Men, Dinos, Trent, Church Fathers · Continuing with Tom Dorsey · Men, Dinos, C14 and Harry Weatherford · Two other subthreads, here with Creationists
- I
- Brian Lantz
- Frankly I think that was a period of history so violent, demanding a worldwide flood, that man raised the dinosaurs as a food source!!! lol
- Harry Weatherford
- Sophia Kok
- Yuppa duppa dooooo!!!!😬😆
- Brian Lantz
- Sophia Kok that's Yabba Dabba do and I don't think they were quite that happy
Sophia Kok in fact if you want to look at some of the crazy stuff they made long before the Egyptian pyramids Google Baalbek. Frankly I think it was dedicated to human sacrifice
- Sophia Kok
- Brian Lantz Baal? It’s detestable to God , so is Astheroth, Molech , and many Egyptian and Babylonian gods
- Brian Lantz
- Baalbek not ball. This is much earlier than that
- Sophia Kok
- Brian Lantz
The Myth of the Megalith
By Elif Batuman | December 18, 2014
☝️this one you mean ? Their root also from Baal , the word Baalbek tells about it
- Brian Lantz
- Sophia Kok that's just a name given to it we don't know what it is. The article isn't very descriptive you can find better pictures of it elsewhere illustrating 1500 ton megalithic Stone precisely cut and precisely stacked on each other. That's not something the Romans did their biggest crane was no more than 10 times. In fact it in most the megalithic sites around the world you will find huge foundational sounds even bigger than 15 and 20 tons upon which people came later and built with smaller cut stones. But find the picture of the pillar with a 90-ton Capstone sitting on a pillar 60 feet high. Nobody knows how that was done. The article is imbecilic
- Sophia Kok
- Brian Lantz noted
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- Brian Lantz - I don't think dinos are very edible.
I do think they are very dangerous, and so can have been used as death trap fences (like machine guns at Berlin wall).
- Brian Lantz
- Hans-Georg Lundahl oh my gosh some of those animals presented huge steaks veryfit for those who built Baalbek. Google Baalbek and look at some of their work
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- If you have heard Kent Hovind's video on crypto-zoology, there is one with a plesiosaur or sth getting killed and being TOTALLY inedible.
- Brian Lantz
- Hans-Georg Lundahl apparently the other dinosaur that killed him didn't seem to think so
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- I am sure dinosaurs don't have the same taste buds as we do.
[I added the link to this post as notification.]
- II
- James T Beaton
- Genesis didn’t say much about the animals before the flood. I’m sure there were large animals that didn’t survive in the flood.
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- The Flood would for land animals be the least likely time to go extinct.
Before or after, but not at.
Human populations did go extinct though : Neanderthals, Denisovans and Flores Hobbits.
(I suppose that Homo Antecessor and Homo Heidelbergensis are two aliases of Denisovans : Antecessor in Atapuerca has been analysed as having a genome with Denisovan traits, and they are anatomically very close to Heidelbergians).
- James T Beaton
- Hans-Georg Lundahl sounds like you believe in evolution
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- Where do you get that from?
- James T Beaton
- Hans-Georg Lundahl from your words. Non biblical and evolution terms.
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- But none of the terms were used to bolster evolution or to contradict anything in the Bible.
- James T Beaton
- Hans-Georg Lundahl ya think?
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- Yes, show otherwise if you can.
- James T Beaton
- Hans-Georg Lundahl evolution terms versus biblical terms are obvious.
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- What Biblical term was negated by the use of so called "evolution" terms?
Is Genesis 10:32 These are the families of Noe, according to their peoples and nations. By these were the nations divided on the earth after the flood. - is it contradicted by my saying there are biological differences between Japanese and Negros, like in capacity to drink milk as adults?
Hence saying that Denisovans, Heidelbergians, Neanderthals and Sethite = Cro-Magnon = Noah's race all "evolved" from Adam is also not contradicting the Bible.
- James T Beaton
- Hans-Georg Lundahl wow
I studied evolution and the Scriptures for almost 50 years. It’s amazing to see the twisting and misinterpretations.
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- What exactly is twisted compared to what?
- James T Beaton
- Hans-Georg Lundahl human reasoning
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- Yes, what about it?
You might use some of it on this one:
Yes and no.
Adam and Eve were all 512 to some (like Lamech, if I counted right)
- James T Beaton
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
The Bible does not use the term caveman or Neanderthals. So, according to the Bible there is no such thing as “prehistoric” man, in that sense. The Bible gives no indication that Adam and Eve evolved from lower life forms.
When God created Adam and Eve, they were fully developed human beings, capable of communication, society, and development (Genesis 2:19–25; 3:1–20; 4:1–12).
The creation vs. evolution debate even exists in its present form. Romans 1:25 declares, “They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.”
The Bible is clear: God is the Creator. Any interpretation of science that attempts to remove God from involvement with origins is incompatible with Scripture.
- David Jackson
- All races descended from Adam and Eve, and later from Noah and his family. I am sure there were some unusual offshoots... pygmies, etc.
In Hawaii there was a race they called the menehune, or little people who were there when the earliest Hawaiians arrived.
Skeletons of giants have also been found around the world.
Some of these tales of unusual races in the past may be only legends, but I suspect that at least some of them are real.
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- James T Beaton "The Bible does not use the term caveman or Neanderthals"
"So, according to the Bible there is no such thing as “prehistoric” man, in that sense."
More like, there is no such thing as prehistoric in the sense of being before there was history, Biblical history starts with Adam.
"The Bible gives no indication that Adam and Eve evolved from lower life forms."
Didn't say they did.
Neanderthals and Apauerca men [Atapuerca men] have been found, they have to fit in somewhere, if not before Adam, as you said, then after.
[as you said = as you rightly said]
- James T Beaton
- David Jackson either be all biblical or don’t play Christian using evolution terms.
- David Jackson
- James T Beaton I am 0% evolution. I won't cede all words to them them, though.
- James T Beaton
- David Jackson sorry. That was meant for Hans-Georg Lundahl
[For those unfamiliar with Facebook. In the groups or on the walls, FB has a system in which you can write a few letters and it fills in suggestions of names, or you can click reply and it fills in the name of the one you clicked reply under. James probably wanted to reply to me, but clicked "reply" under a comment of David.]
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- Look here.
Neanderthals have been found. What term do you propose for them?
I am Biblical, since I place them in a Biblical context.
They lived after Adam, i e after 5199 BC, and before the Flood, i e before 2957 BC (Biblical chronology as per the LXX version available to St Jerome when he calculated the chronology the Catholic Church or its Latin rite liturgy uses at Christmas).
I think that should be Biblical enough for you.
And before you propose "pre-Flood men", Heidelbergians, Antecessors and Denisovans were ALSO pre-Flood men, all of which may have been same race type or very similar with each other, but were not so with Neanderthals or with Cro-Magnon, that is, with Noah's race type.
Human reasoning can go wrong like if Lamech had said "no way I could have just two ancestors seven generations ago, there must be 512 of them!" (probably Lamech did believe in Adam and Eve, this example is spoof).
But human reasoning can get it right by saying that 512 ancestors need not be 512 different people.
Btw, it's not necessary that Adam and Eve were always in the 512 ancestor generation to Lamech, with people marrying nieces or aunts, some lines from Lamech back to Adam and Eve could be longer than the patrilinear one given in Genesis 4 and some could be shorter.
Same way, human reasoning can go wrong with Neanderthals and Denisovans, with Antecessors and Heidelbergians ... by assuming they evolved prior to times recorded in the Bible, by taking certain types of dating too literally or trusting certain other types at all.
But human reasoning obedient to the faith can get it right too.
[I added the link to this post as notification.]
- James T Beaton
- Hans-Georg Lundahl if they don’t agree with Genesis. Then it is human reasoning and rejecting God’s word over man’s words.
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- Well, you did not catch me not agreeing with Genesis anywere.
- James T Beaton
- Hans-Georg Lundahl evolution terms and theories do not belong in Christianity. By faith, we are trust God’s Words alone.
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- Evolution THEORIES do not being in Christianity.
You did not tell me which TERM can be only used appropriately by a deluded evolution believer.
What term would you use for the men whose bones are found in Sidrón cave?
OxA-21776 bone 48400 ± 3200 Galeria del Osario III
Beta-192065 tooth SID-19 40840 ± 1200 Galeria del Osario III
GifA-99704 Hominid bone SID-00B 49200 ± 2500 Galeria del Osario III
Beta-192066 Hominid bone SID-20 37300 ± 830 Galeria del Osario III
What term would you use for the men whose bones were found in Mauer near Heidelberg, or Petralona, near Thessaloniki?
What term would you use for the men in Denisova who were not Neanderthals?
Calling all of them "pre-Flood men" obfuscates:
- they are different between them
- they are different from the pre-Flood men we mainly descent from (Noah was Cro-Magnon type man)
- there is a controversy among Creationists whether they were pre-Flood, early post-Flood or even post-Babel.
I consider them pre-Flood, Cuozzo says they were post-Flood patriarchs who lived long (as I understood him as cited by Kent Hovind), and CMI considers them (at least Neanderthals) as one post-Babel population.
- James T Beaton
- Hans-Georg Lundahl well. That’s your reasoning I don’t agree with.
- Hans-Georg Lundahl
- OK, you don't agree with it, but you haven't shown it contradicts Genesis, bc I nowhere did that.
Back to start.