dimanche 21 avril 2019
vendredi 19 avril 2019
Les 7 Paroles Evangéliques de La Sainte Vierge Marie ?
- Elles sont, peu nombreuses, seulement au nombre de Sept !!! Lisons....
1. Deux de ces Paroles Mariales s’adressent à l’Ange..
2. Deux à Elisabeth..
3. Deux à Jésus..
4. Une aux Serviteurs des Noces de Cana !
= Sept(7) Paroles Evangéliques de La Sainte Vierge Marie.......
En m’inspirant du très beau et très profond commentaire que Saint Bernardin de Sienne nous a laissé à leur sujet, je vous invite, à regarder ces sept paroles de la Vierge comme autant de flammes d’amour, chacune exprimant cet amour sous un aspect particulier.
- La Première Parole de Marie : «Comment cela se fera-t-il, je connais point d’homme ?!»
C’est la vive flamme de l’amour qui sépare. Il y a là, pour nous, un enseignement particulièrement clair et qui est une des exigences fondamentales de la vie spirituelle à savoir qu’on ne peut entrer à fond dans l’Amour de Dieu, dans une communion intime avec Lui, sans accepter à fond toutes les séparations.
Autrement dit : pour que Dieu règne à l’aise dans notre cœur, rien ne doit l’encombrer.
C’est la raison pour laquelle Jésus nous demande instamment de nous détacher de tout et principalement de nous-mêmes, « si quelqu’un veut être mon disciple, qu’il renonce à soi-même, qu’il prenne sa croix et me suive ».
L’amour divin, il ne faut jamais l’oublier est total ; c’est un feu consumant qui ne laisse rien subsister. Quand on a ainsi renoncé à tout ce que l’on a et à tout ce que l’on est, l’amour triomphe et il est transformant.
- C’est ainsi qu’il faut comprendre La Deuxième Parole de Marie à l’Ange : « Voici la Servante du Seigneur, qu’il me soit fait selon ta parole ».
C’est la Vive Flamme de l’Amour qui transforme et ça va beaucoup plus loin que l’amour qui consent, car le consentement pourrait n’être que sur un point.
Mais Marie ne dit pas seulement : j’accepte ceci ou cela, Elle se livre au plein gré de l’action divine, ayant parfaitement bien saisi que le mystère de sa Maternité Divine c’est une transformation qui prend son être totalement.
L’Esprit-Saint, dès lors, peut survenir en Elle et le Verbe de Dieu peut s’incarner en son sein virginal pour la plus grande Gloire de Dieu et pour le salut des hommes.
Notre existence, Chers Sœurs et Frères, prend une toute autre allure quand à l’exemple de Marie et en communion d’âme avec Elle, nous nous livrons à l’action de l’Esprit-Saint, quand nous lui laissons la liberté de nous transformer selon son bon plaisir…
Alors, quand il y a cela, je veux dire quand le cœur est complètement transformé, la vive flamme de l’amour qui brûle en lui peut se communiquer.
C’est ce qui advint lorsque Marie, lors de sa Visitation, salua sa Cousine Elisabeth à la manière dont on se disait bonjour chez les Juifs : « La Paix soit avec Toi » :
- C’est La Troisième Parole de Marie. Il y eut alors comme une transfusion d’amour entre le Cœur de Marie et celui d’Elisabeth, à tel point que l’enfant que cette dernière portait en elle en fut lui-même envahi et en tressaillit d’allégresse.
Il y a là pour nous, frères et sœurs, concernant l’action apostolique qui doit être la nôtre, une leçon de la plus haute importance, mais trop oubliée, hélas ! de nos jours. On fait remarquer souvent que l’on est apôtre non pas d’abord par ce que l’on dit ou par ce que l’on fait, mais par ce que l’on est.
Oui, mais quelle transformation en Dieu ne faut-il pas pour que cela soit vrai, pour que nos moindres gestes, paroles, actions, actes (un sourire par exemple) apportent l’amour de Dieu…
On ne dira jamais assez, frères et sœurs, l’efficacité apostolique d’une âme qui est entièrement vidée de l’humain et par conséquent remplie de divin, d’une âme toute donnée à Dieu par Marie !
Elle peut rayonner et donner le Christ sans même en avoir conscience.
Elle n’a pas à se soucier d’ailleurs des effets de ses paroles ou de ses actions…
Il suffit qu’elle se soucie d’être de plus en plus possédée par l’amour divin et Dieu fait le reste ; c’est Lui qui se communique et change les cœurs.
Et cela c’est bien autre chose, infiniment autre chose que de chercher à faire du bien ; c’est le Soleil Divin de Lumière, d’Amour, de Paix qui rayonne et qui réchauffe.
- La Quatrième Parole de Marie : « Le Magnificat ».
C’est la vive flamme de l’amour qui jubile.
Ce qui étonne dans cette parole, c’est sa longueur, alors que les six autres paroles sont très brèves !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Saint Bernardin de Sienne explique cela en disant que lorsqu’il s’agit de jubiler la Sainte Vierge a voulu que nous sachions que cette jubilation devait se développer sans fin.
Cette quatrième parole est la conséquence de la troisième : l’amour qui rayonne et se communique produit des merveilles ; il exulte et il chante.
Marie chante son propre bonheur, Elle chante surtout son action de grâce au Seigneur qui fait des merveilles pour Elle et pour nous.
Quand l’Amour divin règne dans un Cœur, il le fait "Exulter" car la Joie est Fille de l’Amour.
- La Cinquième Parole de Marie a été prononcée après les trois jours d’absence de Jésus et son recouvrement au Temple.
C’est l’Amour des Retrouvailles, de l’Inquiétude qui s’apaise : « Mon Enfant pourquoi avoir agi ainsi envers Nous ? »
Marie nous rappelle par là que le Seigneur est toujours déroutant ; Il n’avertit pas quand Il prend d’autres routes que celles que nous avions prévues et désirées.
Que de pourquoi sans réponse dans notre existence !
Jésus veut que nous lui fassions une absolue confiance !!!!!
Les deux dernières paroles de Notre-Dame ont été prononcées aux Noces de Cana.
- La Sixième Parole de Marie : « Ils n’ont plus de Vin ».
C’est la Vive Flamme de l’Amour qui compatit.
Marie se préoccupe des autres, Elle se penche sur toutes les Misères, sur celles du Corps, mais plus encore sur celles du Cœur, surtout si ces dernières sont le résultat du péché, lequel péché prive du vin de la noce, c’est-à-dire de la Joie de l’Amour Divin.
Dans le cœur qui aime ardemment, Jésus inculque toujours sa Pitié et sa tendresse.
A nous de nous préoccuper de tous ceux qui ont besoin de notre secours, de notre affection de nos conseils et de nos prières.
- La Septième Parole de Marie est la Consigne que Marie a donné aux serviteurs : « quoiqu’Il vous dise, faites-le ».
C’est la vive Flamme de l’Amour qui consomme en Perfection, qui parvient à son achèvement lequel consiste à ne plus faire qu’un Seul Cœur, une seule Volonté avec le Seigneur.
Ce qui a fait son bonheur à Elle, Marie veut nous l’enseigner.
Comme Elle a toujours uni totalement sa volonté à celle de Dieu, Elle veut que nous vivions comme Elle, avec Elle et en Elle, tout ce que l’Amour Divin nous demande instant par instant.
Telles sont chers Sœurs et Frères, Les Sept Paroles que l’Esprit-Saint, a bien voulu nous communiquer par la bouche de Marie, sa fidèle Epouse.
Elles sont comme toutes les autres Paroles de l’Evangile, des Semences de Vie.
Puisse Marie Elle-même par son Influence Maternelle disposer notre cœur pour qu’il soit cette « Bonne Terre » (dont parle Jésus dans la Parabole du Semeur) qui les accueille, les retient, et leur fait porter du fruit par la persévérance.
[Trouvé sur le mur de Marie de Nazareth]
mardi 16 avril 2019
FB Censors Links
Is AI a Threat to Man? · Still Censored (for Fast Typing?) · Well, I was after all ... · Zuckerberg's Vandalism Continues · Yes, as Said ... · Blockade Over After All? · Or Maybe Not? · Could not Post to Page Wall · OK, Not Over · Still Not Over · FB Censors Links
Trying to share this one on FB:
Creation vs. Evolution : Does Roger Pearlman Have a Wrong Take on Göbekli Tepe?


And this one too:
Creation vs. Evolution : John Hartnett Pleads Operational Science


Trying to share this:

Update : and yes, the other censorship is still ongoing and still faking dialogues.

jeudi 11 avril 2019
HGL'S F.B. WRITINGS : Palestine · Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere : Noahide Aberration
- Roger M Pearlman
- 28 mars, 19:32 · shared:
- Quora : Does Israel have a legitimate claim to the Golan Heights and if so, what is it?
Michael Davison, lives in Israel (1969-present)
- PC
- Do they?
- Roger M Pearlman
- From a secular perspective yes, based on consistent application of justice.
From a religious perspective yes based on Torah and scripture including the Quran which admits The One designer/creator aka G-d of Abraham (who created all the lands) designated the lands of the west ie Levant to the children of Israel
From a historic perspective Yes, allocated to Shem by 100% binding lottery, reference in __Jubilees__
Illegally occupied by Canaan aka Og King of Bashan, who came in war and was defeated by Moses so restored to the children of Israel on our return home from Egyptian bondage in 2488 anno mundi
from a rational point of view we should go by the Golden Rule of Hillel: ie do not do to other's what we do not want others to do to us. know that G-d applies that basis of Judgement in the measure for measure application of Justice such as w/ the 10 Makos on Egypt and drowning of their army by the Exodus. Like Jethro said 'now I know..'
also measure for measure is the law for false witnesses where the judgment is 'Kaasher Zomam' as they intended to do.
so you could call it turnabout justice or perhaps Karma..
so what we have here is the occupant, illegal or not, tried to use that to capture land from Israel, unprovoked, ie not in self defense.
which means by the Golden Rule they are begging to have their land taken.
for having attacked the children of Israel on Yom Kippur w/ intent to drive the entire country into the sea, there is little doubt the civil war that began one 40 year generation later and events to this day are leading to the fulfillment of that golden rule of Justice and the fulfillment of G-d's assurance to Abraham, with our full border restored to the Euphrates.
Those law aiding G-d loving Syrian inhabitants will be much better off as they were under King David as evidenced by Toi__ of Hamath as resident aliens w/ full civil rights under their Noachide covenant of 7.
Of course it was given to the children of Israel to adhere to our eternal covenant of 613 a great portion linked to that specific land, so I suspect it will not be until we are ready, to act as the proper conduit for G-d's blessing to all decent nations, in an openly manifest manner, as was the case when at times during the Tabernacle of Moses and Holy Temple..
At that point there should be no more war as the consequence for violent baseless aggression will be worse than the potential benefit.
Just like someone would not shop-lift in front of a policeman that is going to just arrest them.
The way things are going we will be ready soon, or in it's time it will happen anyway, if we are ready sooner, before then. the easy way if we merit. those who facilitate our abiding by our eternal covenant are blessed be it in this world and or the afterlife.
even small things like being friendly to a Jew to help them keep kosher, have a proper place to pray and keep Sabbath are a source of great merit
Shem aka Malki-Tzedek king of Shalem - Jerusalem who transferred the priesthood and inheritance to Abraham, who in turn .. to Isaac .. to Jacob aka Israel.
as depicted in cover pic of see next comment
[ask Roger Pearlman about it, it was off this discussion]
Hi PC, see much more on the dispute on my Israel Restoration FB page
Best regards, your friend, rm
- PC
- Thanks, Rog. That was an earful 🙂
- Roger M Pearlman
- PC that's what ears are for :) two for every mouth .
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- Roger M Pearlman "to the children of Israel"
On your view, does that include or exclude Palestinians?
- Roger M Pearlman
- Hans-Georg Lundahl well the original 'Palestinians are/were the Children of Israel as Rome renamed Israel/Judea Palestine. But the modern Palestinians are mostly immigrants from Arab lands a lot of whom came for Zionist inspired Job opportunities and those here longer were transplants by Assyria to replace the 10 tribes and some are Amalikites and the like. from Eisav and Ishmael.
some could be Jewish from Jewish captive/slave women or forced converts.
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- "But the modern Palestinians are mostly immigrants from Arab lands"
Why do you say so?
"some could be Jewish from Jewish captive/slave women or forced converts."
Jews, Samarians, Galilaeans converted without force to Christianity.
Some of these tribes were later forced to become Muslims.
- Roger M Pearlman
- Hans-Georg Lundahl to be defined 'Palestinian; refugee status by the UN one need have merely claimed to have been in Israel for 2 years by 1948 or be the child of a migrant worker that claimed to have been there two years. There was tremendous financial incentive for those who were just visiting/passing through, or were not even there at all to go and sign up. It would be like latin America now where you just make it to the American border, say you have been there for two years no questions asked and you get US citizenship and benefits and get to claim whatever land you squat in in CA. or Texas as your ancestral land. Compared to being subject to drug lords and corrupt officials, poverty and violence back home, you might live the lie too.
The UN perpetrates the lie to undermine the Jewish state.
Also keep in mind the population transfer with more Jewish refugees displaced and evicted without compensation from Arab counties than Arab refugees from Israel. even w/ the padded Arab stats and the fact most left voluntarily at the request of the invading Arab armies, that by divine intervention failed in their plot to defy the will of G-d , ie the promised restoration of Jewish Israel. The greening of the land over the past 100 years and rebuilding of our forsaken cities being a strong sign in progress. see the scriptural reading Haftorah Parshas Parah from this past Shabbos.
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- "to be defined 'Palestinian; refugee status by the UN"
OK, was there a population in the area before this definition?
I am aware there was an influx into Palestine from Algeria and Cirkassia after a pogrom in the 1860's.
I do not think that Christian Palestinians in Bethlehem or Nazareth are mainly concerned with that.
"Also keep in mind the population transfer with more Jewish refugees displaced and evicted without compensation from Arab counties than Arab refugees from Israel."
Very possible, but this is a totally separate question from the fact that Palestinian local population of Christian and Muslim confession if and insofar as stable are descending (except as said later influx) from Judea, Samaria and Galilea 2000 years ago.
1,900,000 1948
0,700,000 1920
1,200,000 population growth overall
608,000 1948
015,000 1920
593,000 population growth of Jews
1,200,000 population growth overall
0,593,000 population growth of Jews
0,607,000 population growth of Arabs < than doubling
Demographic history of Palestine (region) - Wikipedia
- Roger M Pearlman
- Hans-Georg Lundahl 15k out of 700k in 1920 seems off, perhaps WW I a factor , check out pop studies of Jerusalem alone and over 15k Jews prior to 1920?
either way reminds me of the scripture 'the more they oppressed us the greater/more numerous we grew' that growth despite the pogroms like Hevron 1928, the white papers, the wars..
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- "check out pop studies of Jerusalem alone and over 15k Jews prior to 1920"
Which ones would you recommend?
If you mean one from 1850, let's recall that there was a pogrom expelling Jews some time in the 1860's.
Impossible de publier ce commentaire. Réessayez.
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- "check out pop studies of Jerusalem alone and over 15k Jews prior to 1920"
Which ones would you recommend?
If you mean one from 1850, let's recall that there was a pogrom expelling Jews some time in the 1860's.
It remained impossible, so the discussion was de facto broken off by FB. A long saga by now has muted my comments on FB. It starts here : Is AI a Threat to Man? (5.III.2019) and goes on even today (11.IV.2019) : Still Not Over.
Instead of possibly futile attempts to argue under Pearlman's status, there are other possibilities, like completing the argument about population here and making it a new post on his wall.
He said: "15k out of 700k in 1920 seems off, perhaps WW I a factor , check out pop studies of Jerusalem alone and over 15k Jews prior to 1920?"
Well, I couldn't ask him which ones he recommended, so I went here:
Wikipedia : Demographic history of Jerusalem a linea : Muslim or Jewish "relative majority"
Previous to British mandate, we don't find over 15 000 Jews in Jerusalem only.



Now, what happens after this?
The Jewish population of Jerusalem, as for wider Palestine, increased further during the Third Aliyah of 1919–23 following the Balfour Declaration. Prior to this, a British survey in 1919 noted that most Jews in Jerusalem were largely Orthodox and that a minority were Zionists.
Was the third Aliyah legal or land robbery?
Well, either way, there is a difference for census between 1905 and 1922:
1905 | |||
Jews | Muslims | Christians | Total |
13,300 | 11,000 | 8,100 | 32,400 |
Source | 1905 Ottoman census (only Ottoman citizens) | ||
Cited | U.O.Schmelz[55] | ||
1922 | |||
Jews | Muslims | Christians | Total |
33,971 | 13,413 | 14,669 | 62,578 |
Source | Census of Palestine (British) | ||
Cited | Harrel and Stendel, 1974 |
So, the guys who really were immigrating were in fact Jews.
Now, previous to that, we have some significant immigration from other Arab or Muslim lands:
Significant Egyptian migration to Palestine happened at the end of the 18th century due to a severe famine in Egypt, and several waves of Egyptian immigrants came even earlier due to escape natural disasters such as droughts and plagues, government oppression, taxes, and military conscription. Although many Palestinian Arabs also moved to Egypt, Egyptian immigration to Palestine was more dominant. In the 19th century, large numbers of Egyptians fled to Palestine to escape the military conscription and forced labor projects in the Nile Delta under Muhammad Ali. Following the First Egyptian-Ottoman War, which saw the Egyptian conquest of Palestine, more Egyptians were brought to Palestine as forced laborers. Following the Second Egyptian-Ottoman War, which saw Egyptian rule in Palestine terminated, massive numbers of soldiers deserted during the Egyptian army's retreat from Palestine to permanently settle there. Egyptians settled mainly in Jaffa, the Coastal plain, Samaria and in Wadi Ara. In the southern plain there were 19 villages with Egyptian populations, while in Jaffa there were some 500 Egyptian families with a population of over 2,000 people. The largest rural concentration of Egyptian immigrants was in the Sharon region.[41] According to David Grossman, statistics show the number of Egyptian immigrants to Palestine between 1829 and 1841 exceeded 15,000, and he estimated that it was at least 23,000 and possibly up to 30,000.[42] In 1860, there was significant immigration to Safed by Moorish (i.e. Arab-Berber) tribes from Algeria and a small number of Kurds, while some 6,000 Arabs from the Beni Sakhr tribe immigrated to Palestine from what is now Jordan to settle in Tiberias. In addition, considerable numbers of Turks stationed in Palestine to garrison the land settled there.[43]
In 1878, following Austro-Hungarian occupation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, many Bosnian Muslims, apprehensive of living under Christian rule, emigrated to the Ottoman Empire, and significant numbers went to Palestine, where most adopted the surname Bushnak. To this day, Bushnak remains a common surname among Palestinians of Bosnian origin.[44]
Obviously, Christian Palestinians are not concerned by the Bushnak immigration. The Beni Sakhr tribe being in a land which had already seen back in Roman times Judah and Ephraim (Jews and Samarians of Christian confession) conquering Edom Moab and Ammon may be Edomoites, Moabites or Ammonites (and therefore "thy brethren" see Deuteronomy 23:7) or may be Jews and Samarians, either way once Christians, and later willingly or by force becoming Muslims.
The immigration from Algeria is obviously not descended from Judah or Ephraim, and, like the Bushnaks, it is a Muslim Palestinian only problem. Christian Palestinians are not concerned by this.
The immigration from Egypt now ... the ones who fled from forced conscription were obviously only involved in the Muslim Palestinian population, Christians were not likely to be conscripts even under Muhammed Ali (rather he was a boon to Egypt's Christians), so Christian Palestinians are once again not concerned. Also, when it comes to Egypt, one wonders how much Deuteronomy 23:7 may apply.
As to the religious side, both Roger Pearlman and I have, from very different perspectives, alluded to Isaiah 11 without directly saying so. I think it was already fulfilled back in AD 33 (verse 10/11 with 12 for Easter/Pentecost), following years when Church of Jerusalem founded Church of Samaria (verse 13), AD 70 at the flight to Pella in Jordan (14, possibly considering Romans as Greeks and therefore Philistines), and whenever Egypt and Assyria became Christian majority (verses 15 and 16). He presumably thinks Isaiah 11 still remains to be fulfilled.
Now, one more thing, Zuckerberg is censoring this:

Ah, it is the blog as such:

Pearlman is meanwhile sharing it on Twitter:
Still Not Over
Is AI a Threat to Man? · Still Censored (for Fast Typing?) · Well, I was after all ... · Zuckerberg's Vandalism Continues · Yes, as Said ... · Blockade Over After All? · Or Maybe Not? · Could not Post to Page Wall · OK, Not Over · Still Not Over · FB Censors Links
It seems, 3 days ago was 8.IV. However, 8.IV = 39.III, -13 = 26.III. In other words, 26.III Julian calendar in my timezone and still 25.III Julian calendar in some US timezone.
A palaeohimerite friend obviously noted that "henceforth all generations shall call me blessed" = it is incumbent on every generation of right believing Christians to call the Blessed Virgin blessed.
See what happens.


mercredi 3 avril 2019
Carter's Tactics
Creation vs. Evolution : Responding to Dystopian Science · Part II of Dystopian Science, my answer part A · Part II, part B - CMI on Deeper Waters · HGL's F.B. writings : Carter's Tactics · Back to Creation vs. Evolution : Part III : On Bradley and Bessel · New blog on the kid : Do Lorentz Transformations Prove a Universal Inconditional Speed Limit? · Back to Creation vs. Evolution : John Hartnett Pleads Operational Science · Correspondence of Hans Georg Lundahl : With Steven Taylor on Lorentz Transformations, Speed of Light, Distant Starlight Problem, Creation Week, Miracles
Here is a former status on the wall of Carter.
It links to:
Dystopian science Part 1: Why the Bible enables science to work
by Lita Cosner, Robert Carter | Published: 28 March 2019
I link to my own answers, as far as they have gone.
Here is what happened, first showing page as clearly as possible, upper and lower part:


Then showing why the last of my comments is in red, that is impossible to add comment:

Was he simply replacing the old status with a status linking to part 2.
At first, it does not look like that:

I have just shown the upper part of his wall, to where he has his upper bar, so as to show that seven minutes later, the latest status is from 30th of March.
Now that it is fifteen minutes later (19:30, in the meantime I linked my three posts to each other, will link them here), I think I can assume he's not replacing the status, so publishing this is not maligning him.
I think I have shown him in action as avoiding debate, precisely as I told you in that passage here:
"We should all strive for consistency in the way we think."
And since one should try to make sure, one should also test one's consistency in debate.
I do that all the time.
Certain on CMI have avoided this when it comes to debating Geocentrics.
Sitchens / Biglino
- CC
- shared a link
- Alien Star : 20,000 Year Old Sumerian Tablets Tell the Real Genesis of Human Race
Published on March 14, 2019
- I
- JP
- before poo pooing this 20,000 year old tablet as being false.. check out the helicopter, rocket etc
- How do they prove the tablet 20,000 years old?
Indeed, how does anything prove it so?
- Note
- This was never answered. The article says:
Sumerian clay tablets are dated at least 20,000 years old and say a different story to what we know but have similarities to Bible creationism.
But that is all it says, not one word about what dating method.
It involves a video which also said nothing about dating method, but mentions that historians have found linguistic discrepancies in the tablets (i e as I suppose could be a forgery which was made recently by someone mixing Sumerian from different epochs - like a German text showing both vil (Medieval) and viel (Modern) or both scrîben (Medieval) and schreiben (Modern) or sth like that). In fact, that could be an argument for the Sumerian text (if such) being from the years c. 1800 BC to 1st C BC (or even 1st C AD) in which Sumerian only survived as a Classical language. Some learner may have mixed Sumerian forms from different epochs, as someone could have mixed forms from Plautus with forms from St. Gregory of Tours. But such a clumsy learner is of course even likelier in modern times, when he would have no one to check his Sumerian for him.
- II
- LF
- That's probably the genesis of "certain" people. The fact the article says European and semetic scientists agree, yet they consulted no non-Caucasian about any part of this theory reveals exactly who's narrative and origin was actually being sought. The rest of us are simply supposed to accept their findings "real or imagined" as DIVINE INSIGHT and unbiased scientific observation? No..we've made that assumption far too many times in the past and that led to the exclusion of contributions made by other ethnic groups and their importance to civilization at large.
- "yet they consulted no non-Caucasian about any part of this theory"
How many Asiatic, African, even Near East scholars have been consulted and come to another conclusion?
- JB
- Sitchin was a Science Fiction writer and could read Sumerian as well as me. Stop believing this nonsense when the actual stories are themselves are fabulous and very revealing about our early civilisations. The Epic of Gilgamesh is way older than academia would have you believe, first written down 5000 years ago.
- JS
- JB I have talked to Sitchin's niece personally, as well as, a couple of friends of Sitchin's who are also now deceased. He was not what you say he was. He could and did translate the Tablets.
Both Mauro Biglino and Alessandro Demontis (ancient Semitic language experts) say Sitchin was right. Biglino was handpicked by the Vatican out of hundreds to do their translations. When Biglino was giving his presentation, they told him to stop. He was evicted from the holy city. They did not like what they were hearing.
So please, quit spreading false statements. Sitchin did translate the Tablets.
- " When Biglino was giving his presentation, they told him to stop. He was evicted from the holy city. They did not like what they were hearing."
Perhaps you are the guy spreading false statements, especially since I am saying "spreading" and not accusing you of lying.
Biglino can have been as much of a fraud as Alberto Rivera.
- JS
- Hans-Georg Lundahl He was handpicked out of hundreds of people on the Vatican's list to do their translations. He can be seen on YouTube schooling Rabbis, Priests, and Imams. Fraud? I don't think so.
- Can you show a document from the Vatican stating they handpicked him?
In Finland, there are very good Sumerologists, do you have any of these recommending Mauro Bigliono?
When youtubes with Mauro Biglino feature him "schooling" rabbis, priests, imams, have you seen how rabbis, priests and imams respond or is he only doing so at distance?
- JS
- Hans-Georg Lundahl Look it up lazy. He is debating them in front of an audience.
The linguistic and philological knowledge acquired through the study of Hebrew Masoretic manuscripts, as well as his knowledge of Latin and Greek , allowed Biglino to work as a translator for Edizioni San Paolo, the Vatican publishing house that eventually published 17 books from the Ancient Testament including Biglino’s interlinear literal translations from the Stuttgartensia Bible.
I am not disputing he has knowledge of Hebrew, btw, and technically he has a point that elohim is plural.
However, another Hebrew scholar has noted this:
These scholars appear to have overlooked the fact that Elohim, when it is intended to mean the singular Creator God and when it is a subject, is always accompanied by a singular verb-form. It may be referred to by singular or plural pronouns. In respect of the pronouns, it remains ambivalent, but this very fact implies a semantic tri-unity.
bə·rê·šîṯ Prep‑b | N‑fs bā·rā V‑Qal‑Perf‑3ms ’ĕ·lō·hîm N‑mp
If "elohim" simply meant "gods" here, why is "bara" in 3rd person masculine singular?
Genesis 1 Interlinear Bible
"He is debating them in front of an audience."
I get more than one hit with Biglino on youtube, but none which fits "debates priest".
- JS
- Hans-Georg Lundahl Do your own homework Hans. It's on there. Have fun.
- "homework" is one thing, but you claimed sth which is not to be found.
- IV
- LM
- Still wonder why Iraq was destroyed by US-israeli terrorism?
- JP
- LM Thanks to the internet and at times live stream technology The World is becoming fully aware of the Game. During the Night that Riots erupted in Egypt.. Something VERY STRANGE WAS HAPPENING AT THE BACK OF THE SPHINX. The film was taken from a distance and then enhanced but images of highly organised activity removing big boxes of something in large trucks was overseen by many soldiers (non egyptian) by their clothes... They made a big mistake not putting a silent mode black ops copter up with night googles... The film of the event went out. One-two weeks later? ... Page not found ha ha ha ha ha ha.
- JP If this was really online and no one took copies, that would be somewhat strange.
Often an interesting thing gets online, and before it's deleted, people take back up copies.
- V
- TR
- Sitchin was a 33 degree mason. Nothing but part of the evolutionists plan.
- Interesting to know.
In fact I do not know he was a 33 Degree Mason, but I have a hunch he was Jewish by origins : he was born in Russian Empire and moved as a child to Mandatory Palestine. Later he moved to New York.
Sitchin was born in Baku, Azerbaijan SSR and raised in Mandatory Palestine. He received a degree in economics from the University of London, and was an editor and journalist in Mandatory Palestine (which in 1948 became the modern state of Israel), before moving to New York in 1952.
I recall his having moved to New York as a child, but that could theoretically be bad memory? Or it could be wikipedia changed.
mardi 2 avril 2019
OK, Not Over
Is AI a Threat to Man? · Still Censored (for Fast Typing?) · Well, I was after all ... · Zuckerberg's Vandalism Continues · Yes, as Said ... · Blockade Over After All? · Or Maybe Not? · Could not Post to Page Wall · OK, Not Over · Still Not Over · FB Censors Links

I was guessing what St Francis of Sales had said in Lithuanian on the status:
Dėl savo begalinio gerumo Dievas niekada nepaliko tų, kurie nenorejo Jo palikti. ŠV. PRANCIŠKUS SALEZAS
My guess was wrong:
Because of His infinite goodness, God never left those who did not want to leave Him. ŠV. FRENCH SALEZAS
And note that St. Francis of Sales was not correctly translated.
And obviously, this motivation is a harrassment against those who acquire typing speed:
Il semble que vous n’avez pas utilisé cette fonctionnalité correctement en allant trop vite. Vous n’êtes plus autorisé à l’utiliser.
So, censorship, or overtrusting "AI", either way Zuckerberg is doing me an illservice./HGL
Update, next day:


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