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Here is a former status on the wall of Carter.
It links to:
Dystopian science Part 1: Why the Bible enables science to work
by Lita Cosner, Robert Carter | Published: 28 March 2019
I link to my own answers, as far as they have gone.
Here is what happened, first showing page as clearly as possible, upper and lower part:

Then showing why the last of my comments is in red, that is impossible to add comment:

Was he simply replacing the old status with a status linking to part 2.
At first, it does not look like that:

I have just shown the upper part of his wall, to where he has his upper bar, so as to show that seven minutes later, the latest status is from 30th of March.
Now that it is fifteen minutes later (19:30, in the meantime I linked my three posts to each other, will link them here), I think I can assume he's not replacing the status, so publishing this is not maligning him.
I think I have shown him in action as avoiding debate, precisely as I told you in that passage here:
"We should all strive for consistency in the way we think."
And since one should try to make sure, one should also test one's consistency in debate.
I do that all the time.
Certain on CMI have avoided this when it comes to debating Geocentrics.
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