mardi 18 juin 2019

FB's Definition of Spam

Abusive Block on Φιλολoγικά/Philologica Blog · FB's Definition of Spam

I just saw what FB presents its community standards as meaning by "spam".

16. Spam
We work hard to limit the spread of commercial spam to prevent false advertising, fraud, and security breaches, all of which detract from people's ability to share and connect. We do not allow people to use misleading or inaccurate information to collect likes, followers, or shares.

All of my blogs are, in the online version*, non-commercial.

As to fraud, "misleading or inaccurate information" that comes down to some admin on FB considering what I said on a blog post as wrong, and spam marking it as he judges it wrong, which in turn means, FB censors content.

For instance, if my blog favours Catholicism, which they regularly do, a Muslim FB admin can consider that as "misleading or inaccurate information". If they favour Young Earth Creationism or Geocentrism, both of which also regularly happens, a man from the Communist Party or with NASA affiliations or from National Center for Science Education can abuse the position as FB admin to spam mark my blog post.

Just because "spam" and "scam" sound similar, they are not the same word, and "scam" is a criminal charge which they would like to prove, not just "apply" by marking things to become invisible to all but them and myself.

And as to spam properly speaking, putting up an article not only on your own wall, but also that of a concerned by subject or of a friend having birthday is clearly something other than "unsolicited mass mail". If a friend of mine should seriously feel as if getting too many of my posts on his or her wall, the person is free to say it and unfriending is clearly an option.

Hans Georg Lundahl
Bibl. Parmentier
St. Ephrem of Edessa

* I do give an option of readers starting to print and sell, and then their book format version of some of my texts would very much be commercial. If it were advertised, it would arguably be advertised by them, and therefore they would have to answer for, for instance, books being available on time.

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