lundi 24 mars 2025

About My Situation

HGL's F.B. writings: About My Situation · Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere: My situation, bis

So I watched Darby O'Gill and the Little People with the kids. They were absolutely terrified, which was a terrific surprise given the folklore's light-hearted portrayal. I was delighted at their natural intuition that Leprechauns can be evil creatures.

I used the moment to teach them to extend basic decency and respect even to the wicked, and not to seek the granting of wishes, but rather to petition the salvation of the soul.

sometimes the granting of wishes is necessary for the salvation of a soul

HGL no doubt. But let's not confuse ends. The leprechaun grants wishes without regard to end, or often enough, with a preference for a bad end.

It flirts with presumptuousness to make wishes. Rather, pray "thy will be done," and perhaps the wish will be granted, if it was a good wish.

there is also the possibility of going on a pilgrimage for one ... the pilgrimage I did to St. James was not for an indulgence

HGL and sometimes the refusal of a wish is necessary for the salvation of a soul, or of many souls, as in Gethsemane.

Well, I don't think the guys who think that about me are right.

As an alternative, I prayed for death (note, not for culpable death, like in suicide), and some who seem to have wanted to preserve me from my request have died, starting with Antipope Wojtyla.

HGL I understand you have gone through tremendous struggles in the times I have known you. How is life at the moment?

I don't know what "tremendous struggles" means.

I am a writer and (very part time) composer.

With an income from my production, which is a regular one, I could have a happy life pretty quickly. Without it, what are you even doing asking about my "tremendous struggles"?

One of my blights are people who pester me to ask how I am, as if they were presuming I mist be ill or a very anxious and weak person if I don't like them. Regularly, they are the least willing to put my texts into print or my sheet music into sound.

HGL well, you are coming on my page, telling me how you prayed for death, and I don't know what to do with this information. The last thing I want to do is contribute to any blight on your life

I prayed for death in 2004.

This does not equate to me going through tremendous struggles since then.

So, I still do not see what you mean by tremendous struggles.

I am going through a certain hardship, like in order to have a flat in Paris (and probably most surroundings), I need either two years' rent in advance or an income that's three times the monthly rent.

Starting to play my music (if you think it's good) could do that.

Starting to print my texts could do that.

Speculating on what tremendous hardships I'm going through could very much NOT do that.

I may add that my conditions are favourable to you, economically. You earn, you decide the rate of royalties.

It's not like a pyramid or Ponzi scheme where I control everything.

For anyone interested, here are some stats on page views:

12:27 Today, St. Gabriel, 24.III.2025
12 + 7 + 24 + 2 + 1 + 3 + 12 + 14 + 11 + 33 + 1 + 2 + 16 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 4 + 11 + 132 + 1 + 6 + 3 + 5 + 11 + 5 + 38 = 359
 Yesterday, Oculi LD, 23.III.2025
80 + 7 + 20 + 1 + 8 + 7 + 9 + 5 + 1182 + 14 + 7 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 15 + 5 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 5 + 58 + 66 + 37 + 2 + 6 + 84 + 13 + 381 + 1 = 2023
The different numbers adding up are from different blogs, I have many specialised ones.
March 2025 by the 24th
6639 + 1450 + 11572 + 248 + 393 + 89 + 432 + 1016 + 4427 + 5354 + 106 + 114 + 27 + 456 + 1226 + 73 + 27 + 11 + 40 + 37 + 36 + 37 + 29 + 35 + 163 + 110 + 42 + 299 + 612 + 27791 + 333 + 47 + 853 + 554 + 951 + 821 + 32 + 1316 + 20 + 17 + 34 + 6040 = 73,909, or each day 3080
 February 2025
10094 + 146 + 103 + 139 + 2688 + 123 + 3358 + 2659 + 983 + 2308 + 153 + 1540 + 19326 + 1629 + 568 + 162 + 220 + 160 + 116 + 173 + 162 + 185 + 190 + 159 + 75 + 114 + 127 + 3797 + 2025 + 63 + 402 + 386 + 7730 + 16205 + 2001 + 657 + 199 + 830 + 587 + 38900 + 2987 + 6022 = 130,451, or 4659 each day

And here are conditions:
Writings: Conditions, comment les imprimer/how to print them, Sheet music: What's the deal? C'est quoi ce truc?

vendredi 21 mars 2025

Answer to Lindsay Harold on the Bible canon

Lindsay Harold consented to the following:

Hans Georg Lundahl
Did you know that Lindsay's Logic and Rational Abolitionist are being blocked by malware control when you have the www. in front of what's in front of blogspot?

Either way, as a defender of the Catholic canon 72~73 books (in the former case Baruch or Lamentations is counted as part of Jeremias), I'd like to copy paste your post from March 8, 2023, inlcude it in a blog post of mine with answers about the OT canon, you'd be OK with that?

Lindsay Harold
You're welcome to copy/paste with attribution and a link.

When she gave her consent, she may have been thinking of a blog post from March 20, 2023, on Lindsay's Logic: The Biggest Mystery in the Bible. That's supposing she thought I meant a post on her blog, which I had mentioned. I actually meant a post on her FB wall, so attributing, Lindsay Harold, link within attribution is to her FB page. After the copy-paste, I will also give my reply.

Lindsay Harold
March 8, 2023
How can we know that the Protestant canon of scripture is the correct one? Why only those 66 books and no others?
-Because the New Testament books are the group of books used and accepted by the early church as scripture.
-Because the Jewish canon never included the apocryphal books. They were set aside as useful Jewish history, but not inerrant scripture. That's what the word apocrypha means - "hidden" or "set aside."
-Because the Jewish people knew and admitted in their writings that there had been no new revelation since the Book of Malachi around 400 BC, so the books written during the period from 400 BC until the NT books (~40 AD and later) were not scripture and not considered scripture.
-Because Jesus Himself referred to all the blood shed from Abel to Zacharias the son of Berechias to refer to all the innocent deaths from Genesis to Malachi, thus affirming that these and only these books were scripture in His time.
-Because Jesus and the apostles quoted the canonical books as scripture and no others.
-Because the apocryphal books and other books (e.g. gnostic gospels) contain errors and often contradict scripture.
-Because no book which falsely attributes its authorship to someone we know did not write it (e.g. Book of Enoch, Gospel of Peter) can be scripture as it's lying about itself.
-Because the apocryphal books were canonized by the Catholic Church in the 1500's as a power play in response to the Protestant Reformation, not because they had ever been considered scripture by the church as a whole throughout history.
-Because the apostles were given direct authority by God to set doctrine for the church, but this authority did not pass down to others not commissioned directly by God. Thus, only those books written or supervised by the apostles during their lifetimes are authoritative scripture in the NT era. The NT books we have are the only 1st century works with this pedigree. Later books were not apostolic.

My Answer
I'll quote and answer bit by bit:

-Because the New Testament books are the group of books used and accepted by the early church as scripture.

Not all of them, by all of the Church and not exclusively by all of the Church. As late as the council of Laodicaea, the Apocalypse was excluded. As late as the Muratorian fragment the Apocalypse of Peter is included.

-Because the Jewish canon never included the apocryphal books. They were set aside as useful Jewish history, but not inerrant scripture. That's what the word apocrypha means - "hidden" or "set aside."

We would promote, you and Jews would deny that certain parts of Daniel were in the original Jewish canon for Daniel and all of Baruch in the original Jewish canon for Jeremias. By the way, a single Jewish book being broken up into two in the Christian canon, that's not unique. First to Fourth Kings are in the Jewish Bible the two books "Samuel" and "Kings" (the Protestant mention is a compromise).

As to the other ones, they are not prophecy, the canon of the "writings" (ketuvim) was not yet decided among Jews when Christians took over both First to Fourth Kings and ... Tobit.

-Because the Jewish people knew and admitted in their writings that there had been no new revelation since the Book of Malachi around 400 BC, so the books written during the period from 400 BC until the NT books (~40 AD and later) were not scripture and not considered scripture.

The presence of a prophet is not necessary for a writing where the divine revelation is considered as residing in the historic events, like most of Genesis (not chapter 1 obviously), the four books of Kings, Luke's two books. I and II Maccabees do not state the absence of divine inspiration for themselves, but they do state the absence of a prophetic figure.

-Because Jesus Himself referred to all the blood shed from Abel to Zacharias the son of Berechias to refer to all the innocent deaths from Genesis to Malachi, thus affirming that these and only these books were scripture in His time.

He could have known that certain bloodsheds in the Maccabees era were not on the hands of the Pharisees He was talking to. He could also have known that (as I vaguely recall some have said) the Zacharias in question is the father of John the Baptist. Or He could have avoided the Ketuvim, as the canon wasn't fixed for them yet.

-Because Jesus and the apostles quoted the canonical books as scripture and no others.

In debates with Sadducees, they were quoting the Torah only, and in debates with Pharisees the books accepted by them.

Also, not all are quoted.

-Because the apocryphal books and other books (e.g. gnostic gospels) contain errors and often contradict scripture.

You cannot compare Wisdom of Solomon (accepted in the Muratorian fragment) to Gnostic Gospels. The ones accepted in the Catholic canon do not contain errors nor contradict Scripture.

-Because no book which falsely attributes its authorship to someone we know did not write it (e.g. Book of Enoch, Gospel of Peter) can be scripture as it's lying about itself.

Of Enoch, we can be reasonably sure Enoch didn't write it in its present shape, but it could have been written by Enoch and badly observed. My best argument against it is, it describes the natural year as 364 days. Perhaps a passage is missing which would make the total 365 and some more, and given the complexities, that could be the reason for the omission. St. Augustine considered it as "not canon" because it was so old the risk for errors in transmission was too big.

-Because the apocryphal books were canonized by the Catholic Church in the 1500's as a power play in response to the Protestant Reformation, not because they had ever been considered scripture by the church as a whole throughout history.

Book of Enoch and Gospel of Peter certainly weren't on the Trentine list of canonic books. The 72~73 book canon (depending on whether Baruch is counted separately from Jeremias or as a part of it) had been if not undisputed at least pretty standard since the councils of Rome, Hippo and Carthage in the late 4th C. AD.

Also, canonicity of II Maccabees is not necessary to prove that Jesus approved of prayers for the dead (chapter 12) and apparitions by deceased saints (chapter 15). It is sufficient this idea was widely accepted by Jews, and if Jesus didn't contradict it (which we don't find Him explicitly doing in the canonic Gospels, that means He approved of it.

-Because the apostles were given direct authority by God to set doctrine for the church, but this authority did not pass down to others not commissioned directly by God. Thus, only those books written or supervised by the apostles during their lifetimes are authoritative scripture in the NT era. The NT books we have are the only 1st century works with this pedigree. Later books were not apostolic.

This is true only to a limited degree. We agree that later books are not Apostolic. C. S. Lewis' Mere Christianity cannot be added to the canon. However, the books and book parts disputed by Protestants and affirmed by Catholics are in the OT, all of them written before Jesus arrived. They were only disputed later and at that time confirmed by successors of the Apostles, but they were written by prophets and writers of the Old Covenant.

In another sense, it is not true that the authority by God to set doctrine did not pass down. They commissioned successors. Apostolic Succession in the sense usually meant by Catholics (and not the Series Pastorum given by some early Church Fathers with the name Apostolic Succession) is found in the Bible. Acts 1:26 gives a general principle, but not the detail of imposition of hands. However, we know Apostles did impose hands on new bishops (Acts 8), the power Simon Magus asked for was the power of a consecrated bishop. We also know that a group in Antioch, not exclusively the twelve, none of the twelve except Peter, and just possibly Peter if he went under the pseudonym Simon Niger, imposed hands on Paul and Barnabas (Acts 13), we can interpose that those imposing hands on these two and not part of the original twelve had their imposition by the twelve, directly or indirectly. St. Paul imposed hands on Timothy (II Tim 1:6), and Timothy was supposed to impose hands on even more other people but very selectively (I Tim 5:22). We have no indication that this was supposed to cease, and we have a contrary indication, in the promise of Jesus in Matthew 28:20, given that we learn in verse 16 that the people receiving this promise were the eleven, this means the office of the eleven / twelve, at least on some plane, was to continue to the end of time. So, this finishes the rebuttal.

lundi 10 mars 2025

Philosophy (Between Two Swedes)

Johan Eddebo
There's something off about people being genuinely enthusiastic about and interested in philosophy for its own sake rather than exclusively with regard to the answers and truths it provides.

It's sort of like being unduly fascinated about the mechanics of autopsy procedures or morbidly preoccupied with the minutiae of different kinds of stool samples. Like a general who actually likes the methods of killing.

Philosophy is a necessary evil in the treatment of disease, and anyone who is actually compelled to perform it for any length of time may certainly learn to love it for the sake of its utility, but there's something uncanny about loving this sort of autopsy as such.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
I don't know what philosophy you have been doing, see nothing that could relate to scholasticism here

Johan Eddebo
I'm a Thomist. You know that attributed quote about straw?

And you're aware of Garrigou-Lagrange's reflections on the dangers of philosophy?

Hans-Georg Lundahl
This is a relevant quote (Lagrange):

In this discussion of retarded souls, a most important consideration should be noted: namely, that we must be on the alert to preserve in our souls the subordination of the natural activity of the mind to the essentially supernatural virtues, especially to the three theological virtues.

These three infused virtues and their acts are certainly very superior to the natural activity of the mind necessary for the study of the sciences, of philosophy, and of theology. To deny this truth would be a heresy; but it is not sufficient to admit it in theory. Otherwise we would end by really preferring the study of philosophy and theology to the superior life of faith, to prayer, to the love of God and of souls, to the celebration of the holy Sacrifice of the Mass, which would be hurriedly celebrated without any spirit of faith, in order to give more time to a piece of work, to an intellectual overloading that would remain quite empty and fruitless, because it would be destitute of the spirit that ought to animate it.

Thus we would fall into an evil intellectualism, in which there would be something like the hypertrophy of the reasoning powers to the detriment of the life of faith, of true piety, and of the indispensable training of the will. Then charity, the highest of the theological virtues, would no longer truly hold the first place in the soul, which might remain forever retarded and in part fruitless.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
You are aware that St. Paul endorses the strictly Geocentric version of Prima Via in Romans 1?

I think he primes Garrigou-Lagrange, and as for St. Thomas, he may have regretted not having been an even sharper philosopher.

Johan Eddebo
Hans-Georg Lundahl

Rom. 1:18-20? I don't see how this implies geocentrism nor why Aquinas' First Way would have to relate to heavenly bodies -- that said, I'm not disregarding geocentrism, and there are interesting novel arguments for the position that build on contemporary scientific cosmology.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
What proofs of God were:

a) visible
b) and so since the creation of the world
c) and show specifically how God's power is inexhaustable?

Beauty could be several different limited spirits. Flagellum of the bacterium and modern cosmology were not available.

So, this leaves lots of things available and visible in the First Century AD, but the one most obviously implying that God has inexhaustable power is that He keeps turning the sky around us, with Sun, Moon and stars every day.

Johan Eddebo I think I also recall

"manifestum est et patet sensibus aliquid moveri, utputa sol" (maybe Leonine edition, maybe Contra Gentiles).

And Riccioli actually referred to God moving Heaven around us (which he didn't agree with, he preferred angels moving all celestial bodies East to West), as the proof given by St. Thomas, no doubt in Prima Via.

samedi 15 février 2025

Someone Attacked the Crusades


Hans-Georg Lundahl
Religions are not locked demographics.

One is perfectly capable of converting.

Demographics are capable of converting.

Loren Hickerson
Star contributor
Hans-Georg Lundahl All it takes is a little bit of genocide. Which Christians are really good at, seeing as how their scripture not only explains how to commit it, but also justifies it as okay.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Loren Hickerson Or a little bad mouthing, which Atheists and Freemasons are excellent at against Christians, with a little genocide (Vendée, Russian Revolution, Holodomor) to back it up.

The same is also partly true of Protestants against Catholics, who are the real Christians.

No, the Bible does not promote Genocide. Whatever you could say about ethnic cleansings under Joshua, they were under Joshua Ben Nun. Under Jesus, the orders are to make disciples of all nations, which implies killing off none of them. And unlike both Protestants and Atheists, we have generally obeyed that (some places of Canaries and Hispaniola did suffer from bad habits that Spaniards took over from Muslims).

Loren Hickerson
Hans-Georg Lundahl Cool except every part of philosophy and history proves you wrong.

Just the fact that you completely ignored the Crusades is enough to make me laugh and recognize you as an idiot and a liar.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Loren Hickerson Crusades were not genocidal, and the ones in the Orient were not missionary.

You could get one point for 5000 people massacred in Béziers for being (among) Albigensians.

Loren Hickerson
Hans-Georg Lundahl Look at you pivot and then suggest bold faced lies.

Cambridge has multiple studies showing the Crusades were a genocide.

Infact, the depiction of blood often mentioned in the Crusades is so egregious, as to suggest that blood ran through the streets up to the ankles of the Judaic and Muslim places the Crusaders attacked. Being a bold faced liar doesn't make you right. It makes you and your religion you're defending look like it has bold faced liars in it. Thanks, but I want no part of that doctrine.

And I don't see how mentioning the Inquisition helps your case.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
"blood ran through the streets up to the ankles"

Literary exaggeration. Note that Jerusalem's taking in 1099 could be added to Béziers, 3 days, until Geoffrey of Bouillon stopped it.

Again, the taking of Jerusalem wasn't a missionary enterprise, and the liar here is either you, or the people you wrongly trust.

"Cambridge has multiple studies showing the Crusades were a genocide."

Like very new ones by Muslim students?

Loren Hickerson "And I don't see how mentioning the Inquisition helps your case."

To showcase your ignorance, I didn't. The Albigensian Crusade and the Inquisition are two distinct things.

Loren Hickerson
[lol to both]

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Loren Hickerson Just checking ... did you have actual answers to what I stated, or do you prefer making a show of laughing?

lundi 27 janvier 2025


Recipes from Home and Abroad: Quelques astuces en culture générale · HGL's F.B. writings: Le PM de Versailles - avec des corrections · Harcèlement

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Je suis dans un cyber.

À côté de moi, un homme dont les premiers mots sont "vous allez bien ?" ou "tu vas bien ?" et qui ensuite dit "je te connais" ... je le reconnais sur les ongles en vernis noir. Depuis hier. Soit je ne l'avais pas vu avant le bref rencontre hier, soit c'était il y a très longtemps.

Ce genre de personne m'isole des gens que j'aimerais côtoyer en épuisant mon énergie sociale sur eux.

Un peu avant, je m'assois pour manger une glace. Un grand paquet. C'est à la place Theodor Herzl. Quand je m'assois, deux personnes, que je ne connais pas, sont à l'autre côté de la statue.

L'un d'entre eux dit à l'autre "c'est Jésus" mais en pas beaucoup de bruit. Je ne m'appelle pas Jésus. Par contre, je sais que des gens des accueils de jour, par exemple SOS Accueil à Versailles, qu'ils ont parfois voulu m'appeler "Jésus" comme si je me prenais pour Lui. Ce qui n'est pas le cas.

Cette fois à Versailles, je n'ai pas eu gain de cause, un policier musulman (au moins de la population) protège les harceleurs musulmans, pour les dénoncer j'ai eu à me déplacer vers le commissariat de Versailles, et attendre, tandis que, dès l'intervention, ... l'homme à côté me quitte, heureusement ... les harceleurs ont eu pleine liberté de se prononcer sur moi devant les forces d'ordre. Ils pouvaient me dénoncer comme fou complet dans leur exaltation de pouvoir abusif, moi, la victime, devait attendre pour me calmer.

Revenons à la glace. Des pompiers viennent. Ils me demandent si je les ai appelés. Je hoche les épaules en continuant à manger ma glace. Ils se font des conversations assez longtemps, demandent à droite et à gauche, les deux qui étaient là sont partis, et parlent d'un homme de 36 ou quelque chose.

Diverses hypothèses se posent. Une est une hargne très grande chez des sdf pour ma situation avec davantage indépendance qu'eux. Les pompiers seraient les victimes de leur surchérie. Mais alors ils auraient pu me demander si j'avais fait appel, sans plus, sans de s'attendre à côté de moi jusqu'à ce que j'avais fini la glace. Un paquet d'un demi-litre ou demi-kilo. Je n'étais qu'à la moitié quand ils venaient, peut-être même pas ça.

Une autre est, quelqu'un dans les services ou peut-être sévices médicaux voudraient me coller dans la psychiatrie. Ceci était alors un harcèlement de plus, je viens d'en subir un autre le 16 par le fouillage et éparpillement de mes choses que je découvre en revenant sur mes affaires.

Quand je suis enfin suffisamment récupéré d'une bronchite pour aller à la police, le policier fait des délais et re-délais pour vérifier et revérifier que mon histoire soit cohérente. Quand je part de la police et reviens à mes affaires, encore une fois mes choses sont fouillées.

Un des jours entre le 16 et mon pv ma ceinture un cuir avait été volée.

Quelqu'un semble décidé de me tamponner comme fou. Et de me traiter en fonction. Me priver de ceinture au cas au je serais suicidaire. Me noyer en compagnie pour prévenir des pensées noires. Et bien entendu me faire subir des tests de cohérence mentale. Un peu comme Hitler ou ses hommes ordonnaient à faire subir Schuschnigg une surveillance accrue pour le tourmenter, sous prétexte qu'il serait suicidaire. Et puisque Hitler soutenais une dictature médicale, quoi de plus naturel, comme harcèlement d'un ennemi ? Le régime de Hitler n'est pas mort partout en 1945. La dictature médicale, ça reste. Et au cas qu'on dirait "non, c'est socialiste, c'est communiste" - il paraît que Hitler avait été en deux régimes temporaires, plus ou moins léninistes, celui d'Eisner et celui de Levien ou de Leviné ou s'ils étaient dans le même gouvernement.

dimanche 26 janvier 2025

Facebook Connection Phishing For an Email?

HGL'S F.B. WRITINGS: Facebook Connection Phishing For an Email? · New blog on the kid: Phishing for an Email

It so happens, the password I entered for that FB account was correct.

Update, 27.I.2025, 22:20:

Again, the password was correct./HGL

Update, 1.II.2025:

Update 6.II.2025:

lundi 13 janvier 2025

Zuckerberg Changed His Policy?

By 20 minutes 18 seconds in this video, I had heard it:

Singing From the Ruins | FORWARD BOLDLY
Christine Niles | 12.I.2025

I decided to test. Well, not to me:

What I tried to share, the first of these three (which link to each other), here:

Newer Tables: Preliminaries · Flood to Joseph in Egypt · Joseph in Egypt to Fall of Troy.

Where a tried to share:

Radiometric Dating

The group is dedicated to a discussion between Deep Timers and Young Earth Creationists about diverse methods of Radiometric dating, one of which is carbon dating. My intended post was entirely appropriate for the group. No one has stamped my blogs as criminal in any court of law in France, at least none where I was able to answer or that I heard of. Facebook is treating my blogs as criminal, because they do not support the agenda of promoting Big Bang Cosmology, Deep Time Evolution, possibly also parts of what Roger Buck calls "Eastern, Esoteric, Ecumenic, English" which does take issue with Modern Science on lots of issues, but not on these ones./HGL