mardi 24 septembre 2019

A Certain Type of Over-Caution and Over-Suspicion

Zachary Miller
Will Greta Thunberg join an ecofascist gang when she learns how much her neoliberal groomers actually care about the environment?

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Who the Hell says she is either neoliberal or has groomers?

She's probably more like social democrat, and with the ecofascism ambient in Sweden she needs no groomers for doing what she does.…

Zachary Miller
She seems to be working for the Pro-EU crowd. Neoliberals.

And the groomers are the gatekeepers to mainstream culture. She wouldn't even have gotten through the door, much less onstage with Donald Trump, unless she demonstrated the willingness to take direction from the neoliberals machine.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
That last sentence is very clearly defeatist when it comes to getting things done.

If Chesterton had had your attitude, he would perhaps not even have published Orthodoxy, much less the later ones.

I am writing, I am time after time saying to people who enjoy what I write "we can do it, we can get my things published in the end even large scale" and you are saying "no, we can't get anything done".

YOU become a gatekeeper by refusing to believe anyone except neoliberals can function as a gatekeeper.

As to her agenda, she is not taking directives, she is reacting on what she was taught in school.

An honest reaction, and if the result strikes you as "she is manipulated" that says something about how manipulated the swedish public in general is by certain agendas pushed in the schools (nearly no private schools, earlier very little now no allowances at all for homeschooling).

Zachary Miller
We can get things done on smaller scales. But access to the direct mainstream has a price.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
[started writing]
You mean direct access to the mainstream ... well, one price can be doing something which will get viral.

Illuminati are not all powerful and do not control everything.

Chesterton had a point when saying that the French Revolution bred people who were willing to be great (someone else has said, when you can get your head chopped off anyway, what's the point in being discreet).

While some other ages have people getting content to [here I saw a notification]

Per mail

Zachary Miller
I deleted the thread bc I realized it was uncharitable.
(Greta Thunberg)

Hans-Georg Lundahl
I think your initial one was not just uncharitable, but simply incorrect.

I believe your deletion of it is an act of gatekeeping and how some trads have been shooting me and perhaps themselves in the foot over and over again.

Get a father confessor who is not a pussy about "charitable" in words.

The deletion is a useless mending of a hurt you already did by a status given one hour ago, with 33 likes before you removed it.

You have basically already slandered her, and then hidden my correction. And whether I was charitable or not was not your responsibility.

Your act is worthy of a Talmudist, not a Catholic. And you can tell your father confessor so.

Zachary Miller
Thank you.

My intention was to remove the criticism of the young girl, not to silence your correction.

Hans Georg Lundahl
Well, then you can be glad that I saved all of the debate on the blog HGL'S F.B. WRITINGS (which FB is blocking) and had it under the heading A Certain Type of Over-Caution and Over-Suspicion.

But the reaction is prone to have the effect I mentioned. Someone else can have a similar meme later on and so on.

I don't think she is too young to be criticised, I just think the criticism was partly very wrong.

Zachary Miller
Even if the criticism is true, and I think it is, it still isnt a nice thing to say publicly about a young girl.

Hans Georg Lundahl
She is a public person.

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