With Ivan Shiek on Continuity of Church and Accusations against the Catholic one (Ten Commandments and Accusation ag. Papacy) · With Ivan Shiek and Glenda Badger on Continuity of the Church · Continuing with Ivan Shiek · Ending with Ivan Shiek and Timothy Bradley
To clarify : this continues subthread II on previous, not subthread III.
- Ivan Shiek
- Here is another passage that speaks of worshipping God and how we must worship Him. I believe it throws out the "God in the church" theory.
“Our fathers worshipped on this mountain, but you people say that the place where one has to worship is in Yerushalayim.” Yeshua (Jesus) said, “Lady, believe me, the time is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Yerushalayim. You people don’t know what you are worshipping; we worship what we do know, because salvation comes from the Jews (Jesus is born a Jew and brings salvation to all that worship God). But the time is coming — indeed, it’s here now — when the true worshippers will worship the Father spiritually and truly, for these are the kind of people the Father wants worshipping him. God is spirit; and worshippers must worship him spiritually and truly.”
John 4:20-24
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- Yes, it is speaking of the time when the Church was becoming Catholic (over the whole earth) and it is saying the Jewish continuity (up to Christ) trumps the Samarian discontinuity.
I know.
- Timothy Bradek
- Ivan, I'm sorry but Fb doesn't include my comment w/ your latest reply, so I'm unable to recall from memory what exactly I said. Anyway my friend, Merry Christ.. mas to you and yours and a thank you to my Saviour who died for our sins.. and made me complete in Him and He in me, and we are in the Father in Heaven. Rejoice, again I say rejoice in Christ Jesus, Amen? Amen.. glory to God!!!
- Ivan Shiek
- Hans-Georg Lundahl, you are so off base. If it was speaking about Catholics, why do they still worship in buildings? If you understand what Christ said in that verse you wouldn't think of Catholics.
Christ broke all the old ways of worship. We no longer worship God in buildings but in spirit and truth.
The Jewish worship is no more and the Catholic's worship is no more. God is not physical, He is spiritual.
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- "If it was speaking about Catholics, why do they still worship in buildings?"
In Jewish worship, there was exactly ONE building they could worship in. Key difference.
If you insist one must worship God outdoors, well, I see that as a retake of Mount Gadarim.
As to God being spiritual : since 2000 years and some more, this no longer implies "not physical".
- Ivan Shiek
- Arguing with someone who does not have the Spirit and it's gift of discernment of scripture, is foolish.
When does spirit not mean spirit?
Hans-Georg Lundahl, here is some homework for you.
By who's authority am I able to say that Jesus Christ is my Lord and Messiah, and the Holy Spirit is in me?
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- "When does spirit not mean spirit?"
I don't know where you spent grammar school, but I don't recommend the place.
I never said God being spirit doesn't mean God being spirit. I did and do say that since 2000 years God being spirit does not mean God is unphysical.
"By who's authority am I able to say that Jesus Christ is my Lord and Messiah, and the Holy Spirit is in me?"
I don't know that you have that authority, but if you do, you are heading for the Catholic Church, sooner or later. And if you stay out of the Church, you have no authority to say the Holy Spirit is in you.
B u t, whether you can or can't say the Holy Spirit is in you, you should be able to point to someone else the Holy Spirit is in - including was in when they were alive and stays in their soul, which is with Christ. At least probable candidates.
You are still behind when it comes to those from Vth C. By the way, St Winifrede is from VIIth C.:
Creation vs Evolution : Living Stones