mercredi 17 février 2021

What Creationism Believes about Evolutionists (and vice versa)

There's a certain amount of irony in claiming that the mere perception of what de facto *is* a conspiracy theory.

Don't forget Hans-Georg, a basic premise of Creationism us that large numbers of scientists are coordinating to try and undermine Creationism by publishing papers full of lies (and not letting Creationists publish simply because they're Creationists, speaking at seminars, in interviews and in documentaries, and setting and maintaining museum displays.

How one cannot consider that a conspiracy theory is beyond me.

"a basic premise of Creationism us that large numbers of scientists are coordinating to try and undermine Creationism by publishing papers full of lies"

No, it's not.

We do NOT think it is necessarily a question of dishonesty, more like incompetence. If you ask me.

"and not letting Creationists publish simply because they're Creationists"

That part is fairly well shown up by facts (unless it's extended to not letting them publish anything unconnected with creationism either).

While BC was wrong on how I perceive Evolution believers, I think he speaks for himself on how Evolution believers, of a certain type, perceive Young Earth Creationists.

JH thereon precisely totally ignores what I just said:

Hans-Georg Lundahl creationism, in particular YEC is animated by subjective absolutes that cannot be mitigated by objective evidence, FACTS. The loyslity oaths the creationist groups demand solidify them as religious, and not scientific groups, then they complain they are not included? They are religious institutions, therefore as such are included . Claiming "persecution"- is inane

Hans-Georg Lundahl the INDEPENDENT scientific methodologies be they paleontology, botney, geology, etc. are all in a secret cabal , meeting together to get creationists, " Soviet style" -? Such a allacious analogy is too inane to respond to .

Hans-Georg Lundahl
"the INDEPENDENT scientific methodologies be they paleontology, botney, geology, etc. are all in a secret cabal , meeting together to get creationists, " Soviet style" -?"

Sorry, your links* were not to palaeontologists, botanists, geologists, but to shrinks.

I very much did not pretend that the bona fide scientists (as opposed to shrinks) were in a cabal.

But neither do I pretend they are all strictly outside one. Since 80 or 90 something, shrinks have gone into discounselling debates on palaeontology, botany and geology related to Creation / Evolution, and some have turned to shrinks instead of turning to their best evidences, that is NOT being strictly outside the cabal either.

The other rant is precisely hypocritic, since the paleontologists, botanists and geologists and a few more very often do have subjective absolutes that cannot be mitigated by objective facts

As I said, incompetence, not cabal. Or conspiracy.

* On to Panda's Thumb and two to The Conversation.