans-Georg Lundahl I could continue debating with you but it would be foolishness.
Being so bent on others agreeing that you be in relationships with girls and not seeing that the desire you have is motivated by the flesh as wrong with no concern for them says a lot right there and I’m believing doctrine of evil spirits? God help you.
- "Being so bent on others agreeing that you be in relationships with girls"
Not "agreeing". Ceasing to actively prevent.
Hence the reference to "forbid marriage". In Timothy.
- added
- "Being so bent on others agreeing"
Who has been bent over this discussion? I enunciated a general principle, your attitude brought up bad memories.
You have been taking initiatives to demonise me over this, that or sundry you imagine as you indulge in the divinatory art (perhaps directly aided by evil spirits, probablier simply zealot over doctrines ultimately from them via evil men a few decades ago)
"that you be in relationships with girls"
Relationships? I am looking for marriage.
"and not seeing that the desire you have is motivated by the flesh"
Who the Hell told you it is wrong to seek marriage because one's desire is carnal? That is another doctrine of evil spirits.
"as wrong with no concern for them"
I suppose you meant "is wrong" etc.
What concern I have or have not is perhaps not your concern so long as you indulge in hysteria motivated by your Communist doctrines inspired by Hell.
I respect what you have to say on Otorhinolaryngology, if anything, but you need to read up on Gynaecology and DITCH Psychology.
Believing modern psychology (when it gives you divinatory "insights" as those you have on me) is believing doctrines of evil spirits, besides you are showing forth the Biblical identification of such, by your concern to forbid marriages.
- I thank God he has allowed this prevention of you being with girls.
I have NO doubt your motivation to be with them is not Godly.
- Oh, you thank "God" for the devil's works?
- MC, I saw you liked her comment, if that's how you feel, no need to be friends.
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