lundi 13 janvier 2025

Zuckerberg Changed His Policy?

By 20 minutes 18 seconds in this video, I had heard it:

Singing From the Ruins | FORWARD BOLDLY
Christine Niles | 12.I.2025

I decided to test. Well, not to me:

What I tried to share, the first of these three (which link to each other), here:

Newer Tables: Preliminaries · Flood to Joseph in Egypt · Joseph in Egypt to Fall of Troy.

Where a tried to share:

Radiometric Dating

The group is dedicated to a discussion between Deep Timers and Young Earth Creationists about diverse methods of Radiometric dating, one of which is carbon dating. My intended post was entirely appropriate for the group. No one has stamped my blogs as criminal in any court of law in France, at least none where I was able to answer or that I heard of. Facebook is treating my blogs as criminal, because they do not support the agenda of promoting Big Bang Cosmology, Deep Time Evolution, possibly also parts of what Roger Buck calls "Eastern, Esoteric, Ecumenic, English" which does take issue with Modern Science on lots of issues, but not on these ones./HGL

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