dimanche 19 mai 2024

Carbon Dating : A Creationist Expert, Myself

Pete F. Fiske
LD 21.IV.2024
What About Radioisotope Clocks?

Secularists claim that radioisotope ages “objectively and scientifically” confirm millions of years. But ICR scientists have carefully examined their claims and found flaws and holes in their processes. What do radioisotope clocks actually reveal about the age of rocks and, ultimately, the earth?



It can be mentioned
that the IRC professor's name is Dr. Timothy Clarey.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Principal contributeur
3:24 I believe accuracy can be pushed further back WITH a Biblical recalibration.

Genesis 14, Abraham was c. 80 (between his vocation in Genesis 12 at 75 and birth of Ishmael in Genesis 16, when he was 86).

So, whatever BC date you place his birth, deduct 80. For me that's 2015 - 80 = 1935. The thing is, he is contemporary to Amorrheans being attacked in En-Geddi, which is carbon dated to 3500 BC.

So, when you say "everyone is the same age" back in 1935 BC, everyone would have been 1565 years old. (3500 - 1935 = 1565).

This one is the absolutely clearest node that can be used to carbon date with a Biblical recalibration. I would say, the nodes apart from this that are "second cledarest" would be Kenyon carbon dating Jericho's fall to 1550 BC, compared to whatever date you allow for Exodus and then 40 years more recent. For me that would be 1550 - 1470 = 80.

Göbekli Tepe as candidate for Nimrod's original Babel is by now pretty solid, I've answered objection after objection over the years. The hardest one is bricks and bitumen for stones and mortar. You do find pavements in Jericho from this time (so, not everyone was in the Babel area) that include sth like broken ceramic bricks in a kind of mortar. You could also argue that the Hebrew terms from the etymology could describe sth else. If burned chalk is found inside the stomped earth, that would confirm that idea. 9500 to 8000 BC are then the carbon dates for beginning and end of Babel. To me, that's forty years within the 51 between Noah's death and Peleg's birth (LXX without the II Cainan), 350 and 401 after the Flood in 2957 BC, so, 9500 - 2607 = 6893 extra years, 8000 - 2556 = 5444 extra years. I have made previous tables where Göbekli Tepe lasts from 9600 to 8600 instead, depends on what online sources I access, a recent article gave 9500 to 8000 BC.

Finally, I take Joseph as Imhotep, so his pharao as Djoser, and Moses as temporarily Amenemhet IV (following David Down) so born under Senusret III. These two are very much disputed by many creationists who want an Exodus during the New Kingdom and the Israelites as Hyksos. But I think that would make a trainwreck of the carbon 14 rise from Genesis 14 to the fall of Jericho.

And Fall of Troy = carbon date = historic date, depends on what exact level of Troy you identify with the Trojan War.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Principal contributeur
4:21 I would say that the pre-Flood world ends in roughly 39 000 BP or 37 000 BC carbon date.

Tephra of Campi Flegrei.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Principal contributeur
4:41 Not just that. But if "floodgates of heaven were opened" describes a Brown's gas mixture of lower atmosphere Oxygen meeting higher atmosphere Hydrogen, then there was lots more Oxygen in the atmosphere too, which is now in the water cycle instead. This would mean that the Nitrogen was scarcer, so the Nitrogen 14 atoms that were hit by cosmic radiation were further apart, so, less Carbon 14 was being produced.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Principal contributeur
9:53 Quoting from AiG:

Yet diamonds have been tested and shown to contain radiocarbon equivalent to an “age” of 55,000 years. These results have been confirmed by other investigators.

Perfectly consistent with my carbon date of 39000 BP for the Flood, if the diamonds were from organisms with a few decades old carbon in medium.

This would mean a dino carbon dated to 20 000 BP would either have Carbon 12 turning into Carbon 14 by radioactive contamination. And Hell Creek and Morrisson Formations are Uranium territory. Or, they would be post-Flood, come from landslides.

The Quote
is from:

Answers in Genesis : Carbon-14 in Fossils and Diamonds
An Evolution Dilemma
by Dr. Andrew A. Snelling Featured in Answers Magazine

Footnotes 14, 15 and 16 are:

J. R. Baumgardner, “14C Evidence for a Recent Global Flood and a Young Earth,” in Radioisotopes and the Age of the Earth: Results of a Young-Earth Creationist Research Initiative, eds. L. Vardiman, A. A. Snelling, and E. F. Chaffin (El Cajon, California: Institute for Creation Research, and Chino Valley, Arizona: Creation Research Society, 2005), pp. 587–630.

D. B. DeYoung, Thousands . . . Not Billions: Challenging an Icon of Evolution, Questioning the Age of the Earth (Green Forest, Arkansas: Master Books, 2005), pp. 45–62.

R. E. Taylor and J. Southon, “Use of Natural Diamonds to Monitor 14C AMS Instrument Backgrounds,” Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 259 (2007): 282–287.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Principal contributeur
10:26 Here I sign off. The other dating methods are my non-expertise. One should know one's limits.

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