- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- Religions are not locked demographics.
One is perfectly capable of converting.
Demographics are capable of converting.
- Loren Hickerson
- Star contributor
- Hans-Georg Lundahl All it takes is a little bit of genocide. Which Christians are really good at, seeing as how their scripture not only explains how to commit it, but also justifies it as okay.
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- Loren Hickerson Or a little bad mouthing, which Atheists and Freemasons are excellent at against Christians, with a little genocide (Vendée, Russian Revolution, Holodomor) to back it up.
The same is also partly true of Protestants against Catholics, who are the real Christians.
No, the Bible does not promote Genocide. Whatever you could say about ethnic cleansings under Joshua, they were under Joshua Ben Nun. Under Jesus, the orders are to make disciples of all nations, which implies killing off none of them. And unlike both Protestants and Atheists, we have generally obeyed that (some places of Canaries and Hispaniola did suffer from bad habits that Spaniards took over from Muslims).
- Loren Hickerson
- Hans-Georg Lundahl Cool except every part of philosophy and history proves you wrong.
Just the fact that you completely ignored the Crusades is enough to make me laugh and recognize you as an idiot and a liar.
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- Loren Hickerson Crusades were not genocidal, and the ones in the Orient were not missionary.
You could get one point for 5000 people massacred in Béziers for being (among) Albigensians.
- Loren Hickerson
- Hans-Georg Lundahl Look at you pivot and then suggest bold faced lies.
Cambridge has multiple studies showing the Crusades were a genocide.
Infact, the depiction of blood often mentioned in the Crusades is so egregious, as to suggest that blood ran through the streets up to the ankles of the Judaic and Muslim places the Crusaders attacked. Being a bold faced liar doesn't make you right. It makes you and your religion you're defending look like it has bold faced liars in it. Thanks, but I want no part of that doctrine.
And I don't see how mentioning the Inquisition helps your case.
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- "blood ran through the streets up to the ankles"
Literary exaggeration. Note that Jerusalem's taking in 1099 could be added to Béziers, 3 days, until Geoffrey of Bouillon stopped it.
Again, the taking of Jerusalem wasn't a missionary enterprise, and the liar here is either you, or the people you wrongly trust.
"Cambridge has multiple studies showing the Crusades were a genocide."
Like very new ones by Muslim students?
Loren Hickerson "And I don't see how mentioning the Inquisition helps your case."
To showcase your ignorance, I didn't. The Albigensian Crusade and the Inquisition are two distinct things.
- Loren Hickerson
- [lol to both]
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- Loren Hickerson Just checking ... did you have actual answers to what I stated, or do you prefer making a show of laughing?