mardi 20 août 2024

Quick Question on Geocentrism

HGL's F.B. writings: Quick Question on Geocentrism · Next Question on Geocentrism · Assorted retorts from yahoo boards and elsewhere: Levi Joshua Pingleton Nearly Right · Baronius is NOT Galileo · Moon Landing, Not TOTALLY Proven, and Even If Completely True, No Proof Against Geocentrism

Catholic Cosmology and Geocentrism
Rick Todd · 17.VIII.2024
Quick question: what purpose do the stars serve in the geostatic/geostationary model? Do they act as gravitational pull to keep the earth as the center of mass? Why have stars at all? I am assuming that it is impossible to visit the stars from earth and that there is no life other than our planet, so is that why they were created? I consider the placement of the planets in our solar system to protect us from space debris and place our planet in a habitable zone so life can exist...

Carl Tan
For navigation on earth, and the fact that there is a pattern to the placement of the stars and galaxies and quasars means God is showing us that the earth is the center of the universe and that He is real.

Hans-Georg Lundahl
Times and seasons (the seasons happen when the Sun goes through the Zodiac).
As Carl Tan mentioned, navigation, not just of men, but also of certain fish and birds.

This last point, as the fish and birds were created on day 5 and the stars on day 4 is a good reason to believe the stars were then, perhaps are still now, 1 lightday above earth.

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