samedi 16 février 2019

Some Men Who Saw or Committed Too Much Cruelty in Action Become Jaded

For instance, while Francisco Franco was arguably tons better than Azaña for Spain, he had some deficiencies in sensibilities about physical cruelty. Arguably, he had seen too much of it on the Rif (he may have seen things this guy has not seen), and he had maybe also done a few things too much under the orders of Gil Robles, while repressing the Red Terror in Asturias.

This does not mean we must change them, nor that we must punish them. But some things are good to take a distance from.


So, he claims, she deserves a lynching:

she should be taken around the back of whatever terminal this is, shot once, cleanly, in the back of the skull and her lifeless, wretched body dumped in the nearest industrial waste container to be disposed of the following more with the rest of the useless garbage.

Considering how damaging modern school systems are, I don't think a Muslim or Muslima caught in such should be that heavily judged simply for having joined ISIS.

One could argue, one would not want her back, that is another story. But she should not be murdered.

I'll send this to the police, and hope they take contact with their British colleagues. Let's hope TL (I'm not exposing his full identity to the public) was just letting off steam. But I definitely do not share his sentiment. Little as I like ISIS./HGL

Did send to French police, and did unfriend him. Oh, the police got the full details of his profile too./HGL

Update, 17:25 same day (16.II.2019)

Is it just a coincidence there is some fan of TL who is showing a gif of Putin winking with the right eye? I don't think so:

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