Galileo and Hexenhammer · Last Days, Kent Hovind Group, Defining "Paedophilia" I · Defining "Paedophilia" II · Defining "Paedophilia" III · If Vampyrism is Wrong (It Is), Is Putting Vampyre Wannabees in Asylum Right? (No)
- JC not JC
- as in initials JC but not Jesus Christ or Julius Caesar
- his Status
- This group...
- I
- Are you saying the group are those mad guys or are you saying they are victims of a larger society treating creationism as mad?
Btw, where in apophthegmata or St Athanasius' biography do you find this attributed to St Anthony the Great?
- JC not JC
- I forgot where I got this from. This meme is for the viewer to interpret themselves.
- Which is why you gave an interpretation key with the words "this group" - right?
- II
- The group isnt "mad." You are the one that keeps posting crazy stuff. Stuff that needs the truth unraveled.
- Indeed, while he posts off topic, he is often right on ecclesiastical divisions.
Protestantism (including independent baptism) is wrong.
- TM
- You're mad you are, lol.
no 1 denomination has it all correct.
- Except the one which isn't one, but the Church Jesus founded.
- TM
- Which one was that then?
Is the one where Paul and Barnabus fell out, or the one the Paul and Peter had a disagreement?
- Paul and Barnabas agreed to go separate ways, and Paul helped St Peter to found the Church of Rome, while Barnabas helped St Narn to found the Church of Bergamo, both parts of Catholic Church.
The supposed "disagreement between Paul and Peter" (ref Galatians 2) may very well have been between Paul and some other man named Kephas.
- KK
- you are just bitter that Orthodox Christianity is a pagan cult derived from sun worship practices
- ΣτΚ
- A Pagan cult? Dude, it is THE purest church left on the planet! It adheres to the ORIGINAL Greek Written scriptures.
- NW
- ΣτΚ which one is that?
- ΣτΚ
- The original writings of the Bible was written in Greek. Thats what they follow. 🤷♂️
- NW
- ΣτΚ which church/denomination I mean?
- ΣτΚ
- Not sure of the entirety of the church denominations and history. Everybody seems to have their own version of events. It’s a hotly debated chapter of biblical history. But it’s an undeniable fact that the New Testament was written in Greek. And the Greek Orthodox church has remained true to tradition from it’s conception.
- IV
- СШ
- Srpski živi svetac Patrijarh Pavle 💖
- GF
- This guy got words from the Bible and altered them to make this saying
- TM
- sorry we don't share your orthodox delusion
- MR
- A frend of mine speaking to a group of shall we say those down at heal , one shouted you are brain washed , his reply no I'm heart washed . Have you been to Jesus for the cleansing power are you washed in the blood of the lamb.... I wish all well
- The world certainly think we are mad.
- IS
- If you don't get what this means, it' because you are one of the many
- DT
- That is exactly why you keep posting your twisted posts because you think that we are mad, and you think that you can straighten us out.
- StG
- woe to those who call good evil and evil good
- SL
- "St anthony the great??" Please! I think its time to turn off this non biblical drivel.
- ΣτΚ
- Thats my boy! God bless the Orthodox church!
- MB
- "You're not going crazy, Arthur. You're going sane in a CRAZY world!"
- RK
- It's just so funny seeing outraged proties mock 2000 years of Christianity in these comments. Next thing they'll tell us is that Israel's coming Mashiach is Our Lord and we need worship him. Well no thanks, count me out of this evil anti-Christ, mad, age....and nice post by the way (and no, I'm not 'Ordodox' :) ).
- V
- RB
[only showing the fake stats of a very ugly meme, HGL editing]
- 1) the first number is an estimate
- 2) many bishops preferred paying over backing priests claiming innocence
- 3) I doubt that third statistic, I think as a now dead priest said, most of the "victims" were girls over 13 and consenting.
- 4) PLUS it is about the Vatican II sect
- 5) PLUS the claim comes from sth Chick-tract-like.
Not to mention, JC not JC is not RC but (modernist I estimate) EO.
- RB
- How does a 13 year old girl consent?
- By saying yes.
By taking initiatives, sometimes.
That counts as consent, and the AGE of consent - normally to marriage, mind you - is normally 14 for boys, 12 for girls.
If you deny that, you are taking the side of Lenin who raised marital age to 18 after his revolution and of Bill Clinton who made sure SC girls could not any LONGER quit school at age 12 to marry (there was one who did back in his day, 1995 - or either of the years around it).
- RB
- I'm saying if you have sex with a 13 year old girl, you are a paedophile who should have a millstone tied around your neck.
The stats in the meme I posted came from various studies and research. I didn't pull them out of my ass (no pun intended).
- Did you note that your stat said "ALLEGED" victims?
That means, not proven in court.
- RB
- *Not proven in court* in no way means that no one was raped.
Pedos often use that excuse.
The RCC is not a Christian church.
- Not proven in court means, you don't know a shit about how many were abused and how many of those were willing in some way.
Your conclusion does not follow, unless you restrict it to US episcopacies, which are not very Catholic anyway.
In Poland you don't have that crisis.
- Note
- On Poland see here:
USA Today : Poland archbishop slammed over sex abuse comments
Monika Scislowska Associated Press | Published 6:14 AM EDT Oct 23, 2013
The debate started last month after Dominican Republic investigators revealed child sex abuse allegations against two Polish clergymen: Archbishop Jozef Wesolowski, the Vatican's ambassador, and Rev. Wojciech Gil, a parish priest. Wesolowski has been forcibly removed by the Vatican. Gil has denied sex abuse and suggested that Dominican drug mafia is taking revenge on him for his educational work.
Some 27 Polish priests have been tried for sex abuse since 2001, but most cases ended in suspended prison term — indicating a general leniency for the church in Poland, where religion is taught in schools and senior church officials attend state ceremonies.
- RB
- Umm, you aren't *into* 13 year olds, are you?
- Not into 13 year old boys.
Also, your stas seem very warped about age.
The report you cite says this:
"Pedophilia is defined as an exclusive sexual attraction to pre-pubescent children, however, 77.4 percent of victims of clergy abuse were eleven years of age or older."
- RB
- They aren't warped. Why not boys? You are into little girls, so why not boys?
- Genesis 1:28, be fruitful and multiply.
I cannot marry a person I cannot beget children with normally.
RB "I'm saying if you have sex with a 13 year old girl, you are a paedophile who should have a millstone tied around your neck."
Even if I marry her first?
In a state where it is legal?
Keep millstones for people who prefer 10, 9 or younger .... or boys of 13.
- VI
- RB
- the false witness is yours buddy. Are you into 13 year old girls who say *yes*?
- I might have been unless I were presently into a somewhat older girl who hasn't yet done so.
But I definitely count that as valid consent.
I also think, unlike Lenin and yourself, that blocking those girls from marriage is very great part of what drives some of them into the hands and - beds - of really abusive people;
- RB
- Thanks for the screenshot admitting to being a paedophile. You are a sick person. God will crush you.
JC not JC are you into young girls too buddy?
- I am very sorry, but your screenshot has very little value as proof of any crime.
It has of course great value as proof of our disagreement on values, and on your siding with Lenin and Clinton on this matter.
We'll see whom God will crush.
- RB
- Yes we will buddy. Yes we will.
Who will Jesus crush...
Those who look at little girls as sex objects, or those who protect little children...
We;ll see ;)
- How about those who call evil good and good evil?
Protecting someone as children who are no longer so and calling "paedophilia" what is normal attraction would qualify as that.
Not to forget the verse about last days and forbidding to marry ....
- RB
- Wow you think not being able to marry little girls goes against scripture?
- When it comes to girls whom God through puberty has made able to be mothers, yes.
ESPECIALLY if it's not an unusually young puberty, but a normal one, which for girls is 12 + some months.
- RB
- How old are you? Are you married?
- 50, no, thanks to guys like you spreading dirty suspicions about me so girls very much older than 13 have been stopped from getting near me.
- RB
- SO you have sex with little girls out of wedlock...
- I'm a virgin.
- RB
- Liar.
- No. you are bearing hasty judgement.
- RB
- No, I am responding to someone who thinks little girls can consent to sex with you.
- I am responding to a Leninist who thinks a girl of 13 is in this sense a "little girl"
- RB
- You are responding to a follower of Jesus Christ, who is exposing yrou for the paedophile that you are.
You are really sick you servant of Ba'al
- You are not exposing anything except your lack of culture and of theological understanding of marriage.
Or even of Creation.
A boy at 14 and some, a girl at 12 and some can definitely be in the situation depicted by St Paul in I Corinthians 7. (Verse 2, I think I recall), meaning, forbidding them to marry is tempting them to sin and some so tempted do get in touch with REAL servants of Baal.
Are they tempted by God? Or are they tempted by the likes of you banding up with Lenin and Clinton to forbid young marriages?
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