samedi 5 février 2011

Odinn - Åsa Haraldsdottir of Agder - St Olaf, Rex Perpetuus Norvegiae

par Hans-Georg Lundahl, samedi 5 février 2011, 20:37

Odinn was the far off ancestor of Åsa Haraldsdottir of Agder whose son was grandfather of Harald Hairfair, first King of Norway, from whom descends Olaf Digre, whose relics and other intercession (several times for a sinful and reckless brother) proved him a saint. Another saint, a bishop, decreed that from then on Kings of Norway should not rule in their own name, but as vassals of Saint Olaf, Rex Perpetuus Norvegiae.

Perpetual King of Norway, that is.

Dear saint Olaf, pray for our lands, pray for those who labour under the burden of sinful ancestors, and for conversions of such who refuse to give up false religions founded by such, whether Odinn or Mohammed!

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Bibliothèque publique d'Information
5 - II - 2011

Dear Saint Agatha, thank you for that day thirteen years ago!

4 commentaires:

  1. Wermland, Terra Wermiorum, where I was St Agatha's day 1998, was first cultivated by an ancestor of Queen Åsa, the son of a very bad descendant of Odinn, who could not stay back in Upsala.

  2. Olof Trätelja - Halfdan Hvitben - Östen Halfdansson - Halfdan Milde - Gudröd Vejdekung who married Queen Åsa by abduction. Another crime after Olof's father had burned the rival kings in Upsala ... the sad Ingjald, who descended from Odin and Frey. The son of the Queen of Agder was Halfdan Svarte, who was father of Harald Hårfagre, ancestor of St Olaf.

  3. 14. Dauði Fjölnis konungs.

    Fjölnir, son Yngvifreys, réð þá fyrir Svíum ok Uppsala auð; hann var ríkr ok ársæll ok friðsæll. Þá var Friðfróði at Hleiðru; þeirra í millum var heimboð ok vingan. Þá er Fjölnir fór til Fróða á Selund, þá var þar fyrir búin veizla mikil ok boðit til víða um lönd. Fróði átti mikinn húsabœ; þar var gert ker mikit margra alna hátt, ok okat með stórum timbrstokkum; þat stóð í undirskemmu, en lopt var yfir uppi, ok opit gólfþilit, svá at þar var niðr hellt leginum, en kerit blandit fult mjaðar; þar var drykkr furðu sterkr. Um kveldit var Fjölni fylgt til herbergis í hit næsta lopt, ok hans sveit með honum. Um nóttina gékk hann út í svalir at leita sér staðar, var hann svefnœrr ok dauðadrukkinn. En er hann snerist aptr til herbergis, þá gékk hann fram eptir svölunum ok til annarra loptdura ok þar inn, missti þá fótum ok féll í mjaðarkerit, ok týndist þar. Svá segir Þjóðólfr hinn hvinverski:

    Varð framgengt,
    þar er Fróði bjó,
    feigðar orð,
    er at Fjölni kom:
    ok sikling
    Svigðis geira
    vágr vindlauss
    um viða skyldi.

    Fróði here talked about, Friðfróði to make precise which of the Danish Fróði, was the contemporary of Caesar Augustus. After the Battle of Actium, Augustus had peace, so had Fróði in Denmark and so had Fjölnir in Sweden: "hann var ríkr ok ársæll ok friðsæll" (rich, blessed with years and with peace). Thus, North of the Empire as well as in the Empire, the words were true: "when the world was at peace", from the Matins reading of 25th december.
